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Drukenmiller isn't an idiot. So the question is - what is he doing here?

@sickburnbro Team B move

@KarlDahl trying to what signal to business leaders that .. Biden needs to go?

But I don't believe Druckenmiller is dumb enough to think the fundamentals are sound and that getting rid of Biden will solve it.

Does he think it's bad and it's now bad enough that he needs to publicly say something?

If you had a good idea that something big and bad was coming, wouldn't you want to say something ahead of time? Even if you didn't intend to change anything by your words you can at least go back and say "well I did warn about what was coming"

@sj_zero @KarlDahl Maybe, but there is a certainly egotisticalness in that. If someone told me they warned everyone, I would say "you knew and you didn't try harder?"

@sickburnbro Or publicly marketing that there is already consensus among influential people that Bidanmans and his coalition need to go for there to be any hope of addressing any of the systematic issues. Nobody with any clout believes that we have sound fundamentals; they all know that we are fucked

@KarlDahl well, I guess that it then.

You say that, but I think about Peter Schiff who has been trying as hard as anyone could and it's been to his detriment.

@sickburnbro @KarlDahl Davos crowd is signaling that fat orange man needs to be reinstalled. This is a signal to the less perceptive that they can have a seat at the table or they can be on the table.

@TrevorGoodchild @KarlDahl Just seems like it's going to be enough a hard landing I'd want to keep my fingerprints off.

@sickburnbro @KarlDahl Fat orange retard makes the perfect bag holder for the inevitable crack-up boom

@TrevorGoodchild @KarlDahl yes, but it also means that there is a much greater chance of "nonliberal" solutions.

@sickburnbro @KarlDahl Ssshhh, you're giving away my plan

@sickburnbro i had to read it a few times and even then i was like is this a joke is this guy's name drunken miller
then i reread it for the 10th time and was like no but that still stuck with me

lol spending like we're in a depression give me a fuckin break

i'm sorry did we give a trillion dollars to jews and john mccain's neo nazis when we were in a depression the last time?

this is pilfering by a bunch of organized crime connected kleptocrats

biden is provably connected to the philly mob
and i would imagine all the nig nogs they have working at lower levels are in with organized crime as well

its obviously and very provable the us gov did biz with cartels under obama and is still doing it now

@dictatordave yes, he's not an idiot. So there is a reason he's take time off from his billions of dollars.


@sickburnbro attributing fiscal policy to the inflation caused by monetary policy?

@buttered_poasties well, hes starting by saying "if I were a professor, I'd give him an F", so it's just a whole story from the start.

Trump being elected means the exact opposite. Why would a trump presidency mean illibereal solutions are more likely?

The same ego he had in 2016-2020 or will he be different this time?

@transgrammaractivist @KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild You're too busy being a little bitch to see the point.

He's not a GOP faggot, which means that he is for instance like a democrat, willing to punish his opponents if given the cover.

Will he get that cover? Don't know yet.

>hes not a gop faggot
Lmao are you operating in an alternate universe? Hes the biggest GOP faggot around. Is that all this is? Are you really just trump shilling. You say youre not but this is just straight up denial of reality.

@transgrammaractivist @KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild Look, I know you must have thought Trump was your savior in 2017 or something and now feel like a cheap used whore. Sorry.

He's not going to be anyone's savior this time if he wins either. I'm just saying if he has some of his enemies punished I'm going to pop some popcorn for the event.

The attempt to try and turn around obvious trump shilling with name calling just isnt gonna work. We know the guy is an explicit GOP faggot and coward. He didnt punish anyone for 4 years other than white guys who protested a statue coming down. There is no reason in the world to think this 75 year old zebra suddenly grew new stripes.

@transgrammaractivist @KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild I honestly hope for maximum explosion though, which would be he wins PRESDENT and the democrats get the house, which means he can't get shit done, and the invaders keep pouring over the border, and the house impeded everything he does to try and stop it as the economic situation gets worse.

Somewhere in his syphilitic brain he probably thinks he can bring us back to 2002 as a powerful golem for Israel.

@AmonMaritza @KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro Well, he really does deserve it. He chose his fate.

@brokenshakles @AmonMaritza @KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild it's pretty funny you're gonna vote for the guy with brain worms, the guy who is a dementia patient or the guy who drinks diet coke. ( or not vote, obviously )

Trumps only job is to get isreal money and weapons. The democrats will not hinder that.

@transgrammaractivist @KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild jeb would have done that fine though

Trump is far more trustworthy for it though. His bloodline is literally jewish. he even lets his little jew son in law run the white house for him. Why have jeb when you can have a super shabbos that white people love?

@transgrammaractivist @KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild That's stupid, Bush literally did the 9/11 bit for them, they have been extremely loyal and you get the benefit of not fucking up the rules of the game where successors are fully groomed into doing what the system wants over a period of 20 years.

@transgrammaractivist @KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro
Trump can be non-GOP and a zionist at the same time.

But jeb was unpopular and as far as i know none of his kids are jewish. Bush also lied us into the iraq war and hes one of the most hated presidents weve ever had. Bibi literally personally helped trump to get elected and trump did everything bibi asked. Mostly because trump didnt run shit and kushner did. Bibi used to even sleep in little jared's bed. They wanted him in 2016 and got him specifically because hes zero threat to the system or jews. Not that jeb is but jeb was always a joke.

@transgrammaractivist @KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild Jeb was unpopular because Trump came along and trashed him. The last republican that was "popular" was Reagan. The rest the machine just have cycled through.

Not in the reality we exist in where hes the republican candidate. Hes been the saving grace of gop.

@transgrammaractivist @pepsi_man @KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild except the RNC and the powers that be have fought to keep him out every step of the way.

@sickburnbro @transgrammaractivist @KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild at this point, with the amount of retardation that he's demonstrated, I have the feeling that he'd be punishing /areguys/ more than any of America's actual enemies

@VaxxSabbath @transgrammaractivist @KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild Remember, he said "good people on both sides" and progressives are still losing their minds over that. Not that he's your guy or to be trusted, but he's certainty someone they don't trust.

Trump was more popular than any one the gop put up. Jeb had zero chance winning an election. He wasnt even a poll leader. No trump played his role perfectly. He was so good even now after a complete failure to launch presidency people still believe he'll do something even when they know he wont. A perfect republican

@transgrammaractivist @KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild No, the standard republican template is that as soon as someone loses an election, they're done forever.

I used to wonder why democrats would stick by people that lost, but republicans won't.

@transgrammaractivist @KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro
He didn't save anything.

Republican lemmings would've voted for Jeb just bc he wasn't Biden and everyone was sick of Obama's niggerishness.

Thats just wrong. The GOP was absolutely saved by all the money trump brought in. Hes even got a bunch of them elected.

@transgrammaractivist @pepsi_man @KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild again, you can't have it both ways. The GOP doesn't exist to get elected. They exist to provide a "credible" face

God doesn’t seem to be blessing America.

@AmonMaritza @KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild @brokenshakles @sickburnbro but, but, but, but I was told that god blesses the nations who bless Israel

(narrator: "but crucially, they did not state which god would be blessing them")

You know when the wheels come off the stock market, fox jews is going to blame the Palestinian protesters and Biden withholding weapons.

@AmonMaritza @VaxxSabbath @KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild @brokenshakles probably, but it won't matter much, people already have decided who they are angry at.

Lmao no they havent. He walked into the nomination. The GOP has been with him every step of the way.

You understand the GOP could just bar trump from the party right?

@transgrammaractivist @KarlDahl @TrevorGoodchild @pepsi_man yes, but what do you think that would do?