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Ellie pointed out that for incels it appears to be the 'lack of sexual experiences that make them incels', but for Femcels like Al, it is the 'past experiences with men that make them consider themselves Femcels'.



Oh boy, another reason to avoid talking about the loneliness and isolation felt by young men, wonderful! Let's talk to a bunch of angry, man-hating women instead.


I mean, sort of, but also, casual sex has alienated the sexes and this is an obvious response.

@amerika @Zonz That's because women are always seeking "better" for social standing. Guys just want a good conversation and somewhere to sink their dick. The problem is women.

@toxoplasmosis @Zonz

I disagree here; I think the sane men want life partners and have a great deal of affection for them.

@amerika @Zonz You'll be let down eventually with anybody. All is ephemeral.

@toxoplasmosis @Zonz

No one is perfect; impermance also is real.

But so is love.

@toxoplasmosis @Zonz

All I wanted to do was:

1. Smoke weed
2. Listen to death metal
3. Read literature

And this society ruined all of it.

It did so through categorical thinking, namely equality.

Good to the good, bad to the bad, grey rock to everyone else.

@amerika @Zonz Replace literature with Video Games and fornication, and you'd have mine.

Now that I'm older the fornication part is less important and replaced with microcontrollers.

@amerika @Zonz I plan on building a Jew detector with a raspberry pi pico.

Lights up whenever it hears "Christ is King"

One thing about incels is that I feel like the whole thing started once we started telling men it was evil to try to become more attractive to women if you're not succeeding with them.

It seems self-evident that if you tell men they're just losers who, if they are not presently attractive to women, they will never be and should just accept they'll die alone, of course they'll become hateful and reclusive and sometimes violent, it's an existential threat men will feel at a genetic level.

Otoh, you tell women they're automatically worthy of the top 1% of the top 1% and have them all chasing like 15 guys worldwide and they'll have a different but equally existentially destructive threat on their hands because those 15 guys probably won't marry any of those women.

Becomes pretty obvious why everyone is miserable and the birth rate is less than replacement.. in car terms, the men are being told that if they can't immediately go out and buy a car with cash then they don't deserve a car ever, and the women are being told that if they don't buy a Ferrari then the car doesn't deserve to be bought by them. So everyone walks.