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gay sex in the psych ward

@nyx is your favorite thing

@nyx cant forget the psych ward

@nyx@social.xenofem.me sad i didnt get to do this, there were no hot tgirls there ​​

@nyx haha yeah, that would be ..ahhh "crazy" >.> (actually amazing ngl)

@0utside0utsider I'll take your word on that because I really hope to fucking never get put in a psych ward

@nyx i watched someone get raped after being drugged by (and then left alone by) the staff in a psych ward and its never left my mind

@Maxine yeah that sounds like what would happen

@nyx it was a very horrible and frightening experience, and taught me a great deal about navigating being trapped and surveiled while in complex states, but I did legitimately have some beautiful fleeting moments of connection (non-sexual, except once) with other extremely fucked over crazy people that were on a simmilar wave length, which helped to endure

@nyx don't get put in the psych ward, flee from the psyche ward, escape the mind cops

@0utside0utsider everything I've ever heard about them has been some shit where people were like yeah my mental state got drastically worse after that experience for a permanent/very long time. I have dodged brain cops my whole life because on some level I think I know instinctively that if they got their claws in me I would become a classically low functioning schizo

@nyx fern brady's memoir Strong Female Character features an episode of this (and is generally an excellent read)

@loreraptor I've never heard of this but this sounds like something I really need to read

@nyx @0utside0utsider it's not a crime to lie to mind cops

@nyx it's really good, it's about Fern Brady's life up to the point she figured out she's autistic and all the ways it (/others' reactions to it) fucked up her life and it's written in a really entertaining way but in a way that takes her own emotional journey seriously