FBXL Social

they want you to suffer

Please pay no attention to the meaning of life. Continue to consoom and work for ultraglobalmegacorp as a drone until you die of overwork.

@jeff >Oh my a good meme about family I should save this

I hope the guy who made this will never have a real family

@MK2boogaloo @jeff pacman -S imagemagick && convert MY_WEBP.webp MY_PNG.png

@sj_zero @jeff This is all true but I do kinda feel like my parents deserved to have better margins, esp. considering my dad's salary; the only reason they don't is because I have so many siblings

@MK2boogaloo @jeff WebP is the best image format. Jpeg and PNG are literally old enough to drink at this point.

@kirby @MK2boogaloo @jeff

You do realize some people are going to copy that and run 'pacman -S imagemagick' every time they want to convert an image, right?

@LCCMV @MK2boogaloo @jeff it's probably more of an issue if it's not immediately obvious what this simple one liner does