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Really quite depressing, and it’s just beginning. The single lady issue is like watching the tide go out to sea before the tsunami

The wall

@WashedOutGundamPilot Value of woman go down, value of man go up.

@sj_zero @ghostaf @WashedOutGundamPilot I'm genuinely torn between wanting to dunk on them for poor life choices on the one hand, but recognizing that women don't have agency so the real fault here is with the people who filled their heads with bullshit about hAvInG A cArEeR on the other

Will they self reflect? Will that admit feminism was the cause of their fate?

@WashedOutGundamPilot toxoplasmosis and it's consequences....

@WashedOutGundamPilot Millennial women are going to die from alcohol poisoning within the next few years because of the bullshit they bought into while growing up. They sit there all pompous bragging about their careers while they silently seethe on the inside knowing the lifestyle they lived has amounted to nothing. That cool wine aunt they memed about being a decade back? Not true in the slightest. Nobody wants to be around them and they don't know why. A pet is not a substitute for a child and neither is a "career" in HR where they feel they have power. I could go on but it becomes redundant at some point.

@Sugizo For once, a useful reddit post

@Sugizo In their head they picture it being much cooler

@ImperialAgent @WashedOutGundamPilot lol no

Drill down into any of these pity parties and they'll defend all the major feminist precepts that got them there. The only "should have done different" thing you'll get is some past relationship she thinks would have changed her life if it worked out.

The one who's being wistful about her carefree 20s will never agree that she (or people in general) should have been "tied down" building families during that period instead.

@ImperialAgent Yeah man, they’re great at self-reflection

(in that the “Accountability-Industrial Complex™ ruined their life by making it so these consequences applied to their actions)

@DK_Dharmaraj @sj_zero @ghostaf I tend to dislike these types IRL because they never, EVER do the needful and warn the younger women. Instead they tell them all the things they wished they’d known to have a better career, not a family

@WashedOutGundamPilot >I want to wait till I'm 50

@SettlerLife Oh, thanks for bringing that to my attention. Not only is she a spincel, but she’s an escort, too!

@WashedOutGundamPilot there are just as many of not more single men, I've been seeing so many single and sad men on tik tok recently. This one is very relatable

@SettlerLife Oh, nvm, she’s Californian IT remora, I thought it was “Callgirl”, not Caligirl. Way too many hookers on reddit and I was too eager. Here’s an update from this lady who wanted a child at 50:

@WashedOutGundamPilot @DK_Dharmaraj @sj_zero misery loves company, and it will NEVER ever be their fault

@DK_Dharmaraj @sj_zero @ghostaf @WashedOutGundamPilot Just keep adding to the tally of crimes of the liberal regime will be charged with when we win.

@SettlerLife Ah, I can’t! I don’t have time to mine for cringe!

But here, a little nugget about signals from women:

Honestly I would tread careful were I this guy, half the time a “like” on any of these apps isn’t a real sign of romantic interest, but a “woah crazy seeing you here hahah see ya tuesday”


@WashedOutGundamPilot I have a pretty good idea on how this unfolds, from watching my mom and sister age. My parents are still together, but my mom has zero muscle strength. My dad can shovel gravel all day, but my mom helps out where she can, prepping drinks and snacks. She's in her 60's and she would not be able to live alone in a house, maybe an apartment. My sister has zero home owner skills despite wanting one, for some reason. Her place is a mess 24-7 and she needs family to help her with stuff or nothing would ever get done. Couple that with no strength to do the work and you have a b-line to an assisted living facility where shaniqua won't answer that nurse buzzer because she on break

@WashedOutGundamPilot i'm not too torn up about this, naturally insufferable women filtering themselves out of the gene pool sounds great. these people are single for a reason and would not be better if they were married

@sneedjitsu Kinda, but there are some well-meaning girls who simply didn’t have a chance at learning what they should have. They had well meaning, but dumbass fathers (if any) that supported the empowerment ruse because he wanted to be “one of the good dads”, and her mom didn’t look into the future.

People don’t necessarily WANT to be spincels. Many of these spinster hags imagine that they’ll climb up the career ladder and obtain a higher class of man, like she’ll be a lawyer and join as a partner then fall in love with her coworker to become a super power couple. (The only time this kinda works is medical school, and that’s a sex-pressure cooker, most divorce too)

In reality, these ladies climb the corporate ladder, and then start their hunt at 33, thinking the hunky 35 yo will reciprocate her interest in someone who’s equally well-traveled, worldly, and accomplished….instead she overhears the secretary bragging about him taking her out to dance and laughing that he’s almost old enough to be her father

@WashedOutGundamPilot trust me its more terrifying when its 50, a multi-car crash level of previous relationships, drug possessions and multiple kids - one of who won't talk to her because she's a psycho who tries to ruin things others have.

how do I know this? heh...funny story...

@WashedOutGundamPilot >I would rather
then why did you agree to the date?

@Victor_Emmanuel @WashedOutGundamPilot I'm SO GLAD my LAME DATE abandoned me because I'M SO QUIRKY, guess he just couldn't handle A SUCCESSFUL WOMAN, LMAO AT MEN, INSECURE INCEL DETECTED *washes antidepressants down with wine while crying self to sleep*

@sneedjitsu @Victor_Emmanuel My catchphrase doesn’t seem so much like a warning anymore, it feels like a threat.

You can’t stay high forever

@WashedOutGundamPilot defeating zog might actually be a huge evolutionary leap for White people. we self-select for the most able and observant men as well as the most nurturing and caring women while scumbags, cucks, and perpetually miserable femcels are slaughtered by The Hordes. i'm aware this is 100% rambling but could make for a killer vaporwave edit

@sneedjitsu Maybe, TBH I’m sick of that talk though. Just ask the germans how that whole “Our tanks are way, way better than theirs! Just look at how advanced we are!!!” thing worked out for them.

There’s no replacement for numbers. I’d rather have 1000 white NPC’s reproduce than 100 “based”s, because we’ll probably end up with more of our own kind from the former than the latter.

@WashedOutGundamPilot you've got a point but a lot of these people have this bizarre mindset of being addicted to and naturally drawn towards a dysfunctional and stupid way of life like wine aunthood. these are the kind of women who would leave their husband of 20 years for their "soulmate" or masturbate to fifty shades of grey while breastfeeding their infant and yelling at their husband at the same time. their male equivalents are the permanent teenagers that are getting more exposure than ever before thanks to rap that are 30 years old, drug-addled, have four children with three different baby mamas and are still running around slums dreaming of being billionaires. JK rowling and George Floyd are not so different.

at least with spinsters you simply repeal 19 to keep women from destroying their own lives and create a societal stigma around miserable would-be femcels, with floyds the only way to deal with them is to bully them out of groups or kill them

@sneedjitsu Looking at the zoomers it’s not all entirely lost though. There are more kids wising up and overcoming their circumstances than I’d ever expect from society at large. Conformists can be just as useful, if not moreso, than the supposed geniuses.

Being super smart isn’t always a save. I’ve seen more 140 IQ geniuses working as janitors than I have doctors.

@sneedjitsu “ah, don’t worry, our Tiger can take out THREE Shermans for every one we produce!”

“that’s cool, man…..but they’re making 9 for every Tiger we build”


@WashedOutGundamPilot @Sugizo >ladies, imagine it's 15 years from now and you have no kids
>you're the last single woman in your group of friends, and you're either the awkward third wheel when they go out as couples, or drifting apart entirely from lacking a common lifestyle anymore
>you wanted to brag about your exotic vacation, but your manager denied your vacation request since another coworker also requested time off to take their kids to see their grandparents over thanksgiving
>one afternoon, instead of shopping in paris, you were sitting in your cubicle scrolling through facebook on your phone while pretending to fill out your TPS reports
>you look up your old boyfriend, who dumped you via text the day after you told him in no uncertain terms that you absolutely never want kids. he's married now, with a 4 year old daughter and a 1 year old son. you come across a picture of him playing with his kids in a pile of leaves and all of a sudden the weight of your mistakes hits you like a ton of bricks

@WashedOutGundamPilot they deserve to suffer, frankly speaking.

@WashedOutGundamPilot intelligence is overrated, personality and practicality will get you much further. i do much better than many people who are objectively smarter and more advantaged than i am
Zoomers are interesting. our times are polarizing the generation, the majority are 100% willing ZOGcows, some of which are mind-bogglingly and worryingly competent, but there exists a tiny microcosm of young men stronger, smarter, and more cynical than anyone's ever been, with access to the best information in the history of mankind and the best mental and physical fitness technology ever. they also have enough pragmatism and natural disagreeableness to reject the pitfalls designed for young people trying to find themselves they're hard to find because they do their very best to conceal themselves, and most are not nearly as vocal as i am out of fear of being found out. as a product of the personality they need to have they trust no one either. if you met me in real life you'd never know

@sneedjitsu @WashedOutGundamPilot Intelligent people tend to be greater risk avoiders, leaving opportunities to be comfortable in their own field of expertise.

@YeetLibs @WashedOutGundamPilot Wrong, my cat is at the door to greet me.

@Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot also beyond 160 or so intelligence is more of a handicap than anything else and most often takes the form of an area of incredible mental aptitude in one area in exchange for high-functioning autism of some kind. i don't care how good you are at math, your intelligence isn't worth a fuck if you can't look a woman in the eye or are driven by autistic urges to cut your penis off. i'm a tested 150 and have met plenty of people much smarter than i am in my field but very few seem to work as functioning human beings. what happened to the kind of man that used to be a Richard Feynman or a John Van Neumann? have they really been buckbroken by the public education system that badly?

@sneedjitsu @Twoinchdestroya Yeah. That one guy had a good take, too, where he said “back in the day smart guys from flyover country were nabbed up by institutions and schools to be placed in high-skill careers in aerospace and engineering, now they’re making spreadsheets and tracking the Eve Online economy while they work part time tech support”

Our diamonds are being mined by dumb monkeys and women today, and they can’t tell that the uncut gem beneath their feet is far more valuable than the pyrite glittering in the rock face in front of them.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @sneedjitsu It's easier to winnow out a whole field of blue berries than a choice select of bushes during an bad harvest year.

@sneedjitsu @WashedOutGundamPilot I believe it's how people treated intelligence when we were growing up. Intelligent people used to be inquisitive and curious, always pursuing their interests, they were more eccentric than others but still social.

Now, intelligence requires the isolation of the individual and to only interact with other isolated intellects. Universities worsen this by forcing them into believing theirs only one intelligent method and answer to everything.