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"we must take out debt to relieve the debt or the debt will become overwhelming for us!"

Paying off one credit card with another on a global scale

I've felt for years that you start by increasing taxes and slashing spending, and once the budget is in surplus you start cutting taxes while keeping a surplus. It will work, and it'll get things moving in the right direction.

It's entirely possible, there's just no political will for it. Right now every country in the west is on the same path, and it's the path to the destruction. The sooner we start acting like there's a future and we want to protect it, the better.

Absolute facts.

We don't see a moral component to borrowing money we never intend to pay back (there is a huge moral component, we're selling our kids into slavery because we want free shit) so there's little reason not to keep borrowing forever.

But with that hole in our collective morality, we're doing terrible damage.