FBXL Social

Hyolobrika | @Hyolobrika@social.fbxl.net

@admitsWrongIfProven You couldn't have. You weren't alive before you were alive!
You couldn't have asked to continue not being alive either, for the same reason.
Same goes for me.

We are aware of a significant number of fake videos appearing on social media, falsely claiming to be a BBC report containing 'Bellingcat research'. Within all of these videos you cannot hear those featured speak, the information is fed to the audience through text only.

A screengrab from one of the fake videos currently circulating featuring imagery of former Bellingcat staff member Christo Grozev.

@TURBORETARD9000 @susie We (in the UK) call it American football. Because it's only practised in America AFAIK

@MNNHNewsEnglish But without red, how could we make Trump orange?

As an archivist, let me say clearly:

Modern copyright law is actively harmful to the preservation and study of our culture.

It harms artists by giving undue power to publishers. It harms artists by limiting remixes. It harms preservation and research efforts.

It's broken. It's bad. It should be massively reformed.

dit is m'n katje. zijn naam is "bestia" ("beest" in Pools)

hij is 6 maanden oud en hij vindt kabeltjes leuk

een kleine cyperse katje, hij staart naar je met zijn schattige ogen

(Dia)critical error ⚠️

Tö thøse wîth diåcrìtics iñ theïr näme… I şeê yoü!

Why doesn't technology acknowledge our existence? Programmers of the world, we want answers!

Comic strip with four panels. In the first panel, Linguist is sitting at a desk with a laptop, muttering "Hmm... insert first and last name”. In the next panel, she is happily typing on the laptop, saying "Easy peasy lemon squeezy!". In the third panel, a close-up of a computer screen displays the error message: "Φ, ñ, ü, ç, invalid. Please insert real characters only”. In the last panel, Linguist looks sad and utters: "Are you saying... I'm... not... real?". Watermark: Linguist Gone Foreign. Form on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website, asking for family name. The entry field is highlighted, and below it in red text, it says "Family Name contains invalid characters."

@inpc @schizanon
>4chan account

@toiletpaper What were you saying about the medicinal properties of cleavers? I forgot.

I would like to use websites and apps without "AI". Both for not appropriating my data, nor for "helpful" suggestions when I'm writing for example. I'm happy to pay the premium fee for this. Recommendations welcome!

@studiofox Not just that, local businesses don't have websites anymore, just Facebook and Instagram pages.


@inpc This is what it looks like with Husky.

@inpc No, it was your Mastodon account. I didn't know you had a Nostr account.

@feld @gabriel *laughs in SimpleX Chat*

The only ads I'd push to Husky would be random and they'd say "Adopt a blobcat today", and this would be the main image.

That's it.

@TURBORETARD9000 @susie What the rest of the world calls football, you call soccer.

Philadelphia tree trimmers fail to nip FTC noncompete ban in the bud

What a Trump-appointed judge taketh away, a Biden judge giveth The Federal Trade Commission's ban on noncompete agreements has been upheld after a second legal challenge, with a Philadelphia judge deciding that the FTC was well within its legal authority to prohibit such contract clauses.…


I have a question about #Christianity and possibly other #Abrahamic faiths too:
If we are all God's children and therefore must obey him like a child obeys their father, when do we grow up? A child doesn't obey their parents forever. Obeying your parents is something you are made to do to prepare you for the world. What are we being prepared for by God?

Now, I realise that when Jesus Christ, St Paul, Abraham, Moses, etc were alive, maybe children *were* expected to obey their parents into adulthood. But not many people still believe that today, so, assuming you don't believe that and you are a member of a faith that believes humanity's relationship to God is as I described, what is your answer to the above question.
And if you do believe that adult children are obligated to continue to obey their parents for whatever reason, I still would like to hear from you.

Immoral, but very crafty of them.

Dentists used to give out rusty metal toothpicks to intentionally damage peoples' teeth.
