FBXL Social

Cc: @lain

If the demiurge is such a good guy why can't we leave?

Makes sense. I probably didn't think of that because I was raised to believe in reincarnation.

I assumed you were a tranny

I find it difficult to tell when people on here are being serious vs ironic.

Where abouts do you live? It's common to see old stone walls and building debris where I am too.

Why the long face?

Please can you all untag my other account? I don't want my notifications cluttered

I want to be here forever once, not twice

I don't know what \cong is

I don't know what that means I'm not a native speaker of math

One of the neighbours has what looks like a ram's skull tied to their fence with some wire

Thank you, layman whisperer

How do you know?

Fool that you are! You trust a cartoon duck to tell you that feelings are real! Will you perish? Or will you fight like a dog!

My schizophrenia once told me that the internet was a way to escape into the pleroma. In fact, that's why the software we are using on the internet is literally called "Pleroma".
Cc: @lain cc: @alex discuss