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A lot of people only know cherry picked bible passages. They know one bit of Leviticus, but they don't know that Leviticus is part of the Torah, one of the books of the Hebrew bible. They don't realize that Christianity is an extension of Judaism that had profound effects on the faith, including fundamentally changing the way earlier books need to be interpreted. They also don't realize that Islam is a third redefinition of Judaism, and unlike Christianity which modified but fundamentally accepted previous works, Islam believes their new prophet has provided them with an all new, all perfect, all overriding prophecy that must be directly, completely, and literally obeyed. Therefore people try to use Judaism or Christianity to convince Muslims on theological matters which doesn't work at all.

If you didn't realize these things, then you might think each faith is hypocritical because they don't all follow Judaism exactly, where each faith may have a common basis but fundamentally diverges thus leading to much different conclusions.

I must admit, it's only recently that I've come to understand my own ignorance of all 3 faiths. Thinking I'd learned everything there was to know through cultural osmosis, I've now been on a slow march down Dunning-Krueger hill.

Geez sounds scary, multiple warnings of "oh no he didn't!"

>To be charitable to Jews, one could say that Christianity and Judaism have "a common ancestor in the religion of the old testament Israelites".

Ah, I see now. That fits.

One of the hardest things I ever had to do as an engineerish sort was understanding that while you can calculate the volume of a tank, you can't calculate the mathematically perfect method of living.