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@Shadowman311 What's the point of winning if you just end up with a different boot on your neck?

Might as well just book a ticket to greenland at that point. Definitely shouldn't make the mistake the dumb leftists make that they'll be the ones not being oppressed if only "their guys" get into power.

@Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 Authoritarianism is a roll of the wheel of misery. The commies optimistically think they'll win the roll, so do the national socialists.

Neither of them seem particularly interested in leaving more liberal countries to move to the existing authoritarian regimes, oddly enough.

@WhiteTemplar @RoyalJohnny242 @AnonymousBosch @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311

History tells us that it won't be me or anyone like me wearing the boot.

It'll be some fuckhead with a funny hat and his best friends wearing the boots, and it would be a shame if I have anything negative to say about that because they've got a lovely wall to show me. If history is any indication, they'll force you to be mormon or some stupid shit. It definitely won't be based on merit, it'll be based on whoever was standing closest to the chair at the time.

For a bunch of people trying to protect their heritage, seems like there's an awful lot of people in this thread who want to ignore the history of the west and the reason why they had the best technology, the best art, basically invented industry, basically invented science, and had empires that spanned the entire globe. They'd prefer we run like some african dictatorship instead.

@andreas @Shadowman311

Certain people are drawn towards whatever has power in the moment is. It wasn't so long ago that the biggest power was Christianity, but it wasn't really Christianity -- it was however those people needed to twist Christianity to get whatever they wanted.

The powermongers used up Christianity like a tissue paper, then moved onto the next most powerful thing. That happened to be egalitarianism.

Just like they twisted Christianity into something else to get what they want, they've twisted egalitarianism into its polar opposite with the same methods into something they can use to get whatever they wanted, and just like with Christianity they are using it up like a tissue. In this moment it might feel like there will never be a time that nobody gives a fuck about this shit, but it'll happen fast.

It also happened with environmentalism. The noble idea of protecting nature has been twisted into a mutant mockery of itself. The results of this are that if you want to destroy the planet, you follow what the environmentalists ask for. It'll result in a dead planet, a genocide, and all the money in the world sitting in their pockets.

If we run this twisted mockery of egalitarianism out of the room and let's say we push for absolute conservatism, racial purity, meritocracy all that -- the same people will just change their tune and start using up whatever ideology you care about like a tissue, twist it into something you grow to hate, and leave it useless on the ground. You might think you'd like this future, but you won't.

Instead of focusing on the specific tactics of the moment, you need to step back and see the whole board. Unless something is done to change their strategy, it will continue to succeed -- your most deeply held beliefs will be another casualty at the feet of the powermongers.

@andreas @Shadowman311

The moment I have expectations of anyone is the moment I'm disappointed.

Don't worry, I don't expect anything of you.

@Victor_Emmanuel @AnonymousBosch @Glowberg_Fedstein @RoyalJohnny242 @Shadowman311 @WhiteTemplar

Care to elaborate a bit on your first point? I'm not aware of an era called "the medical period".

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 If that's the case, then why has the history of the world been a slow grind away from authoritarianism? We already had absolute monarchs, and then we had constitutionally restricted monarchs, and now even the places with monarchs give them no power.

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 Joe Biden can't even control his own bowels or his urges to sniff children.

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311

that's been my argument this whole time though, that trading one set of tyrants for another isn't going to be helpful.

I can see it in the replies, that everyone has this sunny vision that if only *their* despot could get in, things would be so much better. It's no different than the utopianism of the communists. It just isn't reality.

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311

It's cute that you think any tyrant will be in your favor. Reality check: Every single tyrant will track every single kiwi farms member and up against the wall.

@Glowberg_Fedstein @AnonymousBosch @RoyalJohnny242 @Shadowman311 @WhiteTemplar

Yeah, it only created the 21st century.

Who cares about airplanes and automobiles and the cotton gin and the microchip and the fertilizer we use to feed the world, of nylon and vulcanized rubber and stainless steel, widespread electricity and telecommunications and mass transit by train, personal computers and smart phones and so on and so forth ad infinitum?

You've been hanging out with too many communists, they think the government can invent better than all the entrepreneurs and private inventors on the planet because they worship the state, but that's simply false.

@Glowberg_Fedstein @Eris @Shadowman311 Just because I'm not fighting for what you want me to fight for doesn't mean I'm not fighting for something.

Which goes back to my original point. Let's say the "based and red pilled dictatorship" was run by me. I'd love it, but I bet you'd hate it.

@Glowberg_Fedstein @Eris @Shadowman311 @Victor_Emmanuel

This conversation has helped me understand why you *are* cattle.

Between the fashies and the commies, it's the same. Nobody wants to build anything, they think they can be granted something by some omniscient omnipotent other. Both think that something they're not willing to build themselves will magically come into being if they just give someone else the reigns.

Giving up the divine spark of creation to someone else, you're giving up a core piece of your humanity, and for what? To be an NPC in someone else's game?

If you cattle want to be herded so much, so be it. I won't argue with you any further. I've got too much to build, and you've got to keep fighting to give away your agency.

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 @Victor_Emmanuel Bullshit. You intend to hand them to someone else.

You know, most ideologies don't require revolution to create. You don't need to overthrow the government to create a commune. You don't need to overthrow the government to create a worker's cooperative. You don't need to overthrow the government to build a community far from the tendrils of some banking system.

The need to overthrow the government comes about from people who don't want to build anything, they want it built for them. You need to overthrow the system then because you need to force others to build what you're not willful enough to make for yourself.

Of course you don't want freedom, you know you won't do anything with it. If you don't do anything with it and you're just a free man then it's your fault and you're a failure, but if there's some overlord then you can at least point to them and say "If only we had the right overlord, things would be different for me!"

Cowardice. No wonder I have problems wrapping my head around people who advocate for such things.

@Victor_Emmanuel @Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 You're cowards.

"Oh, we want to build something!" right, so you did, right? Oh, no. You just complained that it was too hard and you didn't want to and if only someone else could overthrow everything and do it for you then you could make something of yourself.


@Eris @Victor_Emmanuel @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 Yes, that's what I expect to see. Excuses.

As if people haven't done so much more with so much less in the past.

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 @Victor_Emmanuel Excuses again.

It's ok, I get it. It's the jews/government/crown/aliens/body thetans.

I mean, people make something of themselves all the time, but you're just being oppressed too hard! If only!

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 @Victor_Emmanuel The Amish seem to have built something just fine without violence.

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 @Victor_Emmanuel You're simply wrong on that. There's lots of people who oppose them for many reasons, not the least of which being they're a series of religious communes with strict rules and the people you're complaining about hate that a lot.

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 @Victor_Emmanuel All I see is excuses. If you refuse to play, don't complain that you didn't win.

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 @Victor_Emmanuel

That's hilarious. What, do you think that santa hitler is going to come in and go "ho ho ho! Everyone who has no skills, no ambition, and spends all their days shitposting on someone else's websites is going to be part of my cabinet now!"

@Glowberg_Fedstein @Eris @Shadowman311 @Victor_Emmanuel

At no point has my issue been about the "right wing" part, it's about the "authoritarian" part. Having someone that doesn't even know you come in and plan your life for you, to make your decisions for you, and to hand over your soul in the hopes that by turning into a good little lemming you will somehow magically be successful, it doesn't matter what that person believes. The world simply does not work that way.

Although I think that building something is a virtue, I also think that the only way to achieve that virtue is to be a free person who goes about trying to make their way with hard work, wits, intelligence, and behaving in a way that helps others ultimately trust you and want to give you opportunities.

Economics tells us that if everybody is trying to do something then you have a supply and demand problem. In one way we're kind of living through that right now -- because the government has stepped in and forced people to stay at home, the prices of many commodities are going through the roof. The people who produced the lumber in this case succeed, but the people who have to buy it suffer. The best opportunities are where you can or will do something that others can't or won't, or you see the value in something that others don't yet.

The only way you can make use of those opportunities is to be free to do so. Without that, without giving individuals the ability to go out and do what they think is right and succeed or fail, just like all the people trying to buy lumber at the same time it just means everybody fails.

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 @Victor_Emmanuel Or perhaps you don't believe as strongly in authoritarianism as you think you do.

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 @Victor_Emmanuel Which goes right back to my previous point that you think it'll be exactly what you want, no more and no less. That's always what people think, right up until you wake up with a dick in your arse and a toothbrush moustache brushing your ear.

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 @Victor_Emmanuel Have you seen the Pope lately?

Might want to reconsider your stance.

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 @Victor_Emmanuel Is the pope the head of the catholic religion and now espousing a bunch of retarded bullshit and making it the official stance of Catholicism?

Perfect example of unintended consequences. "Yeah! Now we'll get our right wing...wait, they're doing commie shit because the pope said to? God damnit!"

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 @Victor_Emmanuel My argument is that you're gonna get cucked if you hand the reigns to someone else. The only way to live is to live free, and make your own decisions, and to insist on it.

By the way, the German people got badly fucked by Hitler, especially when he invited the Russians in to rape and pillage half of the country. How's that for getting fucked in the ass? It turns out that giving the guy running the country a bunch of cocaine wasn't such a great idea after all.

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 @Victor_Emmanuel
>Become authoritarian right wing regime
>invite the marxist hores in
>become communist for the next 50 years

god damnit!

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 @Victor_Emmanuel Ask Hitler. He's the one who decided to do it, and made East Germany communist for the next 50 years.

It turns out that even your mighty right wing authoritarian can become a coked out idiot and do a bunch of stupid shit, and because you gave him all the power, he has all the power he needs to fuck you right up.

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 @Victor_Emmanuel Who the fuck are you to deny the great leader his coke? You gave him all the power, he can do all the coke he wants! If you have anything to say about it, do the concentration camps, dissident!

@Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 @Victor_Emmanuel Literally history. The most important events of the 20th century.

@Victor_Emmanuel @Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 That happens when your cokehead leader declares war on both.

@Victor_Emmanuel @Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 You stick your dick in a bear, that isn't a poor strategy, that's suicide, especially if you've already picked a fight with a pack of wolves.

@Victor_Emmanuel @Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 Yeah, if only things weren't the way they actually were then they would have been different!

@Tactical @Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 @Victor_Emmanuel

Correction, failing miserably and losing half of Germany to communism for 50 years.

Great job with that.

@Victor_Emmanuel @Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 @Tactical They were deeply enamored with Stalin's moustache.

@Victor_Emmanuel @Eris @Glowberg_Fedstein @Shadowman311 @Tactical Yeah, you tend to go after the guy who went after you before you worry about the scarier guy who isn't presently going after you.

The whole point of the way Japan was defeated was to put the fear of god into the scarier guy now that the guy who went after us was out, because that would be and was the next war.