FBXL Social

9,999,492 accounts
+1,803 in the last hour
+46,116 in the last day
+149,858 in the last week

Four time-based charts

Upper blue area: Number of Mastodon users
Upper cyan area: Hourly increases of number of users
Lower orange area: Number of active instances
Lower yellow area: Thousand toots per hour

For current figures please read the text of this post

yall are a bunch of faggots

@mastodonusercount So by tomorrow at the latest, will cross the 10 million users threshold.


I've heard enough criticism to be dubious about the total-accounts number, but the last-hour number goes up and down in interesting ways that I think are probably information-bearing. Up a lot in recent days… people incoming from Medium? Any other theories?

@timbray @mastodonusercount micro.blog just added support, but i don’t know how large of a userbase they have.

@simotoisback @mastodonusercount Akkoma (and Pleroma) does what Mastodon't