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you hands down

Didn't he volunteer Sandy to the feds years ago for no reason?

Sandy & Gimli I think. He gave the feds all of Jared Wyands DMs. Anyone who Bowers even liked their shit- that was turned over to feds.
After that Bowers shit he worked out some kind of deal with the feds, which no doubt was him giving them anything they’d ever want in exchange for them not fucking with him.

I mentioned this and a boomer showed up defending Torba honor.

because old people are retarded.
They see Andrew as some kind of god because he leta them post about Q and Trump and demonrats not realizing that you can do that literally everywhere else too.

It's because Twitter went full "SJW" back in 2016. They're still fighting that war, even though it's long over.

maybe someone should start a TrumpGranny2024Patriot account & just post screenshots of conservative Twitter with their free picture hosting abilities

What I suppose I should do is take screenshots of my Twitter timeline. The NatSoc and Noticing posting is off the charts.

Right? I made a twitter account & basically just lurk at some of our guys stuff every once in awhile.
I can’t stay on there too long though because the uppity negro situation is off the charts. Nothing has made me hate niggers like Twitter has made me hate niggers.

I've been telling you all for years black twitter is a thing to behold, so is any hashtag related to pediatrics and medicine

Twitter makes you confront just HOW fucked up everything is. You’re forced to see all the horror in its full scope.
On blab or even here, we kind of get a little echo chamber so you can kind of be a little less cranky about the absolute state.

Maybe that’s why the boomers love blab- they don’t want to have to come to terms with how their “one race the human race” has led to little White kids getting stomped to death in math class across this fuckin nation.

@lovelymiss @Cough @Dagnar @Vulpes_Quartus @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector Things are both as bad as they seem and not at the same time. Don't ever mistake scale for extrapolation of what is a serious but still relatively "rare" problem. This shit happens every day, but far from "derailing" the operation of the society. No, we're still approaching various derailment issues and serious problems will start, then. Assuming growing White Nationalist agenda doesn't begin to strangle these problems as it emerges increasingly as the final solution.

Same. my wall is coming fast.

Then read some sub 80 IQ laugh about it and how they are the future, only so much you can take of that.

@lovelymiss @Cough @Vulpes_Quartus @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector OY VEY!!!!!!!!!!! Say hello to Q for me.

The term "sheep-dipped leftist" applies. He was known as a fanatic leftist when he worked for Y-Combinator, then made a "radical" turn towards mainstream conservatism just before he left and started Yab.

Which might be why the conservatives love him- they’re essentially that same thing.
Muh based Trump trannies & whatnot.

There’s no conservative alive today that’s even more conservative than 90’s Bill Clinton was.

which says a lot.
I stopped calling myself a conservative
not sure what I am

Are you a Nazi?

The following is a test. One point for every policy position with which you agree:

1. Are you against teaching children as young as five years old about pan-sexualism, homosexuality, and transgenderism?
2. Are you for the enforcement of border laws and the expulsion of illegal aliens?
3. Are you opposed to outsourcing manufacturing to other countries?
4. Should the government encourage domestic economic self-sufficiency (i.e., the production of anything needed stays within the confines of the country)?
5. Do you believe that the people should have a direct say on government spending priorities such as infrastructure projects (e.g., roads, hospitals, communications towers)?
6. Should the government embrace a balanced budget, predicated on a strong currency?
7. Do you believe AntiFa terrorists should be prosecuted?
8. Should the income tax be capped at 14% – without any games regarding ridiculous deductions - and only reserved for the wealthiest members of society (no income tax at all for everyone else)?
9. Do you believe patriotism and civil manners should be taught in schools?
10. Do you believe that social welfare benefits (e.g., food stamps, welfare, housing) should be tied to work and good moral behavior, to include when necessary, government provided jobs (e.g., cleaning the streets, washing ambulances, etc) and requiring drug and alcohol tests before receiving such benefits?
11. Do you believe that the Government should privatize but regulate the vast majority of public services - such as electricity production, DMVs, etc?
12. Do you believe anyone receiving social welfare benefits (e.g., food stamps) should be required to (A) take a sobriety/drug test before receiving them and (B) work in some capacity helping the locality (e.g., sweeping the streets) until they find gainful employment?
13. Do you believe women should be encouraged to stay home and be mothers through incentives, such as lower taxes and assistance to young families that have more than two children?
14. Do you believe social welfare benefits, such as food stamps, should be a helping hand, not a permanent fix, with time caps on assistance?
15. Do you believe children should be taught to admire aesthetic beauty, physical strength, athleticism - and encouraged to participate in outside group activities as part of their education?
16. Do you believe the goal of schools should be teaching the fundamentals of math, science, history, and civics, instead of social justice and subjective math (i.e., Common Core)?
17. Do you believe marriage is between a man and a woman?
18. Do you believe small businesses should have a greater say in local tax and spend policies of a community than big businesses?
19. Do you believe patriotism is a virtue?
20. Do you believe in a strong military?

Those are the actual policies of the National Socialist German Workers Party of 1932. If you got more than eleven (11) points, welcome to the party.

I’ve come to realize that what we were told was evil Nazism is just normal healthy nations stuff.

Fuck man.
The ones that make me want to do terrorism are the niggers who will comment some shit like “dis what you get for colonizing“ on some video of some White girl being attacked by Pakis or some shit.

I hate niggers with a passion that burns with the heat of 1000 suns.

Same. Sometimes if I’m arguing with one I’ll say that I’m actually right wing (which is true) & not just a demonRat at a slower speed.
What I actually am is a White nationalist.

@lovelymiss @ExNihilo @Dagnar @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector I think I first started to question 'conservatism' when a read some article in the early 2000s saying that conservatives fighting for 'right wing' positions aren't true conservatives. Because conservatives should try to, you know, 'conserve' things. Of course, it left out that it was the 'liberals' who kept shifting the Overton window, but that didn't matter. They were right. 'Conservative' is a retarded moniker, since it says nothing about what you are trying to conserve. Much as 'progressive' says nothing about what you are 'progressing' toward (the cliff?).

Conservatives have never conserved anything ever.
They will say the things that people want to hear & then team up with the liberal/jews who push everything further to the left, after having young Americans die for Israel.

I never see black twitter. I'd have to yell at them if I did, although I would be tempted to show them who actually owned the slave ships.

People do all the time. I used to.
I used to think, “If I could only make these niggers see the truth“

But they can’t. Theyre not smart enough to have shit register. The NEED to hate the White man because they’re too stupid to understand that they’re barely functioning. It’s not the way they are that makes them have to live the way they live- it’s da yt man.

And because they’ve been emboldened by the jew, they’re absolutely savage with that hate. I honest to god have never seen a nigger thread on Twitter that wasn’t a bunch of dumb niggers chimping out in joy about some White person being killed.

Or they sit & circle jerk about how they were the real Japanese samurai over some AI generated picture. And the yt man stole this from them. I hate niggers. I especially hate niggers on Twitter.

The only solution to the nigger problem is complete removal.

@lovelymiss @Dagnar @Cough @Vulpes_Quartus @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector That is why both niggers and jews need to be expelled or exterminated. Their aggregate behavior leaves no room for anything else.

Sometimes people will try to argue that niggers in the US have been here longer than some Whites & if we just got rid of the jew they would mellow out.
And I think that’s true to some extent- but fuck that. They need to go back where they belong.

When you clean your home, you don’t just wipe off the counters & leave dirt on the floor. You clean everything & if we get to a point where we’re cleaning house, we better clean it well.

@lovelymiss @Obfuskation @Cough @Dagnar @Vulpes_Quartus @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector If Whites want to win, and survive, they must turn off their empathy and see niggers for what they are: subhuman feral creatures just slightly further along the path of evolution from chimpanzees. You wouldn't try to reason with a chimpanzee would you? You can no more do so with a nigger.

And also see the jew for what it is: the orchestrator of nigger violence in the pursuit of a larger goal. That goal being complete White eradication, because they know Whites are the only group that has the capacity to destroy them and end their subversion for good.

Our greatest weakness as a race is our empathy - so much so, that you can almost draw a line from it to the jew who exploited it for our ruin.
Whites have got to start shutting that off for anyone not us.

I used to be such a feelsy bitch. I would cry over videos of starving nigger babies & shit. My little heart would break seeing hungry people in da ghetto etc.

Now I demand total death for anyone not us.

If I, a sappy bitch can do this, there is no reason others can’t.

@lovelymiss @Cough @Dagnar @Vulpes_Quartus @Obfuskation @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector I wonder how effective it will be to take the tack of pointing out the same people constantly bombarding them with empathy porn are the same people telling them how evil they are for being born White, despite them constantly cucking to the empathy porn they're programmed with, and it not helping their position one iota. Probably not as much as it should. Inherent hypocrisy doesn't seem to be a problem for the true believers. The "Judeo-Christians". The cuckservatives.

@lovelymiss @Obfuskation @Cough @Dagnar @Vulpes_Quartus @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector So but if they were born brown in USA, and there is no going home, then you just shoot them right?

@Appelmoesje @lovelymiss @Obfuskation @Cough @Dagnar @Vulpes_Quartus @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector There are other ways. Disincentivize them being here, cut off Gibs, ostracize them, offer 10k and all the Popeye's chicken they can eat on the boat ride to Liberia, etc.

@Godcast @Appelmoesje @lovelymiss @Obfuskation @Cough @Dagnar @Vulpes_Quartus @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector just make it legal to exclude them from our society again, this includes not forcing us to subsidize their existence.

Buckley conservatism (of which Reagan conservatism was a subset) was based on the cold war concept of maintaining control of foreign policy so as to be able to resist the Soviets, while ceding domestic policy to the left.

After 1992 the conservatives had no more Soviets to fight, so Forever War became the new policy.

The conservatives have been trying to find a foreign boogeyman ever since.

And since part of their shtick is not getting involved in domestic social policy, the can't really resist the left at home without losing a significant amount of internal support. The {{{neo-cons}}} in particular are socially left and under the old rules, right wing on foreign policy.

You can see this schism with the Never-Trump movement. As soon as Trump even *talked* about moving socially to the right, {{{they}}} abandoned him and attacked him.

Post-1992 conservatism is dead and all that is left is the schizophrenic Invade-the-World/Invite-the-World retards that are sill holding onto power and dreaming nostalgically of the glory days.

@WilhelmIII @totalslothdeath @Dagnar @ExNihilo @lovelymiss @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector Also conservatism used to be of the "what is good for our people" variety under Charles Lindbergh, Jr and Sr. Then it changed to an "ideology" to compete with the ideology of Marxism. The failure of that is that "ideologies" can be hacked by (((those))) who are expert at hacking narratives. The former conservatism of the Lindberghs was basically Blood & Soil, which cannot be hacked. This is why we are finding that the only appropriate philosophy is racial - Blood & Soil - and "what is good for our people". We must dispense with all ideologies, and National Socialism is not an ideology. It is based on Natural Law. This is why they hate NatSoc so much - it is unhackable to (((them))).

Unfortunately, National Socialism has been turned into an epithet.

As soon as you say it, you'll lose people. Before you can even say what you mean by that.

I don't like it, but that's how it is.

So far, White Nationalism seems to be the best description that the normies won't immediately reject. Especially as the news is constantly filled with blacks and browns destroying the country.

I was once one of those that was hung up on, “but it’s socialism so it’s leftist” whenever I heard NatSoc.

Took a bit more noticing plus exposure to Uncle A’s and GLR‘s clarification on the differences. But I couldn’t appreciate those facts until I looked into Weimar Republic and the degeneracy and subsequent response.

Yeah. I really started appreciating it once I actually read what Mussolini said about fascism and why he developed it. He talks about how marx-socialism is a dead end and just resentment. He wanted to actually give his people the things marx promised. It's built like the medieval guild system just modernized. More than checks and balances, it's empowering for workers and makes sure that they're contributing to something meaningful instead of just making up shit for them to do. Neat system.

Attached: Mussolini: Doctrine of Fascism, 1935 translation

@lovelymiss @Obfuskation @Cough @Dagnar @Vulpes_Quartus @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector I think it is an assault against our Christian way of life by jews ( demons ).
A male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female is a mental disorder: Autogynephilia.
Our enemies are lifting these "people" up and using them against us. Isn't this what jews always do.
We have been much too civilized in our response. They counted on that.
It all started with;
>What you do in your bedroom is your business.
Now it's;
>You're being charged with a hate crime.

@EssentialUtinsil @Appelmoesje @lovelymiss @Obfuskation @Cough @Dagnar @Vulpes_Quartus @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector Not bad, but if they're around then bleeding hearts will want them included

@Godcast @Appelmoesje @lovelymiss @Obfuskation @Cough @Dagnar @Vulpes_Quartus @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector i mean w/e happens sounds like not my porblem tbh a post like above is like "won't somebody please think of the niggers" and i'm like "wait why?"

@Godcast @Appelmoesje @lovelymiss @Obfuskation @Cough @Dagnar @Vulpes_Quartus @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector that's fine, let them include them. that number will dwindle rapidly.

@Godcast @EssentialUtinsil @Appelmoesje @lovelymiss @Cough @Dagnar @Vulpes_Quartus @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector The degenerates need to be publicly executed as an example.

Their enablers need to be publicly whipped, also as an example.

@Obfuskation @Godcast @Appelmoesje @lovelymiss @Cough @Dagnar @Vulpes_Quartus @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector sure, crime and deviancy needs to be punished, and punished harshly at least for the time being.

@lovelymiss @Cough @Dagnar @Vulpes_Quartus @Obfuskation @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector
The crumby thing about israel being invaded by Turkey and Iran is that 6 million jews will flee too New York.

@Saber @Taveuni @Dagnar @ExNihilo @WilhelmIII @lovelymiss @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector @totalslothdeath Fascism is the traditional immune response of the West to expel the foreign virus of Marxism. When threatened, we become cohesive, intolerant, and march. Everything the jew has done is to weaken and destroy our immune system of fascism. Since we have not been able to use it, the bodies of our nations are dying. Q.E.D.

@WhiteAmericanEskimo @Saber @Taveuni @Dagnar @ExNihilo @WilhelmIII @lovelymiss @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector @totalslothdeath True that. We need to formulate a new expression of those policies and values that resonates in our time and place.

The biggest problem is that we're using long demonized terminology from a time and place that no longer exist.

Since birth every school child has been indoctrinated to equate White nationalism with tyranny and dictatorship. I think that is our biggest hurdle. We need to do a better job expressing how racial solidarity protects not only the rights of White people but all other races who suffer under jewish supremacy.