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You don't have to be an Ayn Rand fanboy to appreciate how well she described how society slowly breaks to pieces under the weight of what we call "leftist" ideas.

Maybe because she lived through it.

But society doesn't break apart in a moment. It slowly corrodes; one decision at a time. Once it becomes more important to avoid thought crime than do the right thing, a series of responsibility avoidance over a long time frame across a large number of people leads to a blown out window. It isn't a random event. It's a chain reaction of decaying society where everyone is just looking out for themselves and the highest goal is avoiding responsibility and virtue signaling rather than pride in the best tool you can make, and the best designs, and the best windows, and the best workmanship, and pride in a plane that can fly.

> Chinese Communism

China may be authoritarian, but show me an example of communism in modern China. In many ways it is more capitalist than the West. You just become a target once you're successful.