FBXL Social

You should keep your Fedi instances small, and share their cost.

Fosstodon posted that their new hosting cost for their influx of users is at about $2k a month now.
If the Eternal September pattern holds true, the cost will continue rising unless they stop signups. And because the new user base are web2.0 conditioned normies who believe paying for anything is out of the question, they won’t grasp that they either start sharing the cost, or surveillance capitalism and advertising are not far behind. the Fediverse will begin to centralize around large instances which can afford the infrastructure. New “standards of federation” will emerge. Activity Pub development will start to be dominated by institutions and then corporations. Smaller instances will be “defederated for safety”. Who knows.. Google may even start to “contribute” to Fedi development.

Or, you can keep your instances small, and share the cost.


Very good points... I really like the smaller, easier to manage instances. When user base gets too big it can easily take on a mob mentality. That is when the 'stupid' or lowest common denominator rears its ugly head. This always ends badly for everyone.

Frequently, I see content that I don't agree with or I wish I didn't have to see however I remind myself that any control/restrictions I wish over other people can and will be exercised over me as well.

I have to treat others like I would want them to treat me.

@atyh Everyone will go back to Twitter, and they'll leave us alone, God will.

There is a big difference between self-hosting and hosting elsewhere: You are in full control. If you want to defederate from someone, go ahead. If you want to federate with them, go ahead. If you want to have a color scheme nobody else has, go ahead. If you want special features, your own special emoji, special rewrite policies, or whatever else you want, it's all within your power.

Once you start following people on other servers, soon it doesn't matter that you're not on the same server because you get a fantastic feed with just a few hundred active follows.