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@NEETzsche @CHEFKOCH You're wrong, NEETzsche! Carrying water for megacorps and the interests of massive late stage capitalist establishments is just what people who care about the little guy do!

The total lack of consistent ideological framework is just what happens when you're the good guys. You see something one of the ten richest people on earth tell you to care about, and you just care about it. It's called caring. You should try it sometime.

Now if you'll excuse me, since I'm one of the good guys, I'm going to go advocate for the racist segregation and oppression of anyone who was born in Russia at any time, and I'm going to go pound the drums for a war that is going to greatly help oil companies. Pay no attention to all the black suns and swastikas, I'm sure they mean something different when you're one of the good guys.