FBXL Social

Sexypink | @Sexypink@social.fbxl.net

I'm a chill troll. I like to fuck around. It's nothing personal. I'm just bored. I'm a regular person just like you and I get bored a lot. Talking shit and being a troll online is pretty much the only thing that amuses me at this point.I'm here to pop in and fuck off. I like to joke around and be sarcastic and random. Don't take anything I say personally I'm just joking around so don't be a pussy.Plus, this is like the only place online where I can say the word faggot.

Shut the fuck up you annoying pansy ass bitch

I hate tumblr it's layout is annoying. Have you heard of lemmy ? you should join our Instance. there's apps on both mobile stores

today yes I am checking my notifications that is true. Regular hobbies same shit most people do. Don't take shit talking so personally. I enjoy it when people are either good sports or talk shit back. like joking with friends kinda. I make videos and memes and shit and other stuff do you use other social media?

Don't make excuses for your lame ass lack of creativity

Then never leave your house or corner of the living room you rent from your mother

King of lame ass 'Come backs'

It's not that deep man seriously. I don't understand why y'all get so upset I get bored and I call you guys fagots and I'm not even paying attention to my notifications either LOL like just ignore it I mean what the hell. I like sexy things and my favorite color is pink

you're on minds. Can you request for Minds to do all of us a favor an delete your account?

Ok turd gobbler. We all know you waffle stomp your turds down the drain when you shit in the shower

The fact that you're upset already is further evidence of your irrelevance. please be irrelevant out of our sight.

well no one asked and no one cares so keep your idiotic thoughts to yourself

@Arcana @eris @mischievoustomato @nyx you're not deep or poetic dude. Shut the hell up

@thegreatape please enter a forest and never return

@arcanicanis cause you're a fucking low life loser who only has control of your dumb fucking instance because you're a weak piece of shit in real life

@Cornelius Fat piece of shit

@dbfulton you're a whore

@RupertvonRipp how many penguins do you fuck simultaneously at once ?

@MasterSimper @af2 @justnormalkorean @skylar you took classes on it because you lack the skill and intuitivity to instinctively be able to argue with people. Fucking failure

@eris @mischievoustomato only literal diagnosed faggots use the words "copy pasta" You're an embarrassment
