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>Furthermore, she said this under extreme duress because she was suffering from obvious and documented online harassment and the moderators that should have been helping were siding against her.

Where is this sympathy when I get harassed and lash out at people or get into disagreements with mods? Oh wait, I'm not queer. Silly me, I forgot only protected classes matter 🤦‍♂️

I can't speak for them, but for me it's about the first, trying to avoid them.


And that's why we shouldn't have mods #P2P

I'm actually kind of confused why you are against this. Isn't it basically petition and protest but in the digital space? You seem like a fairly liberal person (correct me if I'm wrong). Why is it a civil right when it comes to real-world politics, but (idk what you'd call it, bad behaviour?) when it comes to online politics?

I don't consort with evil.
Not referring to TERFs btw. More fascists, sex pests, and other scum.

So what's the difference between the two scenarios? Is it that you can't choose your government, but you can choose what bar to drink at?

That's a good argument for less things being governmental and more things being private IMHO.

My end game is to not have to see their nonsense.

@strypey @lisamelton @paninid @TheLastOfHisName

>I suspect this is not unusual. So why the rancour against people willing to expose themselves to a bit of nonsense with the goal of reducing the net "evil" in the world?

I don't know. I'm not them.

@strypey @musingoddity That analogy doesn't help me understand your point of view.

You could just as easily imagine that you're the head of a country and you see someone protesting a policy you hold. How would you feel?
Isn't that fundamentally the same kind of thing?

Also, you don't have to challenge someone's "right" to check your behaviour in order to explain why you think you did nothing wrong.

More online forums should be run like democratic countries with rule of law and standards for moderators, I think. Not all of them, but more.
I'm thinking of starting an organisation to certify such things.