FBXL Social

sj_zero | @sj_zero@social.fbxl.net

Author of The Graysonian Ethic (Available on Amazon, pick up a dead tree copy today)

Admin of the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Video, FBXL Social, FBXL Lotide, FBXL Translate, and FBXL Maps.

Advocate for freedom and tolerance even if you say things I do not like

Adversary of Fediblock

Accept that I'll probably say something you don't like and I'll give you the same benefit, and maybe we can find some truth about the world.

Ah... Is the Alliteration clever or stupid? Don't answer that, I sort of know the answer already...

I have to admit, it really sucks that crunchyroll turned off the comments. There'll be a really spicy episode and it's like "oh boy I wonder what the comments have to say about this?" and then you realize it doesn't say anything because crunchyroll is a bunch of pathetic losers who are scared to death of their users.

"CARE. I mean, not about the life that you created carelessly that
you're about to extinguish because it was fun to create and convenient to destroy, but you know... about other things."

We shall disregard populism in favour or the preferred societal form, elitism.

You thought you bought a VGA cable but it was a VGA extension cable?

[Admin Mode] looks like a power failure, back up now.

I want a BQ opposition so bad!

Seems to me like they know full well they're trying to pull the black vote and they're doing it exactly how you'd expect a bunch of out of touch conservative boomers to do it.

Unfortunately, those people each now owe him 1 billion dollars for calling a mass shooting fake

Was this Trump's maga plan all along for ending the national debt, ringing up 32 trillion dollars in legal judgements?

And what's really interesting is that the commies themselves refute themselves. Western civilization produced a kind of utopia with universal suffrage, limited suffering, vast material wealth, and virtually no war. Despite that, the commies claim the path to utopia was immoral therefore the end result is immoral.

Ethics get complicated there too -- if you're a consequentialist, do you go by the actual consequences or the intended consequences? If the former then what is ethical can only be chosen in retrospect so you're trying to predict what will be ethical by trying to predict future outcomes. If it's the latter, then incorrect consequences can justify overall wrong actions as justified even if successful implementation will always result in negative outcomes because you're just wrong.

That's where imo you do need a base of deontological ethics, hard lines you don't cross, because otherwise you can find yourself either never knowing what is ethical until after the fact leading you down a rabbit hole of betting against God predicting the future, or you can break your whole ethical system by biasing what you think the consequences will be unconsciously. You can the consider consequentialist perspective for more complicated ideas once you stop yourself from doing things you'll regret later if you get the consequences wrong or sometimes even if you're right -- if you become an ethical monster you might be right but you still have to live with yourself afterwards.


How dumb are Canadians?

We're the third dumbest people on earth!

This season the cracks are really starting to show on Crunchyroll. Due to intertia I've been grabbing an annual membership for quite years, but this season is particularly bad -- 80% of the anime that look interesting this season aren't on the service...

A study in contrasts, what each candidate looked like after getting hit with a kill shot

This is me fr fr

I saw an article about this earlier today, it was several million dollars.

Doesn't matter if he wins the election, he's now president for life of weave nation.

Made it to episode 4 of the anime Viral Hit, and dropped it.

It's about a little nerd who tries to start a youtube channel through learning to fight.

I just found a lot of it kinda cringey and wasn't to my taste. I do think if I had different tastes it would be right at the top of my list -- it seems well made and all, but I just reached a point where I couldn't continue.

So a hero in life, and a hero in death. Let us all strive to be as commendable as Mr. Corey Comperatore.
