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@Reichsgesetz @ChadleyDudebro @jeffcliff so when were you injected?

I think the fact that you intentionally used the word 'Mayhaps' says a lot more about you then what ever dumb shit you're trying to talk on that guy.

This is the thread you claim I ran away from, presumably. As you can see, I did nothing of the sort

@jeffcliff @EvilMonkeys @Reichsgesetz @ChadleyDudebro @Type_Other @brigrammer @doonxib @ThatWouldBeTelling thanks for proving that youre retarded, and you did in fact run. That myocarditis must be getting to you

I literally dug up the thread that you claim that I ran from, proving otherwise.

>in fact he won his suit against the college

not all of them, or even the important ones:

> ] Arbitrator Claude Foisy ruled in a decision dated January 27, 2014,[15] to uphold the university's dismissal of Rancourt.[16] On March 10, 2014, Rancourt's union announced that it would appeal the Arbitrator's award.[17][18] As a result, an independent inquiry was held, which, in December 2011, ruled that the termination was justified.[19]

> which was exactly what happened to him.

No. What happened to him is he is a fruitcake, who had no business in charge of a classroom.

> The vaccine absolutely killed ppl,

sure. A couple.

> Rancourt proved this at a high level with ACM,

Again: rancourt doesn't prove anything except people like you don't bother to actually read what you parrot, and that people are willing to believe that covid deaths are actually caused by the vaccine.

>. There is plenty of evidence at every level, only a fool argues the vaccines didnt kill ppl,


> when we have some 1000+ autopsies proving exactly how it kills ppl

now you're making shit up

as far as your charts: if the first two only tell us about how incredibly safe the influenza vaccines must be, since the vax is pretty safe and doesn't cause much myocarditis at all

Goddard 2022 is still WAY less than what covid does
also they don't seem to control for covid infection, which might explain a chunk of that result too

@jeffcliff @EvilMonkeys @Reichsgesetz @ChadleyDudebro @Type_Other @brigrammer @doonxib @ThatWouldBeTelling i replied to your last post, you ran away, i just proved it. that aluminum and mercury in your brain is getting to you

I did not run away. There was one post that I may not have seen at the time (probably due to spc being broken)

@jeffcliff @EvilMonkeys @Reichsgesetz @ChadleyDudebro @Type_Other @brigrammer @doonxib @ThatWouldBeTelling he's not a fruitcake, he's an excellent scientist. You are a fruitcake retard that believes in vioxx, zoloft and remdesivir.

He absolutely proves the vaccine killed some 17mil ppl, that is not a few. Weve gone in circles because like most kikes you pretend what you just got proved wrong on, didnt happen.

The autopsies are easily available, like i said the plethora of proof is against you, youre simply an imbecile shilling

> he's not a fruitcake, he's an excellent scientist.

No he is not. Thankfully academia is washing their hands with him, otherwise he would be a national-scale embarrassment.

> You are a fruitcake retard that believes in vioxx, zoloft and remdesivir.

I have never even heard of vioxx, I don't think I've ever expressed an opinion about zoloft anywhere, and follow the actual data on remdesivir ( https://c19early.org/s ) which supports its use as a covid treatment in hospitalized patients.

He absolutely proves the vaccine killed some 17mil ppl,

No he didn't, and the vaccine DID NOT kill 17M people. This is blaming covid deaths on the vax.

> The autopsies are easily available.

Sure, and they support me.

> the plethora of proof is against you

No it is not.

> youre simply an imbecile shilling

@jeffcliff @EvilMonkeys @Reichsgesetz @ChadleyDudebro @Type_Other @brigrammer @doonxib @ThatWouldBeTelling no its relative risk, and myocarditis is extremely common for the covid vaccines, yet another thing youre lying about.

And yet another lie, covid does not cause more myocarditis than the vaccine, this was a really nasty and subversive lie kikes spread to hide the deaths they were causing.

> no its relative risk, and myocarditis is extremely common for the
covid vaccines

No they aren't, they are uncommon.

> And yet another lie, covid does not cause more myocarditis than the vaccine

Yes it does, and more permanent damage too.

>, this was a really nasty and subversive lie kikes spread to hide the deaths they were causing.

This is not happening.

@jeffcliff @EvilMonkeys @Reichsgesetz @ChadleyDudebro @Type_Other @brigrammer @doonxib @ThatWouldBeTelling you did jeff, your shill script ran out of answers and you didnt know what mullers ratchet was, something every medical student learns early on.. youre a liar and a sophist

> you did jeff, your shill script ran out of answers and you didnt know what mullers ratchet was, something every medical student learns early on.. youre a liar and a sophist

I am not a liar, or a medical student. I had not heard of mullers ratchet, but I do know enough about evolution to derive it [and 2nd order better approximations]. I didn't run 'off script' because I'm not on a script, and I pointed out how it wasn't relevant.

@jeffcliff @EvilMonkeys @Reichsgesetz @ChadleyDudebro @Type_Other @brigrammer @doonxib @ThatWouldBeTelling you can keep lying all you want, the evidence destroys your shill retarded takes. mycarditis is very common among vaccinated, hence why the death rate exploded for young ppl in 2021. if your hypothesis was true, we would have seen the same thing in 2020, yet we saw virtually no increase in myocarditis. youre a joke

mycarditis is very common among vaccinated, hence why the death rate exploded for young ppl in 2021.

No. The death rate exploded for people in 2021 BECAUSE OF THE PANDEMIC

> if your hypothesis was true, we would have seen the same thing in 2020

No you wouldn't, because practically no one had covid in 2020, outside of cities like new york and countries like italy - there was significant public health protections that were in place, despite a trivially low level of community transmission.

There were big public freak outs when there was like 50 cases of covid in my province in 2020. 50. Now there's probably 50 cases in my neighbourhood.

> yet we saw virtually no increase in myocarditis.

We did, even. In the observed people who got covid. ie BEFORE the vaccines even existed.