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Ohh nooo not our Gab cred. 🀣

never heard of him or seal cafe.

what is a seal cafe sounds japanese but not sure if they serve seal or you get served by seals ?

It's PoisonDartPepe, he rage quit or got kicked out of 109 instances before finding a home at sealcafe, and they're really chill.

wait in armstrong aksually pdp?


Gab cred


@Cough "Guys, a poaster entered in the No Girls Allowed club and called us poo-poo heads!"

Yeah he admitted it on Blab last week and it all makes sense now innit.

oh jeez. yeah that does. I had to block him at one point and he is often in my mentions.

>Hates pedos
>Follows Islam

oh yea he is one of those islam fags huh. I refuse to believe that any White people, especially right wingers, are muslim. He has to be brown.

@Xenophon @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @esotericdoge you'd be wrong. But cope however you like

so you're White and you're a muslim? Wow. Big L.

@SK1ZM @Cough @esotericdoge Nice crew was a known glow nigger operation on gab too so I guess it's no surprise you carried on with the cringe here.

oh right. so how was that known and by who was it known ?

oh and for style marks try and answer that question without sounding schizophrenic .

this is probably the point where you block me because delusional psychotics hate having their delusions confronted.

@esotericdoge @Cough @SK1ZM You people are such pieces of shit man. You're just another fuentes. You're not pilpulling your way out of it. How much do they pay you to gatekeep for team epstein? Kill yourself honestly. Or preferably muslims will kill you.

no answer the question don't retreat into your mantras of affirmation.

or do if you actually have nothing else to offer.

@Xenophon @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @esotericdoge you hang out with child groomers on the internet man, you're probably already on some kind of predator list

Says the muslim... Mohammed was a pedophile.

name the "child groomers" who i hang out with. what a dumb fucking post.

@Xenophon @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @esotericdoge Mohammed killed jews and banged women, which is more than anyone in your glownigger grift farm can say. You're only selling fake alt right memes because you want to recruit more boys to molest

Why do you keep bringing up molesting boys? Are you a sex pervert? Nobody here touches kids you fucking retard.

Mohammed was half jew and his delusions were written by jews.

If you are actually White, and you are a muslim, you are the stupidest person on earth. Slightly ironic, since the first muslims were actually White, but in the year 2024, you'd have to be braindead to be a muslim.

@Xenophon @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @esotericdoge clearly you do since you defend poast content that is blatant groomer cringe

I have no seen a single thing on poast that is "groomer cringe" nor are there children anywhere near poast or ncd. If they were attempting to groom people, they'd be doing a terrible job, as there isn't a single person around here to be groomed. Praise God.

@Xenophon @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @esotericdoge Your account is the same kind of larp as racial consciousness. You don't speak for whites and you don't represent whites. Learn your place nigger

I'm not even close to the larp of RC. I don't larp. Go save the White race, nigga. Do it for Allah

@Xenophon @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @esotericdoge Gaslighting kike faggot. You're team epstein. Kill yourself

You've got a lot of ad hominem. I'm now a jewish child traifficker? Interesting. Got any proof?

Is this all you got, nigger? You want to accuse me of being a child trafficker or a pedophile? Give me some fucking proof you sack of shit faggot.

@Xenophon @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @esotericdoge You guys are best buddies with poast - this is the stuff they're promoting. You seriously expect to be believed as nazi while you're supporting these people? Lol. Lmao. Don't ever fucking give me this attitude again jew boy if you know what's good for you.

>If you know whats good for you

you threatening me, Fed? And no, I don't want to be taken seriously as a nazi. You faggots are cringe. Go sell some more meth.

Yeah, you really are PDP aren't you. This dumb gab shit where you call someone a jew. You pray to a fake god who rapes kids. You're fucking retarded.

so your problem is with post ?

guilt by association is fake and gay especially since you have already in this thread shown you have no evidence for any of your accusation.

you strike me as being mentally ill. i think this is why you are having so much trouble fitting in anywhere.

he is mentally ill. poast has 30k users. I interact with maybe 100 at most. And there is no grooming shit on there, nor is there even anyone to groom. Meanwhile he probably rapes boys at his mosque.

Poast has loli stuff on it on occasion. Anytime I've come across it I've delt with it by just meeting the user from our instances eyes.

Maybe been 3 total in the 2 years we have been here?

So to say we are "shaking hands" is dumb. We yeet the bad and leave the rest.


they'll chase people attacking their groomer operation off poast but they won't chase groomers off. Confirmed jews without a doubt.

you mean you disrespected their anime and they dogpiled you.

did you make the blanket statement that all anime is for pedos ?

bit insulting don't you think ?

He tried to get poasties to organize for his nazi delusion 2 yesrs ago and they laughes him off. He also fucked it up for the rest of us. He is a fedposting clown.

@esotericdoge @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @NonPlayableClown Remember how that dogpiling shit didn't work last time? Notice how it's still not working now? Man you guys are slow learners aren't you

clearly it did work because you ran off to seal cafe which it seems also has quite a lot of anime avatars. not sure how you square that away.

@esotericdoge @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @NonPlayableClown I didn't run off anywhere they banned me because they couldn't handle me fucking up their grifts, just like you're pouting over now. Maybe you kikes ought to find a real job instead of trying to groom white kids. I hear mcdonalds is hiring.

>their grift

What grift? There is no grooming. This isnt your mosque.

more baseless accusations.

i expect they banned you because you act like a turd to people for psychotic reasons. like flat earthers and Qtards.

you act like you are exposing some great plot but the reality is you are spiralling into mental illness.

@esotericdoge @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @NonPlayableClown Pathetic. All you people have is gaslighting. That doesn't work on me. I haven't faced a real challenge glowie in years. You guys are the JV team clearly. Can you get your supervisor so I can talk to someone more competent?

He speaks for more Whites than some gay jew desert nigger religion ever will

@Evil_Bender @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge He speaks for whites as much as that Jan 6 gulag trap did dumbass. Have fun getting yourself arrested for life so some karen in the regime can report virtue signal scam of the month was a success.

People that act like you ARE the Karen problem if you haven't ever noticed. Read the room bud.

@Evil_Bender @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge I did read the room - it's full of jews who are mad I'm not letting them blood libel whitey for a living. Why don't you call 5 more in so I can mock them for failing too

Oh, you were trying to mock people? That's wasn't the vibe I got from your spergposting. Anyway enjoy whatever you think your doing on the fedi I'm going back to bed. Just had to wipe the rest of islam outta my ass.

wow you are really vomiting out your delusions now.

what is going on in that head of yours

@esotericdoge @Cough @Evil_Bender @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @Senator_Armstrong One or more posts is unavailable, did someone snap and got nuked? XD

Its senator armstrong. Graf did the right thing qnd nuked him


i doubt he gets out much.

@Senator_Armstrong @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge

I do see a difference here between you guys.

I haven’t drilled down on what the difference is yet.

This weekend, I’ll figure out which one of you is gay


@Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @Senator_Armstrong

Wait what? You drilled two guys last weekend? Fuckin gay dude

Nigger, what are you on about?

Is this coordinated with P? Caus he called me a glowie earlier when I made mald

I'm offended, only I can be a clown on here

apparently you never seen a clown car

>Mohammed killed jews and banged women
Women? He married a six year old, and consummated the marriage when she was NINE. That's a child, you sick freak.

Poor jonny

Stop me

Poor jonny

Poor jonny

Pour jonny

Show nose, jew

I did a few weeks back actually

@Mnxn @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @Senator_Armstrong @Sexypink

Are you trying too lose your virginity tonight, bitch?

What's a virginity?

You gonna fuck me jonny? Uwu 😍😘πŸ₯°

Pedo Pig Mohammed (piss be upon him) sure would like some gab credz now.

Be gentile, i have fissures.

there is no team, there is no supervisor, there are no glowies.

their are just people confronting you with your behaviour and delusions.

and of course you are going to tell yourself you are being gaslit.

eventually you will come to believe it's aliens or the devil and then they will lock you up. and good riddance.

@esotericdoge @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @NonPlayableClown This isn't facebook dude. Internet white nat activism is a different level. I guess your grift only works on tiktok people huh

Show me the picture of allah, he'll block you

@Xenophon @Cough @Mnxn @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @esotericdoge @Senator_Armstrong @Sexypink
I literally meant too blast Bix but your post slipped in under my thumb at the last nano second, so I guess the universe is telling me you are also gayer than two boys fucking

It's okay jonny, I know you're just scared of me β™₯️

Jonny is afraid of real intimacy between bros

You should finger blast P instead. Sounds like he is on his ovulation anyway

This is how we win

@Omega_Variant @Cough @Mnxn @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @Senator_Armstrong @Sexypink
I lost my virginity too a hooker. It’s ok. You can do it.
I was on my way too Iraq.
I wasn’t gonna die a virgin

Did you guys ever see that movie Biloxi Blues?

Bold of you to assume I have the attention span for a movie 🧐

@Mnxn @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @Senator_Armstrong @Sexypink
Yeah, I know you’ve been medicated since grade school instead of running laps.

πŸ₯° Yummy pills.

Yes fedposting bad unlike you good goys who'd never try to overthrow the zionists. You wouldn't want the source of your income getting cut off now would you

@Senator_Armstrong @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown
I’ve sniffed out more jews on Fedi than anyone

@Jonny @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown I think you just enjoy the hellthreads lol

@Jonny @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown idk man I think they're mad that's why they started this one

Someone needs to create a Jonny tinder or grinder profile.

@NonPlayableClown @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @Senator_Armstrong
I’ve got gigantic ideas for that kind of sitch.

You wanna laugh your ass off?

>You wanna laugh your ass off?

Do you really need to ask that? 😏
The answer is always yes.

@Jonny @NonPlayableClown @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Senator_Armstrong @Xenophon @esotericdoge

Jonny you should create a youtube channel. Have you ever thought about becoming a streamer?

@Jonny @lonelyowl13 @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown so did they pull you in here to slide the topic and do damage control? Or you were just bored?

@Senator_Armstrong @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown
I saw you unfollow me yesterday.

Your mom likes guys with neck muscles, doesn’t she?

@Jonny @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown you're not on my shit list johnny you're just here for the lulz. I only have a problem with people trying to gatekeep epstein groomer cringe

@Senator_Armstrong @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown
You don’t tell me where I’m at.

I tell you where you’re at.

Nobody knows who you are, jew

@Jonny @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown Clearly they do since they made a thread just to bitch about me.

You were complaining on your TL about NC prior to this. Don't virtue signal here.

@lonelyowl13 @Cough @NonPlayableClown @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Senator_Armstrong @Xenophon @esotericdoge

Do you wanna have sex with me?

I bet you don’t, now that you know I’m only 5’9”

@Jonny @Cough @NonPlayableClown @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Senator_Armstrong @Xenophon @esotericdoge

That's 1.75 meters in normal units of measurement. That's not so bad!

@lonelyowl13 @Cough @NonPlayableClown @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Senator_Armstrong @Xenophon @esotericdoge

You hot chicks will never have sex with 1.75 meter men that will rule the world.

@Omega_Variant @Jonny @Cough @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown because you guys have some glow niggers who are in the poast groomer bubble and that is cringe. Get rid of those people and I'd have no problem with NC

@Senator_Armstrong @Jonny @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown and there's not glowbots at seal or anywhere else? there's shitheads everywhere. i couldn't decipher the rest of your 20-something buzzword starter pack, but i can say my experience with nicecrew has been. well. nice.

@threat @Jonny @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown that's not the point. I'm not trying to be undercover I know the feds can easily id me. This is just like the comment section on news articles and I wanted to say screw regime propagandists they're pushing cringe. You're gonna ban me for saying that? Whatever. Traffic just some goes somewhere else. We've already done this before.

@Senator_Armstrong @Jonny @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown im not banning anyone. in fact i think it's great you have viewpoints and think they should not be stifled. besides im not on my own instance to ban you and if i were i would not.

my point if i had one is, every instance has garbage to some degree. the entire fediverse is like one big 1980s soap opera caught up in a timewarp.

re, the constant fed-pointing. do you really think the fbi and other lettered agencies have infinite resources to track fat dudes posting anime and hitler trash? with the way the .us funds their agencies its highly unlikely that there's a glow bug around every corner of fedi. the economics don't make sense.

anyways. have a snickers. enjoy your day. get right with god. touch grass. work out. stop watching porn.

@threat @Jonny @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown you just can't admit they're pushing cringe can you

@Senator_Armstrong @Jonny @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown who the fuck is they? and i had to lookup cringe. can't say im experiencing this. no idea what you're talking about.

@threat @Jonny @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown you tap into the thread to counter signal me then pretend not to know what the original argument was about. Fake and gay

@Senator_Armstrong @Jonny @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown

> you tap into the thread to counter signal me

this sounds very gijoe or you've been playing too much call of duty.

> then pretend not to know what the original argument was about. Fake and gay

maybe i didn't scroll to the top. i was too preoccupied with this thing called a life.

Thanks for assisting us with operation lollipop / coubtersignal.

Matty Q will reward you soon with some surplus defense dept funds.

Your loyalty to the alliance is appreciated.


Name names

He follows a religion started by a pedophile.....while bitching about pedophiles. I don't get it

@Omega_Variant @Jonny @Cough @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown @Senator_Armstrong then vagueposts on his public timeline complaining about feds, meanwhile wouldn't surprise me if he has upstream feed to feds.

maybe there should be an update to the activitypub protocol that requires enthusiasts to take a reality-competency test. sort of like in 5 years when i'm supposed to re-take my driving test so i don't run over tree-shrubs. (skill issue)

Skill issue on the shrubs part, don't grow there 😏

does he know ncd is a separate entity than gab? I mean im reading this an all I can come up with is "wot m8?" also gab cred? total gigger death ☠️

He sure spends a lot of time in poast and NCD threads for someone that hates them so much.

@Cough how will i live?

What is this supposed β€œPoast groomer cringe?” I’ve heard it multiple times and seen nothing of the sort on here.

Pictures of anime that don't meet Torbas holy standards and don't have the colbert seal of lower case w approval I think

because you bitched about two whole instances on fediverse. because you are a strange little man that craves negative attention.

@Senator_Armstrong @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown @threat
I bet your arms can’t even dig New York rape tunnels

love your profile pic so much lol

@threat @Jonny @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown You're already on alt-twitter retard. If you want a safe space go back to bird site

@Senator_Armstrong @Jonny @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown

oh shit. i am? that's so cool. what is bird site? i assume its a site full of birds. because i feel super duper safe around birds and other winged animals.

all kidding aside. you spend inordinate amounts of time taking yourself too seriously. why not have fun like everyone else? life is too short to a crash helmet wignat.

@Halcyon01 @Cough @Omega_Variant @SK1ZM @Xenophon @esotericdoge @NonPlayableClown @Senator_Armstrong @threat
Do you have that old clip where Biden is talking openly about White replacement?

@Cough PDP'a Gab cred means nothing on Fedi and he has never gotten over this fact.
