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can someone explain wtf happened in 2016?

@jeff trump won and nerd crack boomed

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co is there a connection to be made?

@jeff the CIA pushed both and the people who do it tend to usually change dramatically, personality and politically.

It's also mixed in with joining a certain community as well.

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co yeah makes sense, but for what purpose?

@jeff They're really good useful idiots and very obedient. There's a certain sense of humor watching someone larp as being a revolutionary freedom fighter while also dancing and following the orders of the system, like a Wal-Mart employee.

None of them also seem to have any goals or ambitions other than advancing the cause in some way, unless they did beforehand (and then they still insert that mindset in it anyway).

@PurpCat @jeff thought you were talking about adderall for a sec πŸ‘οΈ

@perplestuff @jeff adderall is fucking trash tbh, I quit doing it because it was making me not creative and boring and depressed and never talking to anyone.

Zyn's the based shit

@PurpCat @jeff I just had some zyn, bad for my gums unfortunately, it's still the healthiest way to consume nicotine I think.

@perplestuff @jeff not as bad as vaping daily was ngl

@jeff @perplestuff nicotine pouches that absorb it

@jeff @perplestuff nicotine without the cigs

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co so there was no greater purpose that it was done for, just the banality of evil.

@jeff There was an old theory that it was done to sell big pharma products, there's the theory "jews are trying to sterilize people", but also many of the people pushing this are 100% high on their own supply and also undoubtedly believe it like a religion.

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co @perplestuff@fedi.furfag.biz still cigs, just a different form factor

@jeff @perplestuff no tar and smoker cough

@jeff (and then there's the big elephant in the room that it's a fetish and lonely nerds goon to the idea of being a woman but don't want to tell this to mom and dad)

@PurpCat @jeff real that's what I'm still doing and I hate it

@perplestuff @jeff stopped it a while back ngl

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co what about the trump part?

@jeff Well that's when the mkultra switch activated and everything just had to be political.

If anything it caused the left to accelerate for a few years, which led to the Most Secure Fortified Election of All Time (billion dollar lawsuit to anyone who says it isn't).

@jeff There was a lot in the 2010s for sure. There was the left getting their way for quite a while with little/no resistance other than boomercons who were stupid and existed as a heel for Colbert/Jon Leibowitz to take the piss out of. There was TYT, Jared Holt, and others racking in assloads of views. There was the SOPA mailing list and similar being sold off to Daily Kos and the like. In 2015, there was the famous gay marriage ruling which meant that the LGBT machine switched into focusing on the T.

But also, GamerGate was the first time the online left had any sort of resistance by someone who wasn't some boomer laughingstock or who could be framed as such.

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co the the T that had to be cured was testosterone

@jeff The rise of pooners says otherwise.

@jeff imagine troons but the other way around (women on T getting their tits lobbed off because it's a social craze and regretting it).

@jeff There's so much other shit I can come up with, so I'll focus on a theme too.

The left is really fucking good, especially scary good, at agitprop. Lefties not only control legacy media, but they're really good at basically turning anything they do into being the Thom Hartmann or Stephanie Miller show with a "theme". Dan LeBatard for example is literally those two radio hosts I mentioned but with a sportsball theme to it.

Furthermore, many nerds were hooked on basic bitch liberalism because "fuck you mom and dad" and Colbert/Stewart made it seem really cool for a younger generation, along with channels like TYT (who used to have everyone following them, let's be real). They were clever and picked their targets back in the day to shit on white people and religion and stuff that in hindsight, was very clearly stuff white people liked, but didn't push too hard on anal sex or dick removal.

Of course when this is too obvious (and this was thanks to the tumblrification of the internet and left), the end result is the "gamers are dead" article blitz, the current sweet baby shilling articles, articles slandering this side of the internet that normies will unironically believe (if Hackers on Steroids aired today, far more midwits would believe it at face value), and people begin to lose interest.

Essentially, because of mistakes the left made, they couldn't get away with their propaganda greatest hits like Sandy Hook or even CVille a few years later today. A lot of people believe school shootings are plots by the FBI now with brainwashed kids.

what's your day job? because you're speaking as if you're some sort of intellectual and I think you're confused

@Sexypink playing BMX XXX on the GameCube

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co getting the vibes that suddenly people started going literally insane on the left and there is little agreement on what parts truly caused it? then the right had a huge consolidation under trump which blind sighted the institutions of power held by the left.

@jeff Trump winning + the CVille shit is the powder keg IMO, because that's when big tech companies began to show their true colors.

@PurpCat @jeff > "trump won"

This, most especially. Though, I think the powers that be decided to push various neo-progressive agendas to full-throttle. People thought that Trump winning in 2016 meant that white supremacy was going to take over, thus more media emphasizing the plight of women, black people, LGBT's, was churned out. Once in a while there was a push for support towards pedophiles, what-with changing the name to "MAP's", and some people came out on social media admitting to being pedophiles....then in 2020, Cuties came to America, and leftists made it into a political issue, either trying to accuse the right of projection, or to co-opt the phrase "cancel culture" and turn it against the right who were against Cuties.

@PurpCat @jeff People in the comments are saying that this guy's reactions are fake. I'll take a listen to it, nonetheless.

That being said, I've never watched Cuties, and I don't want to. All I know is that there's supposed to be a message behind it, a message that goes against the concept of children getting active in glamour culture and TikTok and what-not....but, naw; I don't want to watch that movie. 🀒

@Dave55811 @jeff you don't know who this guy is so let me help