FBXL Social

OMG the thugs at decided they better steal Scarlett Johannson's voice after she declined a contract to get voiced by her.

Two days before launch of she was approached again by Sam Altman, Head of Crooks. And refused again.

To then find her overly uplifting, encouraging, positive sounding voice creating the uncanny valley in these demo's.

When approaching OpenAI by her legal councilors the voice was suddenly pulled.


I believe I posted something similar to this before:

Big tech playlist:

1. enter deregulated space
2. abuse deregulated space
3. lobby for regulation in deregulated space
4. own the regulated space (with regulations they helped write) forever.

@sj_zero @smallcircles

The Google plan

@sj_zero regulatory capture, indeed.

@sj_zero @smallcircles Micro$oft and Apple are experts at that.

Raising the cost of entry and complexity of compliance is olgopoly 101.

Copying someones voice isn't "deregulated".

For public figures anyway.

As long as you're not representing yourself as actually being the person, I'm pretty sure it's fairly unregulated. There's all kinds of people who make their living doing impressions of other people, and while it's not strictly a deepfake, it's similarly making an imperfect copy of someone else's voice. It might be different if you're directly using recordings, but that's another underregulated aspect of AI -- they soaked up all kinds of stuff without any repercussions.

That's incorrect.