FBXL Social

sj_zero | @sj_zero@social.fbxl.net

Author of The Graysonian Ethic (Available on Amazon, pick up a dead tree copy today)

Admin of the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Video, FBXL Social, FBXL Lotide, FBXL Translate, and FBXL Maps.

Advocate for freedom and tolerance even if you say things I do not like

Adversary of Fediblock

Accept that I'll probably say something you don't like and I'll give you the same benefit, and maybe we can find some truth about the world.

Ah... Is the Alliteration clever or stupid? Don't answer that, I sort of know the answer already...

Rest in peace, you glorious fucker.

One big thing is that everyone is focused on AI and LLMs as if they're doing something novel, but the reality is that there were already bad actors getting their fingers into sites like these. If you're trying to swing an election and you're either a nation-state or a political organization or even an NGO, it's really easy and surprisingly cheap to hire a bunch of people to say whatever needs to be said, and then you aren't using an AI, you're using a bunch of actual human beings to write and respond, and it's got all the same potentials but with the additional danger of an actual human intellect behind the keyboard on the other side.

In general, it's that kind of power that's most dangerous, whether it's on social media or if it's in proprietary software. It's easy when you have a lot of money to throw it at a problem, because while everyone else has to fight in their spare time and keep a roof over their head and food on the table separately from that, minions fight as their day job, that's how they keep a roof over their head and food on their table.

A week or two ago I was discussing with somebody the fact that law doesn't follow the ideal political arguments, but arguments that have a chance of winning.


Hunter Bidens lawyers chose to invoke the second amendment to try to get a law preventing drug users from buying guns nullified. One might criticize him for using an amendment his political faction would like to see repealed.

But the reality is, it's his lawyers job to win cases, not elections. If he wins on constitutional grounds, he wins. It doesn't matter if his faction agrees with it or not, that's the rules.

"This funeral stopped the further growth of one thing—the petition to the governor for Injun Joe’s pardon. The petition had been largely signed; many tearful and eloquent meetings had been held, and a committee of sappy women been appointed to go in deep mourning and wail around the governor, and implore him to be a merciful ass and trample his duty under foot. Injun Joe was believed to have killed five citizens of the village, but what of that? If he had been Satan himself there would have been plenty of weaklings ready to scribble their names to a pardon-petition, and drip a tear on it from their permanently impaired and leaky water-works." - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain

Given the past few years, I figured some of you might appreciate this paragraph.

Mushoku Tensei Turning Point 3
Mushoku Tensei had its episode "Turning Point 3" today.

There are a lot of interesting things in it, but one notable thing to me is that contrasting to the first turning point, where he was caught up in the teleportation incident, or the second turning point, where Orsted killed him.

The third turning point is Rudeus choosing to go help his parents. The key difference is that he had the first two turning points thrust upon him (right through his chest in the second), whereas the third was his choice, and not only did he have the option not to go, many things indicated that he didn't need to go -- The Man God Hitogami told him not to go, and Elinalise said she'd go if he didn't. Yes, his little sister wanted him to go, but compared to a God, turning down a little girl really wouldn't be that big of a deal.

I don't think it's a coincidence that the three turning points have been at representative times in his life -- first at the onset of puberty, second at an age representing adulthood in the new world, and now once he's an established adult who owns a home, is married, and has a child incoming.

I also don't think it's an accident that the people he's going off to help are his parents. It's a representation of his coming into his own as an adult. He might never have been a child who needed his parents to protect him, but his parents nonetheless were capable enough to handle things on their own and didn't need their child to step in. Now he's an adult and he'll be contributing to helping his father and his mother.

Giving an Asian character a name like "Harley" is just meanspirited.

"I built a giant vacuum cleaner to permanently modify the atmosphere"

Huh. Do you live on an island with a mountain shaped like a skull?

The one thing the article didn't know was the name Keir Starmer, the leader of the labor party.

It was a pretty strong opening.

It's called "greedflation" because politicians are greedy.

That leg crossing hurts just to look at.

Canada's prime minister has had journalists who disagrees with arrested. The fact is all of these lists are bullshit, and it's really just a matter of how high up on the progressive stack each country is. USA falls to 55th in doing what they're told...

As a proud multi trillionaire (in Zimbabwe dollars) I would like to point out at the rate we're going we're all temporarily embarrassed millionaires.

Wind. I will break you.

Kinda looks like Clint from LGR. Which would be a funny happy ending for him...

And not just that, depending on which system you work under, you have some degree of control over who you end up voting for in the first place.

In the us, especially in deep blue or deep red areas, election day is the primary, not the election, and so the die is cast long before the election takes place.

The lawsuit...

To ban....

The illegal thing..........

It's not even a thing worth mentioning.

It's like, you know that you make $60,000 a year, and $10,000 of that is a bonus that you get in February. If you spend $90,000 a year, you're going to be $30,000 a year in debt, and it really doesn't matter if you made a whole bunch of money in February, You already knew that was going to happen, and it doesn't really mean anything.....

I don't believe that there's anything iconic about the Chevy Malibu.

I think that if I took a bunch of cars and mixed in a couple Chevy malibus, you literally wouldn't be able to tell which ones were them.

(psst... You're supposed to take that off after your haircut is done...)
