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Taylan is that pedophile guy right

@fcktheworld587 he bragged about dating a 16 year old

@vriska @fcktheworld587 If adult women weren’t so stingy men wouldn’t have to date teenagers.

@eris @fcktheworld587 oh you're a pedophile too cool

@vriska he was just making a "joke" in my understanding.

@georgia he got the whole squad (child protective services) laughing

No idea about taylan but amolith apparently was dating a 16 year old recently

Ironic beatings for ironic pedos.

@Hoss @georgia he went on and on about how it wasn't wrong and then pulled the 'haha I was joking" card

@vriska @fcktheworld587 16 years old isn’t pedophilia retard. I would buy 4 16 year old child brides, one from each corner of the 3rd World.

No body wants to fuck you

@fcktheworld587 @vriska That’s because you think fully grown women are children.

@Sexypink Desire is not a requirement.

Sorry I left that out, no one desires you either

@Sexypink They don’t have to want it.

Exactly. No one will ever you let you fuck them -consensualy-

@Sexypink Good.

@vriska @Hoss @georgia No one who isn't a pedophile jokes about being a pedophile. There's no such thing as an ironic pedophile.

@vriska @fcktheworld587 @vriska @eris @fcktheworld587 dafuq? 16 might be objectionable depending on the age gap but it isn't remotely pedophilia by any definition of that word and neither is it underage in the majority of the western world

@fcktheworld587 @vriska You will not keep me from my fully mature child brides no matter what you call them. I dress them like dolls and lock them in a small room btw.

@vriska >[fediverse user] is a pedophile, right?
and other questions whose answer is always YES

@nukie the side of fedi that im on seems much ncer and much less full of freaks than the side of fedi like half my followers are on

@nukie @vriska Nukie do ur parents know u r gay?

@vriska idk, to me every fediverse user is a pedophile until proven otherwise

@nukie this sounds like a you and the people you spend time around problem tbh

Back when my instance was new I had people from the other side of the great fedi wall following me and then immediately unfollowing the moment I started popping off about something. I'm nice until I get angry and then I immediately dial it to eleven.

@eris @vriska @fcktheworld587 Try group therapy, I've heard it improves socialising skills

@eris @vriska @fcktheworld587 Therapists are DEMONS

@eris @vriska @fcktheworld587 group therapy bud, it's literally mostly the people talking, the "therapist"/mediator is just there to help not go silent, but you do you, was trying to give honest advice

@eris @vriska @fcktheworld587 They will tell me to eat the bugs. I will NEVER eat the bugs!

@fcktheworld587 @vriska My walls tell me to kill myself but I'll never do it.

@vriska @eris @fcktheworld587 IT'S ALWAYS AN ERIS

he apparently talked about dating underage ppl


What convinced you that trannies are heckin’ valid?

Just ask him he’ll probably admit it

I’ve asked him and others about it, the claims seem unfounded, it just seems that tranny enjoyers like vriska like to make these subtle suggestions to discredit him since he’s severely autistic and is anti-tranny (and also has AGP which is why he blocked me).

What did robopedo say? I can’t see his post.

Smh… of course robopedo is pulling the muh hebephilia bs.

@bot @roboneko @eris @vriska @fcktheworld587 i will never understand why people use this argument, it is still gross

@fcktheworld587 @vriska @sun_eater @eris @vriska @bot @fcktheworld587 you say this like I'm trying to advance some agenda. it's not "some argument" I pointed out what ought to be a blindingly obvious semantic issue with what was said. there was no value judgement attached. moreover I don't even know his age so I lack the necessary information to form one

suppose he's 35 and referring to a 16 year old. I judge that to be creepy and am generally against it from a social perspective. regardless of my distaste, it is very clearly not pedophilia. it is also not illegal in probably the majority of the western world

@eris @vriska @eris @fcktheworld587 the rapists IT'S LITERALLY IN THE NAME :bigbrain:

@eris @eris @fcktheworld587 @vriska But seriously how many Erises are out there?

@fcktheworld587 @vriska @sun_eater @bot @eris @fcktheworld587 @vriska

... ok elsewhere someone said it was likely while he was a teacher, in which case it's likely illegal most places. still not pedophilia tho

@roboneko @eris @vriska @bot @fcktheworld587 hebephilia is still gross so i don't see the point in labelling it differently.

@fcktheworld587 @vriska @sun_eater @eris @vriska @bot @fcktheworld587

> it's gross to me so labeling it as something it's not is okay to do

is effectively what you said there. so analogously suppose someone murders someone and you accuse them of rape on the basis that "I see both as wrong so I don't see a point to distinguishing them"

actually it's even worse than that because those terms refer to attraction, not to physical actions. diddling children != pedophilia (altho the latter seems like a prerequisite) and hebephilia != dating a teenager at 40 years old

I suppose the logical extreme of this is being accused of pleroma crimes

@roboneko @eris @vriska @bot @fcktheworld587 cringe post tbh, i'll keep researching about samurais now, have a nice night

@sun_eater @roboneko @vriska @bot @fcktheworld587 Dating chirdrenu is the way of the warrior.