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I swear gab has more chat gpt bot accounts than real people

Those are Torba's only friends, don't you dare laugh!

@MadrePappagallo The same problem will eventually reach here. Once team midwit figures out this is where the market is now.

@Senator_Armstrong @MadrePappagallo I'm convinced that Elon Musk has resuscitated Twitter by promising free speech, even though that promise isn't entirely delivered on. So there's blue chip shit like Twitter and then there's true decentration like fedi. Where does that leave walled garden Twitter clones like Gab and Truth Social?

@NEETzsche @MadrePappagallo It's not centralization that crippled those instances it's narrative gatekeeping for the regime, which there is also no shortage of here. If you had a dedicated anti-regime instance, then centralizing more power into it would be a good thing.

@Senator_Armstrong @MadrePappagallo I think the decentralization in itself lends itself to being anti-regime, but that's irrespective of if the regime is good or bad. It's just plain harder to control thanks to this. I'm pretty sure the regime can't sustain itself since it's relying on elevating incompetents above competents at every level, which makes the strategy just outlasting the gaddianton tier grifting

based on some people who did advertising for their stuff on gab, they also include bots in website viewing as well.
The guy notice it happening after he made some shitpost about the tiny hat tribe shenanigans, so its clear that Torba is another controlled opposition (whenever he is doing it by his own free will or from being "influenced" by 3rd party).

@NEETzsche @MadrePappagallo well if it was good nobody would be calling it "the regime" lol.

@Senator_Armstrong @MadrePappagallo lol well I get that, but what I mean is it's anti-regime no matter if you like it. If we got our way, fedi would lend itself to being anti-us because we couldn't control it. Even a Great Firewall wouldn't do the trick.

@NEETzsche @MadrePappagallo I think you're under estimating the layer 1 solutions to thought crime

@Senator_Armstrong @MadrePappagallo layer zero is you cut off their brain from oxygen for a couple hours, the final solution

@NEETzsche @MadrePappagallo If there's one thing I've learned from history it's that you need to have nobility connections already for such violence to even matter long term.

@Senator_Armstrong @MadrePappagallo Are you of the view that the world has been under the control of the same handful of families for the last several thousand years and the rest is just elaborate kayfabe?

@NEETzsche @MadrePappagallo I'm sure they'd like to believe it was, but I doubt that is the case.


Jesus fucking Christ,

look at this circle jerk of intellectual mediocrity.

You jackoffs arguing like your opinions are the next coming of the Magna Carta.

I swear, some days I feel like I'm living in a world ruled by chimps flinging their own shit at each other.

Honestly, you look like a bunch of assholes trying to one-up each other in a game of Who Can Say the Most Stupid Shit the Fastest.

And what the fuck is with you Senator Armstrong?

You couldn't find your way out of a wet paper bag without your intern here holding your hand and singing the Star Spangled Banner backwards

@Sexypink @NEETzsche @MadrePappagallo jewish homos mad lmao