FBXL Social

At the rate we're going globally, the Internet as we know it will be dead in 15 years.

Am I saying there will be no Internet? Of course not. You'll be able to go on a heavily regulated facebook or a heavily regulated youtube, or your heavily regulated banking website. But if things don't change, then the fediverse will be dead, regulated out of existence because the little guy won't be able to or won't want to follow all the new Internet regulations.

Meanwhile, people will continue to tilt at windmills as the media (both left and right) sends people on quixotic quests to distract us from the reality of what's happening.

Everyone please play attention to Trump and the gays, Israel and Ukraine, pay no attention to the fact that we're nationalizing the Internet at an alarming rate and will use that control to silence anything not deemed halal by the establishment.

The latest scheme from the US federal government involves them taking control over everything up to and including the equipment to get onto the Internet, all the way out to setting individual websites TOS. With that level of control, they can break a lot of stuff. As it is, if you're on the wrong ISP then you can be stuck behind carrier grade NAT. If the federal government swoops in and breaks enough stuff, it can break the Internet for sure, and nothing will save it.

Unfortunately, good times help us forget that bad people can make times infinitely bad. If the federal government directly controls your internet right at your connection to the ISP, they can start making things infinitely bad. There might be workarounds, but they'll be really limited. You and I probably couldn't have this conversation on a broken enough Internet, even if we start implementing a sort of private WAN to get around the broken Internet.

No, the stuff that gets their attention is helping to get people elected who "weren't supposed to win" or organizing protests they're not paying for.