FBXL Social

You should hate people who do you wrong, not fear them. Be strong, not weak.

@admitsWrongIfProven what do you think of this argument?

Welfare is funded by taxes. Is not paying tax a civil offense or criminal in the US or Netherlands (your countries of residence) or Germany (admitsWrong's)?

>Civil laws for example, no matter how much you refuse to follow such laws, will ever wind you up in jail or (Assuming you don't have a corrupt cop) a death threat.
What if you refuse to give them your money?

I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

My question is: are you willing to threaten people with death for a social safety net?

>So the base notion that there is a threat of violence is correct, but the consequences are variable depending upon congruence of the actual goals of policy makers and enforcers with the goals of the people.
If the goals of the people and the goals of policy makers are aligned, then why is violence necessary?

Okay, that's interesting. What countries is that the case in? Is it the case for the UK?
I guess for those countries, I was wrong.

I was under that impression too

This article is talking about it as though it's historical. And I've never heard of that happening to anyone. Interesting that the Netherlands still has it though.