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@Arcana @eris @mischievoustomato @nyx you're not deep or poetic dude. Shut the hell up

well no one asked and no one cares so keep your idiotic thoughts to yourself

The fact that you're upset already is further evidence of your irrelevance. please be irrelevant out of our sight.

It's not that deep man seriously. I don't understand why y'all get so upset I get bored and I call you guys fagots and I'm not even paying attention to my notifications either LOL like just ignore it I mean what the hell. I like sexy things and my favorite color is pink

today yes I am checking my notifications that is true. Regular hobbies same shit most people do. Don't take shit talking so personally. I enjoy it when people are either good sports or talk shit back. like joking with friends kinda. I make videos and memes and shit and other stuff do you use other social media?

I hate tumblr it's layout is annoying. Have you heard of lemmy ? you should join our Instance. there's apps on both mobile stores

yes. but we're only federated with one other instance the reason is because the rest of lemmy are a bunch of cry baby ban happy faggots. so you can do more on our Instance

you should join hilariouschaos.com too we're chill on our Instance you can fuck around and have fun

I would say not much if they allowed me to talk shit to their dumbasses but they defederate like pussies

short? lol

.ml is pro Chinese and genocide then hexbear i don't even know what they are lol but they hate leftist? idk defederating drama just a bunch of leftist panzies

this is true they are communist I think

Are you some kind of overweight ugly fat video gamer? odds say most likely. but we can play stupid ass guessing games all night if that's what you're into fat boy

you're probably preoccupied playing with your man tits I'm certain