I figured that an unfounded lazy ad hominem was what I was going to get back, which is why I explained my viewpoint in detail and sourced all the facts, often using news sources and even articles that are adversarial to my position.
Since I've already addressed what you're saying I'll rest my case.
Since I've already addressed what you're saying I'll rest my case.
Ngl, it'll hurt but most Western countries need to do a bunch of unpopular things: namely, increasing taxes and cutting spending.
Nobody will like it because nobody will be getting what they want, but that's the cost of not balancing budgets for decades at a time. The next 25 years can't be like the last 25 years.
Nobody will like it because nobody will be getting what they want, but that's the cost of not balancing budgets for decades at a time. The next 25 years can't be like the last 25 years.
Trump is not a Pinochet and that's easily and definitely provable.
Some might claim Donald Trump is a Pinochet because he contested the election. Does that make most Democrats a Stalin, given that they've contested every presidential election they lost for the past 25 years?[1][2][3]
I should also mention that some might point out the fact that Donald Trump was accusing the election of having unprecedented fraud, and that seems unusual, but the reality is that the 2020 election was unprecedented in many ways. Practices such as mailing voting[4] and drop boxes[5] which have not been widely used in elections for generations of the American project(Absentee ballots did exist since colonial times, but were limited to just a few situations such as military service until California became the first state to have no-reason absentee ballots in 1978, hundreds of years after the founding of the United States, but even then it's not normal to have the level of mail-in voting used in 2020) because it is known that they are potential sources of fraud and corruption were used with the covid-19 pandemic being the state of justification. The majority of cases brought by Trump or his supporters never had any hearing on the merits[6]. This fits since pretty famously courts almost never want to interfere in elections at all[7]. COVID-19 was used as a justification in at least one case for keeping election observers at an unreasonably long distance away and a Pennsylvania judge agreed, telling the city to allow observers to be closer, a ruling the city appealed[8]. In retrospect it seems probable that many of the other claims such as observers being kept out were false and based on false rumors, it wasn't as if all the claims were entirely baseless -- a famous photo showed one election observer using binoculars to observe because they were kept so far away[9]. I suspect that the fact the world had spent the year under the tyrannical boot of government COVID restrictions and double standards or the insanity of the summer of love riots that seemed to include a lot of shady backroom dealings and open crossing of red lines such as imposing censorship on social media platforms in ways that hadn't previously been seen, and many things called "conspiracy theories" of the time ended up being fully true in the aftermath. Even if we end up agreeing he was wrong, being wrong about something but having a sincerely held belief doesn't make someone a dictator. If you sincerely believed that you lost the election due to cheating, wouldn't it be only commendable to use every legal means available to you to push to resolve that, up to and including peaceful protests to ask the certification process to be paused?
Some people say that stating his beliefs led to the January 6th riots, but I'd say there was a lot that led to that, including the 6 months of riots the Democrats cheered on and supported including financially. The establishment media also contributed to the Jan 6 riots by their absurd lies leading up to the election including fact checks that call something false but started with "while it is true that"...
The Democrats ended up spending four years attacking Donald Trump based on the Steele dossier, which was something that was fabricated from whole cloth by Hillary Clinton's campaign which was later fined for the election fraud by the FEC[10].
They also ended up pushing back in 2000 and 2004 -- pretty much every election they lose they end up contesting, and they used their fraudulent manufactured evidence of election manipulation from 2016 to stymie the president, and in the process used the process to lock up Trump's allies[11]. I was a supporter of the Democrats at the time and a default liberal.[lol] I distinctly recall lots of people continually saying Bush stole the election, the Supreme court stole it for him, he wasn't a legitimate president. 2004 saw the Democrats criticizing voting machines, ironically. (you know, when I voted it was a piece of paper and a pencil, why do we need hanging chads and specially packaged PCs pretending to be special voting machines?)
Another interesting thing, is that Donald Trump had every opportunity to be an actual Pinochet. You might not remember the 6 months (by some measures over a year)[12] of violent riots that were explicitly supported by the democrats including fundraising to keep the violent criminals out of jail[13], but pepperidge farm remembers.
During those 6 months of riots, and there were two classes of crime that absolutely would have given Trump justification to use his role as Commander in Chief of the armed forces to go in there and declare martial law. They were crimes that shocked the conscience, such as the young black girl who was murdered by a mob for the crime of stopping their car in the wrong place [14], or the apartment building burned down by the mob with people inside as protesters blocked first responders[15]. In the end, over 1000 buildings burned or were damaged in the twin cities, resulting in over 130 million dollars in damage[16]. Despite few charges being laid, the state asked the federal government for money to aid repairs, claiming the riots caused over 500 million dollars in damage and over 1500 businesses affected.[17] Minneapolis wasn't the only city affected, the riots spread to many cities, including the aforementioned Atlanta. Many of these events would be considered crimes against humanity, and pure justification to take any means necessary to end.
Besides the crimes against the people, there were also a number of crimes against the government that would have justified taking action. The rioters destroyed and burned down police departments[18], firebombed a courthouse[19], and attacked the Whitehouse so violently the president was evacuated to a protective bunker[20].
In fact myself, and many other people wanted Trump to send in the military with lead bullets not to shut down peaceful protests but to immediately and decisively and any violent riots or other political violence. You can judge people like me, but I had a friend in Minneapolis at the time telling me the stories behind the buildings that were burned down and I empathized because I would never want that happening to my home. In spite of our wishes, he did not do that. He instead readied the troops and waited for the request to the federal government in accordance with federal law[21]. Donald Trump specifically did not deploy the troops, it was the governors who deployed the troops in the end[22].
Now you might be saying "of course Donald Trump didn't send in the troops, he couldn't possibly do that!" But there is precedent. Famously, president Johnson sent federal troops into Alabama against the wishes of its segregationist governor in 1965 to enforce desegregation[23].
But that again brings us back to the fundamental problem: you might not like it, but Trump just wasn't a dictator. He had a situation that could have justified extraordinary dictatorial measures, and he didn't do that. He could have declared martial law, he didn't do that. He could have tried to use the same logic Democrats used to implement questionable election to fully cancel the elections, and he didn't. Even his so-called "coup" appeared to be to ask citizens to peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard[24] to make use of part of the process intended to put a pause on something if there were questionable events. Trump's last post on Twitter before he was banned was a video saying "you have to go home now," and "We have to have peace, we have to have law and order, we have to respect our great people in law and order. We don't want anyone hurt."[25] . Agree with his politics or not, there was a lot he could have done along dictatorial lines and he did not. Contrast with mine fuhrer Justin Trudeau, who went faced with the most peaceful protests in world history violated the law to employ the emergencies act[26] to seize dissidents bank accounts, and paid the media to take his side[27]. See? That's how you do dictatorship!
It's ironic, the left says support for Donald Trump is a cult, but every right winger I know has major criticisms of him and his presidency. One of those criticisms is that he wasn't nearly dictatorial enough! Compare for example many court cases he lost[28] and just accepted the loss. Meanwhile, Biden is doing everything he can to cancel student loan debt except the one thing he's constitutionally supposed to do: get Congress to set aside the money for it[29].
Another thing to look at is contrast with how his opponents behave. They claimed Trump would abuse the legal system against his opponents[30], but he didn't -- meanwhile they've indicted him for more crimes than Al Capone[31], and his recent conviction was openly and aggressively politically motivated. He was elected saying he would prosecute Hillary Clinton, but Letitia James was elected saying she would prosecute Donald Trump and did[32] and Alvin Brag was elected saying he would prosecute Donald Trump and he did[33]. They claimed he'd become a military dictator, but it wasn't until Biden was inaugurated that Washington DC started looking like Pyongyang, filled with troops[34] and barbed wire fences[35]. They claimed he told his followers to bad things but he said "peacefully and patriotically make yourselves heard" and when the protest turned into a riot he said "go home[...]we have to respect our great people in law and order" while the current sitting vice president said of rioters "beware" since "they're not gonna stop [...] And they should not"[36]
So to conclude, I've presented overwhelming evidence often citing opposing news sources proving that while everyone would likely agree his presidency was imperfect and he's an imperfect person, Trump had overwhelming chances to be the tyrant people claim he wanted to be but refused to take those chances to do so and instead obeyed the law that limited his actions. He could have done many of the things he was accused of wanting to do, but did not. Meanwhile, many of the things he was accused of wanting to do have been done by his opponents in the aftermath of his presidency. What Donald Trump had more than most presidents of the past century is an actively hostile establishment against him including an establishment media whose entire raison d'etre became attacking him. Ironically, in attacking this one man, they've burned through decades of goodwill and done far more damage to themselves than even a hypothetical dictator Trump could have. He's not a Pinochet, and the American people appear on track to agree, potentially re-electing him in November.
Keep in mind that this discussion is all taking place in a thread about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump that occurred last week[37]. While it is appearing now that the attempt was not politically motivated, a lot of people are showing their colors in that they would have preferred it be successful and there's thousands of millions of posts saying "aw, if only the shooter hadn't missed".
As a fantastic example of the hostile establishment, Donald Trump had just been shot -- he had in fact been shot, he saw the bullet coming towards him, he felt the pain, he was still bleeding, and his reaction was to pump his fist and scream "fight fight fight" -- and CNN attacked him, saying "that's not the message we want to be sending right now"[38]. I ask you whether the establishment media would have ever made such a criticism if Joe Biden was the one still bleeding from a bullet that nearly killed him reacted like that? It's an inhuman expectation that someone would spout whatever the "right" thing to say is. Ever gotten punched in the face unexpectedly? How elouquent are you immediately afterwards? Have you ever just avoided getting murdered? Me either, but I bet I wouldn't be so equoquent either because neither of us are robots.
[1] https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2012/06/yes-bush-v-gore-did-steal-the-election.html
[2] https://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/01/us/the-2004-campaign-complaints-charges-of-dirty-tricks-fraud-and-voter.html
[3] https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/russia-investigation/
[4] https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/how-will-we-vote-outbreak-revives-debate-on-mail-in-ballots
[5] https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/rise-ballot-drop-boxes-due-coronavirus
[6] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aqorZ61AYFqZU-EDQBBzjqfvAoC5nKcB/view
[7] https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/19/us/politics/when-courts-overturn-elections.html
[8] https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/dem-petition-pa.pdf
[9] https://www.inquirer.com/photo/convention-center-plays-host-phillys-ballot-counting-20201103.html
[10] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hillary-clinton-campaign-democratic-party-fined-fec-clears-steele-dossier-author-of-wrongdoing/
[11] https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/muellers-case-against-paul-manafort-explained
[lol] https://fbxl.net/issue1/ped.html
[12] https://ghostarchive.org/archive/9geA1
[13] https://www.facebook.com/KamalaHarris/posts/if-youre-able-to-chip-in-now-to-the-minnesota-freedom-fund-to-help-post-bail-for/10158943194687923/
[14] https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/06/us/atlanta-mayor-8-year-old-killed.html
[15] https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jun/2/will-smith-va-police-chief-says-rioters-blocked-fi/
[16] https://minnesotareformer.com/2021/05/27/one-year-later-few-charges-for-the-arson-and-destruction/
[17] https://apnews.com/article/442bb3509625e13df3afb06b8e652163
[18] https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/03/us/minneapolis-government-george-floyd.html
[19] https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/long-lake-man-gets-5-years-for-firebombing-courthouse-during-george-floyd-riots
[20] https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/31/us/politics/trump-protests-george-floyd.html
[21] https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/trump-says-military-ready-willing-able-ready-deploy-minneapolis-amid-n1219656
[22] https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/01/politics/fact-check-trump-walz-minnesota-national-guard/index.html
[23] https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/lbj-sends-federal-troops-to-alabama
[24] https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/10/us/trump-speech-riot.html
[25] https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/blog/electoral-college-certification-updates-n1252864/ncrd1253120?canonicalCard=true
[26] https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/federal-court-rules-emergencies-act-invocation-not-justified-1.6738624
[27] https://www.youtube.com/live/o6ZuJoUf6sE?si=zyHQcIxbD-Kie7Ek&t=2335
[28] https://policyintegrity.org/trump-court-roundup
[29] https://www.npr.org/2024/07/19/g-s1-12173/federal-appeals-court-blocks-remainder-biden-student-debt-relief-plan
[30] https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/trump-has-threatened-dozens-of-times-to-use-the-government-to-target-political-enemies/
[31] https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/07/donald-trump-legal-cases-charges/675531/
[32] https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/incoming-new-york-ag-wants-to-go-after-trump-and-his-family-on-state-crimes/
[33] https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/20/politics/bragg-new-york-trump/index.html
[34] https://www.npr.org/sections/insurrection-at-the-capitol/2021/01/16/957642610/unprecedented-number-of-troops-descend-on-washington-d-c-for-bidens-inauguration
[35] https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/nations-capital-turned-fortress-washington-ahead-inauguration/story?id=75259761
[36] https://americanmind.org/features/ending-the-blm-revolution/theyre-not-gonna-stop/
[37] https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/14/politics/timeline-trump-rally-shooting-dg/index.html
[38] https://www.newsweek.com/cnn-response-donald-trump-shooting-sparks-fury-1924905
Some might claim Donald Trump is a Pinochet because he contested the election. Does that make most Democrats a Stalin, given that they've contested every presidential election they lost for the past 25 years?[1][2][3]
I should also mention that some might point out the fact that Donald Trump was accusing the election of having unprecedented fraud, and that seems unusual, but the reality is that the 2020 election was unprecedented in many ways. Practices such as mailing voting[4] and drop boxes[5] which have not been widely used in elections for generations of the American project(Absentee ballots did exist since colonial times, but were limited to just a few situations such as military service until California became the first state to have no-reason absentee ballots in 1978, hundreds of years after the founding of the United States, but even then it's not normal to have the level of mail-in voting used in 2020) because it is known that they are potential sources of fraud and corruption were used with the covid-19 pandemic being the state of justification. The majority of cases brought by Trump or his supporters never had any hearing on the merits[6]. This fits since pretty famously courts almost never want to interfere in elections at all[7]. COVID-19 was used as a justification in at least one case for keeping election observers at an unreasonably long distance away and a Pennsylvania judge agreed, telling the city to allow observers to be closer, a ruling the city appealed[8]. In retrospect it seems probable that many of the other claims such as observers being kept out were false and based on false rumors, it wasn't as if all the claims were entirely baseless -- a famous photo showed one election observer using binoculars to observe because they were kept so far away[9]. I suspect that the fact the world had spent the year under the tyrannical boot of government COVID restrictions and double standards or the insanity of the summer of love riots that seemed to include a lot of shady backroom dealings and open crossing of red lines such as imposing censorship on social media platforms in ways that hadn't previously been seen, and many things called "conspiracy theories" of the time ended up being fully true in the aftermath. Even if we end up agreeing he was wrong, being wrong about something but having a sincerely held belief doesn't make someone a dictator. If you sincerely believed that you lost the election due to cheating, wouldn't it be only commendable to use every legal means available to you to push to resolve that, up to and including peaceful protests to ask the certification process to be paused?
Some people say that stating his beliefs led to the January 6th riots, but I'd say there was a lot that led to that, including the 6 months of riots the Democrats cheered on and supported including financially. The establishment media also contributed to the Jan 6 riots by their absurd lies leading up to the election including fact checks that call something false but started with "while it is true that"...
The Democrats ended up spending four years attacking Donald Trump based on the Steele dossier, which was something that was fabricated from whole cloth by Hillary Clinton's campaign which was later fined for the election fraud by the FEC[10].
They also ended up pushing back in 2000 and 2004 -- pretty much every election they lose they end up contesting, and they used their fraudulent manufactured evidence of election manipulation from 2016 to stymie the president, and in the process used the process to lock up Trump's allies[11]. I was a supporter of the Democrats at the time and a default liberal.[lol] I distinctly recall lots of people continually saying Bush stole the election, the Supreme court stole it for him, he wasn't a legitimate president. 2004 saw the Democrats criticizing voting machines, ironically. (you know, when I voted it was a piece of paper and a pencil, why do we need hanging chads and specially packaged PCs pretending to be special voting machines?)
Another interesting thing, is that Donald Trump had every opportunity to be an actual Pinochet. You might not remember the 6 months (by some measures over a year)[12] of violent riots that were explicitly supported by the democrats including fundraising to keep the violent criminals out of jail[13], but pepperidge farm remembers.
During those 6 months of riots, and there were two classes of crime that absolutely would have given Trump justification to use his role as Commander in Chief of the armed forces to go in there and declare martial law. They were crimes that shocked the conscience, such as the young black girl who was murdered by a mob for the crime of stopping their car in the wrong place [14], or the apartment building burned down by the mob with people inside as protesters blocked first responders[15]. In the end, over 1000 buildings burned or were damaged in the twin cities, resulting in over 130 million dollars in damage[16]. Despite few charges being laid, the state asked the federal government for money to aid repairs, claiming the riots caused over 500 million dollars in damage and over 1500 businesses affected.[17] Minneapolis wasn't the only city affected, the riots spread to many cities, including the aforementioned Atlanta. Many of these events would be considered crimes against humanity, and pure justification to take any means necessary to end.
Besides the crimes against the people, there were also a number of crimes against the government that would have justified taking action. The rioters destroyed and burned down police departments[18], firebombed a courthouse[19], and attacked the Whitehouse so violently the president was evacuated to a protective bunker[20].
In fact myself, and many other people wanted Trump to send in the military with lead bullets not to shut down peaceful protests but to immediately and decisively and any violent riots or other political violence. You can judge people like me, but I had a friend in Minneapolis at the time telling me the stories behind the buildings that were burned down and I empathized because I would never want that happening to my home. In spite of our wishes, he did not do that. He instead readied the troops and waited for the request to the federal government in accordance with federal law[21]. Donald Trump specifically did not deploy the troops, it was the governors who deployed the troops in the end[22].
Now you might be saying "of course Donald Trump didn't send in the troops, he couldn't possibly do that!" But there is precedent. Famously, president Johnson sent federal troops into Alabama against the wishes of its segregationist governor in 1965 to enforce desegregation[23].
But that again brings us back to the fundamental problem: you might not like it, but Trump just wasn't a dictator. He had a situation that could have justified extraordinary dictatorial measures, and he didn't do that. He could have declared martial law, he didn't do that. He could have tried to use the same logic Democrats used to implement questionable election to fully cancel the elections, and he didn't. Even his so-called "coup" appeared to be to ask citizens to peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard[24] to make use of part of the process intended to put a pause on something if there were questionable events. Trump's last post on Twitter before he was banned was a video saying "you have to go home now," and "We have to have peace, we have to have law and order, we have to respect our great people in law and order. We don't want anyone hurt."[25] . Agree with his politics or not, there was a lot he could have done along dictatorial lines and he did not. Contrast with mine fuhrer Justin Trudeau, who went faced with the most peaceful protests in world history violated the law to employ the emergencies act[26] to seize dissidents bank accounts, and paid the media to take his side[27]. See? That's how you do dictatorship!
It's ironic, the left says support for Donald Trump is a cult, but every right winger I know has major criticisms of him and his presidency. One of those criticisms is that he wasn't nearly dictatorial enough! Compare for example many court cases he lost[28] and just accepted the loss. Meanwhile, Biden is doing everything he can to cancel student loan debt except the one thing he's constitutionally supposed to do: get Congress to set aside the money for it[29].
Another thing to look at is contrast with how his opponents behave. They claimed Trump would abuse the legal system against his opponents[30], but he didn't -- meanwhile they've indicted him for more crimes than Al Capone[31], and his recent conviction was openly and aggressively politically motivated. He was elected saying he would prosecute Hillary Clinton, but Letitia James was elected saying she would prosecute Donald Trump and did[32] and Alvin Brag was elected saying he would prosecute Donald Trump and he did[33]. They claimed he'd become a military dictator, but it wasn't until Biden was inaugurated that Washington DC started looking like Pyongyang, filled with troops[34] and barbed wire fences[35]. They claimed he told his followers to bad things but he said "peacefully and patriotically make yourselves heard" and when the protest turned into a riot he said "go home[...]we have to respect our great people in law and order" while the current sitting vice president said of rioters "beware" since "they're not gonna stop [...] And they should not"[36]
So to conclude, I've presented overwhelming evidence often citing opposing news sources proving that while everyone would likely agree his presidency was imperfect and he's an imperfect person, Trump had overwhelming chances to be the tyrant people claim he wanted to be but refused to take those chances to do so and instead obeyed the law that limited his actions. He could have done many of the things he was accused of wanting to do, but did not. Meanwhile, many of the things he was accused of wanting to do have been done by his opponents in the aftermath of his presidency. What Donald Trump had more than most presidents of the past century is an actively hostile establishment against him including an establishment media whose entire raison d'etre became attacking him. Ironically, in attacking this one man, they've burned through decades of goodwill and done far more damage to themselves than even a hypothetical dictator Trump could have. He's not a Pinochet, and the American people appear on track to agree, potentially re-electing him in November.
Keep in mind that this discussion is all taking place in a thread about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump that occurred last week[37]. While it is appearing now that the attempt was not politically motivated, a lot of people are showing their colors in that they would have preferred it be successful and there's thousands of millions of posts saying "aw, if only the shooter hadn't missed".
As a fantastic example of the hostile establishment, Donald Trump had just been shot -- he had in fact been shot, he saw the bullet coming towards him, he felt the pain, he was still bleeding, and his reaction was to pump his fist and scream "fight fight fight" -- and CNN attacked him, saying "that's not the message we want to be sending right now"[38]. I ask you whether the establishment media would have ever made such a criticism if Joe Biden was the one still bleeding from a bullet that nearly killed him reacted like that? It's an inhuman expectation that someone would spout whatever the "right" thing to say is. Ever gotten punched in the face unexpectedly? How elouquent are you immediately afterwards? Have you ever just avoided getting murdered? Me either, but I bet I wouldn't be so equoquent either because neither of us are robots.
[1] https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2012/06/yes-bush-v-gore-did-steal-the-election.html
[2] https://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/01/us/the-2004-campaign-complaints-charges-of-dirty-tricks-fraud-and-voter.html
[3] https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/russia-investigation/
[4] https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/how-will-we-vote-outbreak-revives-debate-on-mail-in-ballots
[5] https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/rise-ballot-drop-boxes-due-coronavirus
[6] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aqorZ61AYFqZU-EDQBBzjqfvAoC5nKcB/view
[7] https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/19/us/politics/when-courts-overturn-elections.html
[8] https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/dem-petition-pa.pdf
[9] https://www.inquirer.com/photo/convention-center-plays-host-phillys-ballot-counting-20201103.html
[10] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hillary-clinton-campaign-democratic-party-fined-fec-clears-steele-dossier-author-of-wrongdoing/
[11] https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/muellers-case-against-paul-manafort-explained
[lol] https://fbxl.net/issue1/ped.html
[12] https://ghostarchive.org/archive/9geA1
[13] https://www.facebook.com/KamalaHarris/posts/if-youre-able-to-chip-in-now-to-the-minnesota-freedom-fund-to-help-post-bail-for/10158943194687923/
[14] https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/06/us/atlanta-mayor-8-year-old-killed.html
[15] https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jun/2/will-smith-va-police-chief-says-rioters-blocked-fi/
[16] https://minnesotareformer.com/2021/05/27/one-year-later-few-charges-for-the-arson-and-destruction/
[17] https://apnews.com/article/442bb3509625e13df3afb06b8e652163
[18] https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/03/us/minneapolis-government-george-floyd.html
[19] https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/long-lake-man-gets-5-years-for-firebombing-courthouse-during-george-floyd-riots
[20] https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/31/us/politics/trump-protests-george-floyd.html
[21] https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/trump-says-military-ready-willing-able-ready-deploy-minneapolis-amid-n1219656
[22] https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/01/politics/fact-check-trump-walz-minnesota-national-guard/index.html
[23] https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/lbj-sends-federal-troops-to-alabama
[24] https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/10/us/trump-speech-riot.html
[25] https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/blog/electoral-college-certification-updates-n1252864/ncrd1253120?canonicalCard=true
[26] https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/federal-court-rules-emergencies-act-invocation-not-justified-1.6738624
[27] https://www.youtube.com/live/o6ZuJoUf6sE?si=zyHQcIxbD-Kie7Ek&t=2335
[28] https://policyintegrity.org/trump-court-roundup
[29] https://www.npr.org/2024/07/19/g-s1-12173/federal-appeals-court-blocks-remainder-biden-student-debt-relief-plan
[30] https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/trump-has-threatened-dozens-of-times-to-use-the-government-to-target-political-enemies/
[31] https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/07/donald-trump-legal-cases-charges/675531/
[32] https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/incoming-new-york-ag-wants-to-go-after-trump-and-his-family-on-state-crimes/
[33] https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/20/politics/bragg-new-york-trump/index.html
[34] https://www.npr.org/sections/insurrection-at-the-capitol/2021/01/16/957642610/unprecedented-number-of-troops-descend-on-washington-d-c-for-bidens-inauguration
[35] https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/nations-capital-turned-fortress-washington-ahead-inauguration/story?id=75259761
[36] https://americanmind.org/features/ending-the-blm-revolution/theyre-not-gonna-stop/
[37] https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/14/politics/timeline-trump-rally-shooting-dg/index.html
[38] https://www.newsweek.com/cnn-response-donald-trump-shooting-sparks-fury-1924905
Geez, would having this said to her by the soon vice president be scarring enough for shoe to want to Canadian healthcare herself?
Hoo! No kidding they see us coming!!
It the idea that youd put smart features that last 3 years on a TV that could last 20 is asinine...
It the idea that youd put smart features that last 3 years on a TV that could last 20 is asinine...
I'm dreading the day I need to buy a new TV, because I don't think they even make non smart TVs anymore. Maybe for industrial applications?
White domestic supremacists believe that only the white race has what it really takes to reach the pinnacle of cooking and cleaning around the house.
Yes, air gapped means it's physically disconnected from the outside world.
In addition, if you wanted to maintain the air gap but wanted realtime aggregation of data you could use a device called a data diode which can write but cannot read, for example by sending data down a fiber optic with only a transmit line at the device and only a receive line on the reciever that plugs into the state network.
In addition, if you wanted to maintain the air gap but wanted realtime aggregation of data you could use a device called a data diode which can write but cannot read, for example by sending data down a fiber optic with only a transmit line at the device and only a receive line on the reciever that plugs into the state network.
I find the common defense of Biden to be really funny.
"He's been at meetings! With important people!"
People sleep through meetings with important people every single day that's not a defense.
"He's been at meetings! With important people!"
People sleep through meetings with important people every single day that's not a defense.
"here's a 20% credit towards your next cruise!"
Bahahahaha yeah sounds like they'll jump right on that.
Bahahahaha yeah sounds like they'll jump right on that.
Isn't that really what freedom of religion boils down to, from an age where we distributed morality more?
Something doesn't smell right. Why are any voting machines up today? It isn't like there's an election just today?
Yeah, your problem is not enough caffeine.
(And as a nod to continuity, I stopped with coffee myself because it was harsh on my stomach and I've got a pretty iron stomach!)
(And as a nod to continuity, I stopped with coffee myself because it was harsh on my stomach and I've got a pretty iron stomach!)
"kiddo, those are planes and cars. We used to mass produce them so virtually anyone could drive or go on a passenger flight."
Part of the problem is that they're just tourists so they think the Republicans win every court case they get to scotus, which isn't true -- if SCOTUS was just an organ of the Republican party, Trump would be just about to finish his second term in office.
Most people criticizing don't realize for example that the court has had an overwhelming number of cases that ended up being 7-0 recently, and there's cases where some liberal justices and some conservative justices combined to get a slim outcome. They're not politicians, they're judges and have a different view of the world. Under Trump most Republicans hated Roberts for example.
Many such people think they would have opposed the Nazis if they were Germans in 1936, while loving who the establishment tells them to love and hating who the establishment tells them to hate and not realizing their behavior would have aligned them directly with the Nazis in Germany in 1936.
Most people criticizing don't realize for example that the court has had an overwhelming number of cases that ended up being 7-0 recently, and there's cases where some liberal justices and some conservative justices combined to get a slim outcome. They're not politicians, they're judges and have a different view of the world. Under Trump most Republicans hated Roberts for example.
Many such people think they would have opposed the Nazis if they were Germans in 1936, while loving who the establishment tells them to love and hating who the establishment tells them to hate and not realizing their behavior would have aligned them directly with the Nazis in Germany in 1936.
"Oh, the government tells me my food prices are going down. I'm going to head to the bank and tell them to put the money back in my account"