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🌲-alist | @threalist@social.fbxl.net

Quick, Robin. Change the shape of the virtue signal!


If woke-elite bingo was a game, Katherine Maher would take the top prize.


> The controversial new CEO of NPR, who has only been on the job since March 25, is already at the center of a firestorm that began when veteran NPR reporter and editor Uri Berliner wrote a Free Press essay critical of the network’s increasingly hard-left bias.

The régime always turns against the people who helped it get power once they aren't needed.

The feminists helped break down institutions that had power against the régime, but they are no longer needed.

@picandor there was a farm several miles down the road from where i grew up that operated on the honor system. i would bike down there every week in the summer and give them my allowance in exchange for a pint of blueberries. never once did i consider not paying

The Roman solution to fighting any country with a better Navy than theirs was to install giant hooks on their boats, ram the other countries ships and then have a land war on the decks of the now hooked together ships.

Make your opponents fight on your terms and you win every time

@threalist @freemo @jcsamuelson The media certainly piled onto Clinton when the sex scandal broke out.

They were afraid to really go at Obama because that might be racist. They are afraid to go after Biden because they don't want Trump, and because he is old and it looks like bullying.

"we were cleared to cross runway 4"

these faggots running things are used to being able to make mistakes where they can pass the buck, but we are right at the edge of that not being the case anymore

@Gelatinousrube @Ladyfat The number of children 0-3yos being baby-sat by smart phones and tablets is 80-90%. I seldom see any kid at a restaurant not being screen-zombied.

It’s hard to get mad at a $90,000 bag of bushings when thousands of migrants are getting debit cards with thousands of dollars on them.

RT: https://poa.st/objects/e5ec7141-2591-4ac4-8694-da177b5b0b2f

What a weird coincidence. Was she eating lunch in her car I wonder?


Now do the one where they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps by working hard at entry level jobs as young adults and enjoyed a high stadard of living from it but then proceeded to offshore those same jobs as adults.
