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I can think of like three widespread things happening that in 30 years people are going to say "how did people stand by while this was happening"

@sun drumpt's presidential race rite

@sun tfw standing by

@scathach same, not safe to say something

@Hyolobrika @anemone they absolutely are, they are building the infrastructure and collecting everyone's information so they can pivot it to conscription and draft later.

@sun @anemone @Hyolobrika I don't see how any doubt is possible that national service is introduced as a step to draft. It's not a slippery slope at all, it's a measured progression. It's like how gun registration precedes confiscation.

In addition, U.K. is the most crazy with Russophobic madness in Europe (for certain values of "in"), been for many years. They really itch for a full-on war. Worse than Polaks even. They 100% rely on dragging the U.S. into it again. That is the context that makes them push for a draft no matter what.

@union @anemone @Hyolobrika yeah slippery slope implies that it will just naturally happen if you let it and I am saying I think they are definitely conspiring to do this.

@sun @union @Hyolobrika @anemone incrementalist approach

It's up for debate whether the US or UK should get into that fight but opposing Russian aggression is definitely not "Russophobia". That's like saying that opposing Israeli aggression towards Gaza is antisemitism, or that opposing Germany's invasion of Poland was anti-German, etc, etc.

@Hyolobrika @anemone @union england probably not in danger from russia tho

@Hyolobrika @anemone @sun

Imgine a terrorist entity on your border, propped by hostile foreign powers. Now guess if this is Gaza or Ukraine.

Altruism is good. The question is whether it's right to sacrifice young people's lives against their will for that altruism. I would say no.

Good thing I live in Wales then :^)

@sun @Hyolobrika @anemone @union Don't doubt that some people in Russia want it to happen to the UK though.

We do have a fear of Russia here. You hear things like Russian Interference or Russian bots, and then the things that we did to Russia in response to what happened in Ukraine is crazy. Stripped Russians of assets, supposedly if they had ties to Putin but I have no way of confirming this. A Russian gave a sports team away for like £1, thought that we could starve the Russian people into starting a revolution against Putin that we called a dictator... these people are not friends of the Russian people. Russian media got shut down too.

@jeffcliff @sun @Hyolobrika @anemone @union Yes, we are. We are fully on board with provoking Russia and pushing for Ukraine aid. Ukraine called us their biggest supporter if I recall, some special relationship exists there. We sent a lot of aid to them. We are cut off from Russia because we cut the ties, even cut their media and took assets. It was quite the power grab really.

@sun one of them was Red Leader

@sun @Hyolobrika @anemone im sure all those brown men they let in are real eager to get shot at so israel can bulldoze palestinian villages


If the UK wants to be in danger from Russia they’ll find a way

@anemone @union @Hyolobrika