FBXL Social

Today someone pointed out that FBXL Social doesn't have a privacy policy, and asked why they should trust it.

My response is that they shouldn't trust it, and a piece of paper with site policy doesn't change that. You can have a codebook full of policies, and it's absurd to think that makes a website trustworthy.

You shouldn't trust any website on the Internet. You shouldn't be giving your personal information to websites, and particularly not social media websites.

The Internet is not your friend, and anyone trying to tell you differently is selling something on the Internet, and almost certainly does not have your best interests at heart. Assume even the most prestigious company is no better than 4chan.

@DK_Dharmaraj 4chan does benefit in that it's honest. Give your irl details on 4chan and nobody is pretending they're going to carefully steward the information, they are overt in what they will do with that information.