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Not funny at all. You suck at everything

Is that what happened to India?

Also... They make flushable wipes

Also... Dude wipes

Have you ever experienced the ballpoint pen effect?

Where your ass just keeps writing on the tp?

Usually means there's still some poop stuck up in there that needs to be removed.

Enema time.

Years ago my friend had to take pain pills for a week and got bound up. He decided drinking a case of shitty beer would flush everything through. It did but still wouldn't come out. His stomach pain became ridiculously out of hand. He begged my other friend to go get an enema so he went and got a suppository (lolz) from the drug store. He was pissed but still went into the bathroom while a group of friends laughed like retards at him. He got the last laugh by having his violent shit clear us all outta the house.

I have Crohns so I know exactly how that feels. It's a pain in the ass, literally. He should have tried coffee instead of the beer. I know all about the violent shits, always have a can of febreeze handy.

I know @GolfCartLady does. (See dox attached)

PS I'm glad you're managing the hand you've been dealt πŸ™

Enema at the gates...

>Ayo Lil baggie
> Ron perlmans fw enema at the gates

Hugh Grant's fw reading that tweet

Occasional violent post-beer screamers... If spicy and/or deep-fried food is added to the mix, Hades is visited... Be careful out there...

Oh the farts can be just as lethal too. I once made my sister's cat throw up twice. She was sitting on my lap, I ripped a silent one, the cat immediately jumped off my lap onto the floor, and started gagging. Me and my sister were laughing so hard we were crying. That poor cat. It's okay she eventually got me back.

Dare I ask HOW he got you back?

That cat ripped a nasty fart while sitting on my lap the next time. I thought it was my sister's dog at first, nope it was her damn cat.

It was a cat, so it was revenge...

This thread's theme music.

Won't play.... 😭

for threads with other circumstances...: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxSsol3Zd7k

Well at least you didn't post "In The Mood"

This is now a thread on farts.