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and what about your dumbass ? you're not something special either so shut the fuck up internet bitch boy

Some may be deliberate, some is due to the increase in lead in the soil all over the world since industrialization.

FDA has issues 8 recalls this year on cinnamon alone, 4 for lead content. La Fiesta, Raja Foods, El Chilar Rodriguez, Colonna Brothers.

Lead ends up in many foods as well as other heavy metals. Big food, big supply chain, cheap and fast procedures invite problems for quality and safety. Good to be checking.

@someGuyNick I'm not sure that lead will easily uptake for most plants. My gut feeling is that most of the lead in these products is just due to contamination (willing or otherwise) during processing/harvest

@sickburnbro search his profile and see what he has to say about jews.

@PonyPanda not returning anything which is why I asked.

@sickburnbro This is why I always order my spices from a reputable online seller and preferably fresh and unground. You can't put lead in a whole cinnamon stick...right?

@IlDuWuce well, it doesn't come off the tree like that, mate.

White people donโ€™t season they food

Yeah thats probably true.. That jives with the recall reports anyway, but then again they don't always provide any real explanations of HOW it gets contaminated, just that it was contaminated.

@sickburnbro As far as I understand it it's just tree bark. How much lead goed inside a piece of bark? Besides lead = heavy metal = heavy = more gains.

@IlDuWuce well, it just depends on what they use to process it. it probably goes through at least several machines between harvesting, drying and packing.

@sickburnbro I remember this Australian paper that found microplastics in rice. All the tested store brands had Indian or Chinese rice. I keep wondering if Italian or Spanish rice has this too ๐Ÿค”

@IlDuWuce I'm not surprised, those nations pollute the waterways with the most plastic.

@IlDuWuce @sickburnbro

I wouldn't count on that. Lead acetate is water soluable and has a slightly sweet taste: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead(II)_acetate

@teknomunk @IlDuWuce ah, it has a use as a drier - that could be how it is getting into spices