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https://turso.tech/ mein gott they colonized sqlite

> But despite having its code available, SQLite [..] doesn't adhere to a code of conduct. So community improvements cannot be widely enjoyed.

maybe it became a standard because it is good and not because it was busy being a communist block captain

> Creating a function requires providing its name and WebAssembly source code (in WebAssembly text format). The ABI for translating between WebAssembly types and libSQL types is to be standardized soon.

@icedquinn erm, that may be because sqlite is open-source but not a community project. It is a company project, that is sold.

Also, what is this fuckery of a thing that seems to be some kind of dumb SQLite over RADOS or some similar shit and tries to be pretentious as fuck?

@Archivist they wanted to add some stuff to sqlite. some of it seemed ok (like random rowid.) i just take offense to the idea that if you don't have a local commie block captain the project is somehow unusable.

like you could have just stopped at "we wanted to add some things"

@Archivist especially since we've seen the full mask off wrt. Nix going around purging everyone right of Mao and claiming its oppression if the conduct board isn't given total dictatorial power with no oversight (as happened with Python) it's a... very strange thing to proudly proclaim.

@icedquinn yeah, as a local autistic moron that screams movie references because echolalias are a thing, I do not want to be anywhere in range of the python conduct board, I would 100% get canceled for liking a stupid movie quote

@Archivist i've always been of the feeling that people can feel as bad as they want while the rising tide raises all ships.

scions are precious and normies—as compliance testing robots—are incapable of scientific achievements.

@Archivist there are limits—obviously—but if the problem is solved by just not letting the dev team talk to twitter without PR's oversight then hire the PR rep with the fist full of cash you are making from hypercompetent workers

> I would 100% get canceled for liking a stupid movie quote

Too many people are oblivious to how dangerous it is for this behavior to become normalized.

@threalist @Archivist i think they were doubly mad that he stood up for himself and made them expose themselves for the ass clown authoritarians they are.

remember the actual reason for conviction included "monopolizing the discussion" because he kept making them justify why they should have more powers.

@threalist @Archivist between nix and python its time we just airlock the codes of conduct and everyone involved with them.

i thought they were a bit obvious and redundant (most of the rules of the reasonable ones were -already- netiquette or platform rules on github) but they are clearly malicious.

@threalist @icedquinn

Anyone that you are not allowed to mock or criticise is privileged over you. They have the most frightening amount of power over you

@Archivist @threalist some days i wish their rhetoric was real because they make it sound like they are seconds away from being flatlined at any given moment

and i'm not sure that anything of value would be lost if they were

sadly most of the "garbo nazis" are actually pretty well behaved people that have no interest in such things and just want to grill and enjoy peace

@icedquinn @threalist most of this rhetoric is doing a disservice to their cause. It makes real issues seem incredibly shallow by equating any careless statement into violence, which in turns equates violence with a careless statement. If a reference from a comedy sketch from the 70s hurt you enough to fire a dude, it minimizes the punishment for SA under the hush that most corpos do (looking at you MrBeast)

@Archivist @threalist zoomers haven't faced real adversity is the problem, i think.

@Archivist @threalist i used to have conversations with some people about that. they were still crowing about racism this and that. but the reality is people who are in their 20s today have never known a world where lynch mobs existed and black people were forced to stock their house full of arms to stop the KKK.

they don't even know basic history like the NRA's first case was to prevent disarming black folk so they could be killed by race mobs, and gun control in the USA is fundamentally rooted in disarming black citizens so they could be killed by race mobs.

@icedquinn @threalist nah, I disagree with that, but I think people in those commitees are always either stupid or malicious, and you do not want either idiot or malevolent people in what is an ethics commitee

@Archivist @threalist adversity eats the stupid

@icedquinn @threalist know a friend who lived real racism, got holes shot through the floor of their flat when he was a kid because of their skin colour and had to move to a house out of town and get the military to guard it

@Archivist @threalist have been wondering for a few years about this now. taleb had a book where he talks about people going "wow the gulags made people strong"

then points out gulags did not make russians strong. gulags ate russians who were weak. its the same as irradiating mice and saying the survivors are strong.

survivorship bias seems to fit a lot of societal issues overall. where the stupid could not physically continue to live (ex. mountainous areas, harsh seasons, etc) there are less stupid people. where stupid people thrive there are tons of stupid people. we now live in a situation where stupid people are able to thrive in exponential quantities.

this is how people of no worth or ability can even hold positions of authority over others.

@icedquinn @threalist malicious people love idiots, when someone is easy to manipulate and has a sense of belonging in a group, they are just food for overturning democratic processes

@Archivist @threalist yes the malicious and the devious must be processed manually unfortunately

@sun @threalist @Archivist i'm not entirely convinced stage two is too bad, idk. some people benefit from active management. officers manuals and the like from the past talk about it a little differently.

like a responsibility over the men, it's a burden you carry.

the problems come when the titled authority doesn't coexist with this.

@sun @Archivist @threalist the CoC group in particular is exactly that. they do not carry the competence of the line worker or the life burdens of the officer, but they demand the titled authority to do whatever they want.

taleb calls this intellectual-yet-idiots and they infect everything eventually. a whole class of people who abuse intellectualism to seem smart, while hiding their parasitic worthlessness. i don't know of a better way to phrase it yet.

a lot of people (esp in communist circles, being an ideology of the retail wage worker) discount what the officer's purpose actually is

@Archivist @sun @threalist i'm probably in one of those places where i'm just speaking nonsense idk. there used to be a societal understanding that to own a working group genuinely meant entitling the authority of that group to the officer. once that writ is made those are the officer's men now, they no longer belong to the crown (though the officer does), with the requisite "deal with your own house" issues that ensue from this.

we don't really have that anymore which is another problem of the whole thing. we have pedagogues whos job is to just whip the line men on behalf of deciders at the top, without a genuine delegation of authority and ownership of the hierarchy.

the human hierarchy seems inevitable really. attempts to deviate from it are ending poorly, though it does not itself have to be cruel. but this is a whole unrelated topic and i should probably drink cofe and stop filling up inboxes about pseudofeudalism

Hence boom/bust cycles along with the interest/credit cycle.

@sun @threalist @Archivist
> line go up
it didn't used to be like this. the courts forced it with dodge v. ford IIRC.

Ford had a neuron activation and decided to spend his income on his men, Dodge brothers threw a fit because as shareholders they weren't going to benefit from this. thus one of the landmark cases that the Line Must Go Up.

in recent years people have protested Line Go Up by creating the concept of a public benefit corporation, which is basically a regular C-corp with the explicit provision that shareholders are not entitled to line going up.

@sun @Archivist @threalist i have long held the very unpopular line that the purpose of a business is to do something, in the face of everyone spouting the "business/make money" doctrine, and it seems that history does bear this out to an extent. money enables the art, and finance weasels ruin everything.

idk. i am biased.

@sun @threalist @Archivist he wanted to use corporate funds to start giving out raises and benefits and shareholders wanted the money as dividends.

They literally made a 'diversity tool' to share with the public and other studios. They're tools alright.

@sun @threalist @thendrix @Archivist i wouldn't read too much in to it. i create things like this.

Is there a name for this, or is it just a generalized restatment of Conquest’s 2nd law?

@sun @icedquinn @threalist

A corpo is just an investment, from the outside the business is just a consequence of the corpo trying to produce ROI, the business is not the cause

I want no part in this madness, I could not stay silent seeing cost cuttings that sacrifice humanity for profit. I am a human, I do not yield to monsters

That's why gamers have been conditioned if they get a hint of this in a trailer to boycott the game and studio now. It's worth acknowledging.

@thendrix @sun @threalist @Archivist people didn't play concord because girls were all ugly and the gameplay was derivative.

nobody actually cares about them spreadsheeting how many women have wasp waists vs box figures.

@icedquinn @sun @threalist @thendrix @Archivist I care a little that the character with the best design was modeled on an irl tranny

@sun @icedquinn @threalist in a world directed by capital, it is a money printer. It could be a company that has 0 employees, if its values goes up, it prints money properly. That is why Tesla has a higher market cap than BMW despite having less than 1% of its production and sales

Yeah, but to be fair when you make a rankings list that's how you define the product as it must fit those bounds. That's the entire problem. Also 2020s has the worst aesthetics of modern decades as it's all corpo/government style art.

@sun overwatch's decline had literally nothing to do with this though. they used the spreadsheet to cover a spread of different cute girls and the fact people are still making porn of almost all of the OW1 women shows the designs landed just fine.

(not so much moira, RIP, the team ginger gets excluded.)

@threalist @thendrix @Archivist

@sun @icedquinn @threalist @thendrix can't measure empathy on a ruler or trace compassion with a compass, can't measure the pitch of sadness or the volume of melancholy

Wasn't the tool in question made for the later releases that crashed and burned? QED

@sun @threalist @thendrix @Archivist i don't mean to be an ass here but this kind of thing happens more than anyone knows

if you read the blake snyder "save the cat" book among others he talks about in the 80s-90s they have formula sheets for all the big four quadrant family films.

they specifically have scratch cards for inserting appeasals for the major market brackets to ensure the movie sells widely.

it has to do with how well you implement the scratch card. people are just making a big deal out of it existing. lol.

Market research and design mandates are different things. They're literally doing the opposite of ignoring the market and going with the echo chamber with the DEI/ESG cult. It's been proven so many times now. How many studios need to close for it to be a law?

the "business/make money" doctrine

It's literally a law for publicly traded companies: "fiduciary duty". Only private / family-owned companies are even allowed to pursue excellence in their craft. Once you IPO you can literally get sued if you don't fire your artisans and offshore to the lowest bidder. This is not a function of 'business', it's a function of the success of short sighted anti-robber-baron crusaders from two centuries ago.

They've been ignoring the failures for 6+ years already. The examples are just getting bigger in dollar terms so more people notice. Between two games you got half a billion dollars of write offs and that's just for one month. Also when they close these studios it has outsize effects as the entire market shrinks.

4/5 doctors agree menthols promote healthy lungs, you bigot!

I think market research is needed for larger scope projects for sure. That would have prevented billions of dollars from being lost in the US entertainment industry over the last decade. The problem is they care more about mandates from investors to make a product no one wants just to score high on a scale made by grifters.

@thendrix @coolboymew @sun @threalist @Archivist i mean dancing for the rich is how all employment works, yes.

For quick cash out projects that burn the studio down, yes. I've known people that specialize in those. They have high pay, but go out of business pretty quick.

edit: Everyone has heard of at least one game studio "ego project" funded by a rich baseball player, big tech guy, etc... they all have the same thing in common. You're making a product for one person, and they don't care too much about the market reaction.

@thendrix @Archivist @coolboymew @sun @threalist i may want to use the black magic camera to film women in latex outfits but if people are only going to give me money to film goats taking a shit with a point'n'shoot thats what buys the meatballs.

@shibao @thendrix @Archivist @threalist @sun i don't have a histogram but she doesn't appear on r/OverwatchPorn very often.