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Are you back in dark fedi now?


@sun @jeffcliff No good deed goes unpunished...

@sun @jeffcliff my thoughts and prayers go to you and spw

Jeff I can't have you tell the truth, also my system isn't built to allow so much scientific pdf files on my shitty threads site.
So it had to be done.

@sun @jeffcliff threads federates? I'm not seeing any fedi people on my threads explore page

@sun @jeffcliff

did they say that was the reason or is this a shit post?

@jeffcliff @mapachin @sun just go outside

@jeffcliff @Nudhul @mapachin @sun oh but when the moon is in front of the sun suddenly you can't spread disease... smdh

@jeffcliff @Nudhul @mapachin @sun Then why were you out watching the eclipse?

@jeffcliff @Nudhul @mapachin @sun oh now it's a sealed car and not an open field

Change your name you fucking faggot.

@jeffcliff @sun

can I infer that you don't think they should ban your server or even look into your users for the name it uses, or even if it was instead rapezuckswife.social?

@jeffcliff @Nudhul @mapachin @sun field, highway... same thing

@jeffcliff @BillingtonYVR @Nudhul @mapachin @sun stop spreading disease Jeff

haha, faggot.

@sun @jeffcliff *tap tap tap*

When Jeff Cliff dies of covid, then I'll believe it's real.

>mfw jeff out sciences liberals.

@sun @jeffcliff i hope you're instance recovers from it's loss and finds a new prophet of disease

@sun@shitposter.world @jeffcliff@shitposter.world
We blocked and blackholed threads before it even started federating. Fuck Meta.

Free my nigga Jeff!

@wjmaggos @jeffcliff they did not tell us a reason but probably 100% of our Threads interactions were Jeff Cliff.

One time I _accidentally_ tagged potus with a gay slur maybe they didn't like that.

@wjmaggos @jeffcliff william it was a joke, I don't actually care that they defederated, I just wanted to make a funny about it. transparency on blocks would be nice but still not upset.

@jeffcliff @wjmaggos could be an automated thing that checks for abuse.

@sun @jeffcliff @wjmaggos everyone needs a jeff cliff to drive off the normies, you're finally finding some worth you low deadlift having pathetic faggot, good job

@sun @jeffcliff

I want a fedi where servers don't get blocked for unpopular opinions but I also don't think it will grow much or evenly if people expect to have to block lots of assholes if they are public about their lives or lefty views. if people compromise a bit like they do in AFK public spaces, that might be possible. it could be a public square where the vast majority of views get a fair hearing.

@wjmaggos @jeffcliff I agree but I also agree with Jeff that COVID is still killing people and large gatherings are extremely socially irresponsible and people should be told so.

@sun @jeffcliff

outside of any other context, that is definitely not a good reason to block someone, much less their server.

To be fair, he is pretty aggressive about that topic sometimes. But maybe just with the people here.

We should have composable moderation like bluesky and my advanced filtering idea.

@thatguyoverthere @jeffcliff @Nudhul @mapachin
How can Moon be in front of @sun's-self?
It doesn't make sense!

Banning large gatherings is like defederation and therefore morally wrong.

@wjmaggos @jeffcliff Jeff posts to Threads people were either

1. engaging in friendly and informative conversation about a scientific topic
2. later, telling people that they shouldn't be attending superspreader events

We didn't get rejected until 2. It's not proof but it's suspicious.

Largely my other users have been ignoring Threads.

@sun @jeffcliff this wouldn't happen if moon was around!

@SNEK @jeffcliff @sun ever since the eclipse, he thinks he's the Sun now

@sun @jeffcliff Left? Where?

@wjmaggos @sun @jeffcliff >if people expect to have to block lots of assholes if they are public about their lives or lefty views

not that the og fediblockers were rabid left-leaning users...

@sun @jeffcliff @wjmaggos As though Facebook is free of covid alarmism. It's honestly probably some project manager finding a Fediblock list.

@sun @jeffcliff

predictable outcome

@Economic_Hitman @jeffcliff @sun I miss moon bros
This sun guy glows too bright

@sun @wjmaggos @jeffcliff maybe if everyone got the 1st 2 it just pops some kinda heard imunity


@sun @jeffcliff Jeff love ❤️

@sun @jeffcliff threads is lefty?

We were defederated from Threads before it was cool.

The Zuck fears the Cliff.

@sun @jeffcliff
So much for the "fediverse" being a solution to censorship. If the big jew controlled platforms don't like you exposing their evil genocidal schemes they will just cut you off from 99.9% of the fediverse user base.

Lets not kid ourselves the vast majority of the ZOG platform users will never make a new account on a non zionist compromised platform due to laziness and ignorance.

@JackBurton @sun

Whatever. I'm going to keep getting people to join the fediverse, threads or not. And I'm going to keep pushing people on threads to leave for other instances. You can whine about the jews on ncd if you want.

@jeffcliff @thatguyoverthere @mapachin @Nudhul @sun Jeff did you really not get out of your car?

One man army over here. So true king.

Maybe he can redpill me on the jews

I just think it's amazing he had time to type anything I would have thought it was time for his hourly vaccine

JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWS yeah bro we've heard it all before. Either start a Holocaust or stfu with your boring ass bullshit. No one likes jews here difference is non of us have made that our personality. I'd calm down before you flame out. Also dark jeff is the man fuck you nigger.

@ThisFuckinGuy @JackBurton @jeffcliff @sun how man notches does he get with this one

Umm, Nicecrew.digital is a philosemite instance. You will be reported the the jannies now. You might as well delete your acct because they'll be doing it for you

@sun @jeffcliff Covid it's over. 😤

Idk but i promise if i get a response its gonna be zog zog jew zog kike. I'm guessing he's got a governor vocabulary 🤷🏻‍♂️

@ThisFuckinGuy @JackBurton @jeffcliff @sun no not the gabergoy, I meant Jeff claiming total threads death, his power level is growing exponentially.

Oh i gave up counting jeff wins a long time ago. All my nigga jeff do is win

jeff never gonna quit superspreadin!

@jeffcliff @sun fuckin normies at it again

@mrsaturday @jeffcliff @wjmaggos I have heard zero noise about world getting fediblocked but I assume it's happening yeah, we caught them using archive sites to capture "offensive" threads.

@jeffcliff @moffintosh she means to imply that democrats aren't left

You're always the winner in my eyes Jeff ❤️

I believe the cure for covid is currently coursing through his veins. And he isn't sharing.

Its possible. If true though its because we don't deserve it. Dark Jeff is a cruel god

So true. All he do is smite

And by extension win

"Unlike the cruel Fauci who demanded that you stand, I require only that you kneel." - King Dark Jeff

@monsterislandcolonizer @mapachin @Nudhul @jeffcliff @sun he's leaving out the part where he hooked a hose up to the exhaust but forgot to turn it on

@sun@shitposter.world @jeffcliff@shitposter.world
jeff: saving lives
zucc: spreading covid

@sun @jeffcliff He did it again the madlad!

@jeffcliff @sun
Pushing for people to spread out is a good option but people are lazy, and will usually just follow the established inertia of the flock. The problem is it is just another platform, and by design it is pretty easy to isolate sources that are not in favor. A better solution will be protocol based rather than platform based.

For example https://reticulum.network/ is designed with resiliance to censorship and control as an integral feature.

You have a strange following of oddly overprotective White knighting groupies with poor reading comprehension skills that is pretty creepy and lol at the same time, congrats.