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@FortyTwo so do you beat your kids too?

@FortyTwo no I asked a question.

But also I was a kid before once.

Depending on the kid and the reason yea getting a beating doesn't seem that bad. For good reasons.

But is your kid's sexuality being different from yours really a reason for this

@FortyTwo also considering the amount of memes of how abuse makes your child gay or trans. I would watch out lol. If you really can't have a non straight child.

@FortyTwo what. How does that make sense. My argument was sometimes kids suck and depending on a kid it needs to get hit. How is that related to I rode a car once.

@FortyTwo not surprising is it. I know what happened In my case and I am not going to behave the same. I guarantee it.

@FortyTwo no I didn't even judge you on anything. I asked you a fucking question. Idunno. If you beat up a 6 year old because he didn't finish his plate. Fine. You're a shit parent then.

I literally said I get it in some scenarios.

@FortyTwo I mean I could tell. No one fucked me in the ass no. Nothing like that. But psycho men happened.
But it did have to do with violence but again. Not physically.

I will do my best if I have children to have a safe home where I will treat them with love. Rules and learning and shit too. But I would like them to feel safe and appreciated.

@FortyTwo you said how you wouldn't like any of them to do any sexual shit. Which yea I think that's fine. Don't know if I would care if like teenage daughter had a boyfriend or whatever but OK.
If you enforce it fairly that is OK.

I don't think I would interact with you if you said some shit like yea I would beat my son to death if he was gay.
That's what I wanted to see or not.

@FortyTwo @silas

Good parenting emphasizes courting toward marriage and family. Get out of the horrible dating game; nothing there is good.


This is always maddening, when idiots try to beat/bribe people straight.

If they're not, there's a reason, and it's worth accepting.


You're right, it's funny.

We have to laugh at all the dark things.

It's the only way to find the light again... and then remember that we always need the dark for light to exist.


Former alt.tasteless reader here, so the darker and drier the humor... the better!

@amerika @FortyTwo so what you are gonna do arranged marriages? Idunno.
At least for germany the stats are that people get married later in life now but stay married for longer than ever before.
Plus with things like gen z not getting into the same weird dating scene that millenoals were in.....
I don't see a teenager getting together with someone and them 5 or more years later marrying that same person. Like what

@FortyTwo @amerika you write that like as if you were surprised but both of those things I knew already actually. This is a topic I have looked into because a lot of whiten people propaganda makes arranged marriages sound like the most horrible stuff ever. What are you gonna do though? Punish your kids if they get a crush on someone in high-school? Lol

@FortyTwo @amerika yea never let a child have friends yea. True only child living in complete isolation and fear is a good one

@FortyTwo @amerika that was just the fucking around bs reply. The ones I wrote after that were more serious. I forgot to add /s I guess.

@FortyTwo @amerika Idunno. A child is not your property. Maybe that's another "lefty human rights bs ideology" to you. Idunno. Not saying you do this but like. Homeschooling for example is a great way to hide actual abuse. Children are smart enough to realise if they get hit for a good reason or not. Taking away contact with other adults is a great way to hide that.

But then also like what. You are gonna make sure your child doesn't get friends or new feelings they don't know yet?

@FortyTwo @amerika what does that look like in your daily life. Again mostly asking this for the purpose of if I want to keep liking you or not. But also hey might be useful. Now that I decided to actually want to have kids in the future. I will take everything in.

@FortyTwo @amerika also if you like arranged marriages and not dating. Then you are gonna like what seens like the majority of like people who are under 16 currently. I would guess. At least on twitter. You share any opinion on lewd pictures, videos or art. And they target you out.
It's actually becoming a thing where they use Sex-haver as an insult.

@FortyTwo @amerika yea. That is what I assumed was the normal common stance about children and parents.

@FortyTwo @amerika except for that I don't know what sro is. These rules make sense to me. Mostly. How do you define constant string of boyfriends though?

@FortyTwo @amerika hm. Idunno about that last part with shame for divorcees. If a relationship doesn't work out it doesn't work out. Doesn't shame for that just lead to people forcing themself in shitty relationships?

@FortyTwo @silas @amerika I moved to a whole different country and learned a new language because the US culture is rotten to the core and I don't want my kids anywhere near it.

@FortyTwo @amerika I guess.
But what kind of life is that for a kid. With 2 parents that both hate each other. Of course there are people who can do that fine. But if it turns into a shit environment. I'm not saying at the first inkling of like feelings get divorced immediately. But there are scenarios where its better

@FortyTwo @gentoobro @amerika so in your mind what areas are good?

@silas @FortyTwo @amerika The last place I Iived* was rural Montana and it was still fucked.

* in the US

@FortyTwo @amerika @silas Work visas are a legitimate way to immigrate in many places. Kills two birds with one stone.

Many non-rotten countries are very cheap to live in. You need a lot less money than you do in the US. Even a remote callcenter job could support a family in Mexico.

@gentoobro @amerika @FortyTwo @silas

Did you renounce your citizenship or just live as a citizen outside the USA?

@magicalthinking @amerika @FortyTwo @silas I am currently a US citizen with Permanent Residency in Mexico. I'm eligible to apply for Mexican citizenship, but kind of busy with the kids right now. We'll apply in a few years.

@FortyTwo @amerika well my mum had I think 4 in my 24 years of living.
So that doesn't count. K. Constant string could also mean less than just a new guy every week.

@FortyTwo @amerika police officer attached to the school doesn't seem like it could be a real thing to my German brain lol. What's that needed for

@FortyTwo @gentoobro @amerika republicans in control sucks too though. I guess.
If I were to go to the US i would have to choose between around Vegas or a shitty small town in PA.

@gentoobro @amerika @FortyTwo @silas

Mexico is a sterling country without any of the rottenness of the USA.

@FortyTwo @amerika of course children do better with more than one parent.
I agree if that what you said happens they shouldn't have gotten married in the first place... But like that's why they are getting divorced lol.
Obviously it would be better if that didn't happen

@FortyTwo @magicalthinking @gentoobro @amerika it's common knowledge that Mexico is better than the US.
Kinda half joking. Both seem fine depending on the area.

@silas @FortyTwo @magicalthinking @amerika In so many ways, Mexico is objectively better than the US. Housing costs are normal. Medical costs are normal (insanely low by US standards). Inflation is lower. People are amicable. People aren't terminally obsessed with politics. There are jobs and they pay reasonably compared to the cost of living. The economy isn't just a zombie being chewed on by Walmart and Amazon.

There are of course some downsides. The tap water isn't drinkable; your drinking water comes in 5 gallon carboys which cost about a dollar to refill, delivered to your door. There are random holes in the sidewalk. The power flickers sometimes. It's really hard to find real hotdogs. I can understand people's hesitancy in the face of these grave concerns; it's hard to choose between "drinkable" tapwater and not going bankrupt because you spent a 3 days in the hospital.

@FortyTwo @gentoobro @amerika Idunno. I like how things are in Germany. Of course I do. Where you are able to talk to people, disagree and still respect each other because of course differing opinions exist.
And that's why there's many many parties which each actually have a chance of getting into government. Not just 2 shit ones and you are made to hate everyone else.

@magicalthinking @amerika @FortyTwo @silas Culturally, comparatively, yes. But that's only a statement about how bad the US has become in the last decade.

@silas @FortyTwo @amerika Mexico is also like this. I was going to say "except without as reliable of a power grid", but I don't know if that's true anymore with how things appear to be going over in Germany.

@FortyTwo @magicalthinking @gentoobro @amerika yea that part is not that good. It's coming to America soon though with the shitty Mexicans that illegally get into the US.

@FortyTwo @gentoobro @amerika what. Oh no. The people, government and courts going against a anti constitution party?
Yea no one ever wanted to protect their countries constitution. Or in our case the German Basic Law.

@FortyTwo @silas @magicalthinking @amerika The cartels don't bother you if you don't bother them. They're less of a danger than the US government.

@FortyTwo @silas @amerika The main difference in Mexico is that all 3 major parties are broadly pro-Mexico. They don't actively hate their constituents and they're not actively trying to destroy the country like the two US parties are.

@gentoobro @amerika @FortyTwo @silas

Real talk tho, I'm glad you found a home for you and your family. Clearly you're a man unbound by convention and the gods will favor you.

@FortyTwo @magicalthinking @silas @amerika They sell drinks in plastic bags here. It's a little bag full of liquid with a straw, knotted on the end. Sometimes it's a heat-sealed little bag like you'd use for packing. You're supposed to bite the corner to make a hole. It's so ghetto. Fortunately, there are usually also real bottles or cups for like $0.05 more.

@gentoobro @amerika @FortyTwo @magicalthinking that's what I expected. Like what's supposed to happen if you just live there and go to your day job or work from home.

@silas @amerika @FortyTwo @magicalthinking Basically, just don't go around running your mouth and looking for trouble. Don't start bar fights or act like a colossal asshole. You have to actively look for trouble to find it.

@gentoobro @amerika @FortyTwo @silas

It's worth the fight for me.

@magicalthinking @amerika @FortyTwo @silas Well, if you're serious, forget the 2A collection. That's last century thinking. You need to watch a YouTube channel called Tech Ingredients with an open mind and pay attention. Most of the videos are not important, but a couple might be extremely useful to know.

@gentoobro @amerika @FortyTwo @magicalthinking k.

I would get killed in mexico

@gentoobro @amerika @FortyTwo lol. I have only seen a power outage once in my life. Which was last year for like 9 minutes. And one time the lights kinda flickered for like 2 seconds. Also last year.
So Idunno. In the past 24 years it seems fine in terms of power.

@gentoobro @amerika @FortyTwo AfD sucks. I like some of their ideas but overall I don't like them. Because unlike any other party They are just angry and screaming all the time. Any party that is offering "simple solutions" is garbage. Because I don't think that works in the real world. Plus reducing people's rights and going against the basic law just is not a good thing.
Or do you love parties that want to take away your rights? Mr 42.

@gentoobro @amerika @FortyTwo also if you look at what AfD as a opposition party is Actually doing.... Very very little. Almost nothing. Most shit they do is just make inquiries about some made up shit they read in a Facebook group.
Which is Actually real. Asking stuff about like how someone was knifes to death in a park that doesn't exist. Because it's made up.

@silas @amerika @FortyTwo

Or do you love parties that want to take away your rights? Mr 42.

Americans have never known any other kind of party.

@FortyTwo @silas @amerika


In Germany?

@FortyTwo @gentoobro @amerika lol there are none. This is Europe. Climate hasn't changed that much yet.
There's storms but like very harmless ones.

@FortyTwo @gentoobro @amerika every party is against unchecked immigration though. Literally the more left and libertarian government is putting more restrictions on place right now. Where they'll actually start holding illegal immigrants in "detainment like conditions"

@FortyTwo @gentoobro @amerika that's a extremely bad example and you know it. Running a country or state is a bit more complex than oh there's a fire.

@FortyTwo @silas @amerika I think he means "naive solutions".

@gentoobro @amerika @FortyTwo @silas

If you need a gun to solve a problem, you will die in vain.
I have other resources.

@gentoobro @amerika @FortyTwo I suppose. That's not how they are branded as. But that is a better term.

@silas @amerika @FortyTwo Naive people think their naive solutions are simple and obvious.

@silas @magicalthinking @amerika @FortyTwo Believe it or not, yes, kinda.


The rumor is that they never actually downmixed the uranium. Who knows.

@FortyTwo @silas @magicalthinking @gentoobro @amerika

Don't confuse Santa Muerte with Santeria (aka: Lukumi or Ifa). They're not really related.

Nor does the fact that some of their practitioners are members of a cartel mean that the religion is related to the criminal activity, any more than most Italian mafiosos being Catholics mean that those two are necessarily related subjects. It's MSM standard practice to take anything unfamiliar to the reader and sensationalise it, especially when the audience is Christinane and the subject superficially involves someone else's religious practice.


@FortyTwo @gentoobro @amerika that's not true. It depends on exactly which solution it is and what the problem is. Policy is actually a really hard thing to do. Because you have to think about the law, how it's going to be applied, how it interferes with or changes existing things and what the unintended consequences will be. That last part takes long to do.

@silas @gentoobro @amerika @FortyTwo zerohedge told em europe was frezzing, they think its real

@silas @gentoobro @amerika @FortyTwo

I went to Juarez and Tiajuana a few times. It's a weird vibe, but not more dangerous than St Louis or Detroit. You're just as likely to find Latin gangs in Lynn, MA than you are in some border town.

@FortyTwo @amerika @silas


No idea. I'm not Catholic.


Yes. If it's close to the coast there's an extra Gringo Tax. There's no extra tax for normal property that's not on the coast.


If I became a citizen, it's my understanding that I could hold low positions in government. You have to be Mexican for some certain generations to hold higher offices. (As it should be.) I'm not sure if immigrants can join the military; I've heard conflicting answers.


No idea. I'm not a pilot or a boat captain. But a modest "donation" can open whatever door you want here.

illegal pollice

Pure insanity.

@magicalthinking @silas @amerika @FortyTwo TJ is a shithole compared to the rest of Mexico. I didn't get to spend much time in Juarez to judge it properly, but it seemed like a normal town. I walked all over the place without issue.

@FortyTwo @amerika @silas Per my lawyer, incorrect. (Lawyers handle real estate here.) There's a special trust you buy it with, but you still own it, just like you own a house with a trust in the US. The trust is just there to be the thing that gets the Gringo Tax. Also, if you immigrate, you no longer need the trust. Much of what you read online about Mexico (even from government websites) is wrong. It can be hard to find out what the real deal is here without talking to actual people involved, and even then it can be wrong sometimes. I've had government employees not even know how their own forms are supposed to be filled out.

The fact that naturalized immigrants can hold high positions in government is not something to brag about. It's an exploit, as seen in current US politics. Frankly, Mexico doesn't go far enough. I shouldn't ever be able to be assistant night-shift janitorial foreman at highway rest stop in the middle of the desert.

@FortyTwo @gentoobro @amerika aren't you supposed to like thst though. Seems like many Americans want naturalised citizens to have less rights than "real Americans"

@silas @FortyTwo @amerika I think immigrants to any country should never be able to hold office or work in government. I say this as a (future) immigrant myself. This is just basic security. It's far too easy for bad agents to slip in and get citizenship. They may not even be malevolent; they might simply bring a different culture with them. Immigrants should assimilate, not try to change the country they moved to.

@gentoobro @amerika @FortyTwo first generation only or like your grandkids that only ever lived in that country and culture too?

@silas @amerika @FortyTwo It should taper off depending on how high of an office. Congressmen and presidents and PMs should need 7 out of 8 great-grandparents to be natural-born (or something). Director of Parks for a city should only need to be natural-born themself.

@FortyTwo @gentoobro @silas

Ten thousand times yes.

I see this every day.

Ordinary people do not understand complexity, so they layer complications upon basic issues.

This results in systems that take up more energy in overhead than in production, and are also fragile and easily-gamed.

@silas @gentoobro @amerika @FortyTwo

I have 2 Aibo robot dogs and a La Pavoni coffee machine.

@silas @gentoobro @FortyTwo

Natural rights > civil rights

@gentoobro @FortyTwo @silas

The problems with Mexico:

1. Pervasive corruption

2. Confused national identity

3. Low average IQ

4. Americans keep buying assloads of drugs

@magicalthinking @gentoobro @FortyTwo @silas

The US became bad in the late 1990s, but things have been "off" because of democracy for a long time.

The Civil War was our first warning but the political machines of the early 1800s were a sign that nothing was going as planned.

@silas @FortyTwo @gentoobro

...except that what you are protecting is UN/US authored instead...

@silas @FortyTwo @magicalthinking @gentoobro

Putting heads on spikes is a primal symbol. Very effective.

Personally I admire the cartels but would not want them active around me. Too much crossfire.

@FortyTwo @magicalthinking @silas @gentoobro

You can smell Mexico miles from the border.

@gentoobro @FortyTwo @magicalthinking @silas

Although I know a lot of good people from Mexico, I think the place has never been stable.

It's like the rest of the third world: run by cynical ultra-rich who manipulate hordes of ignorant and greedy peasants.

@silas @FortyTwo @gentoobro

European politics with its coalition-building strikes me as even more paralytic than the two-party system.

@gentoobro @FortyTwo @magicalthinking @silas

My experience with people moving to the third world from the first world is that we get rosy reports until something big goes wrong, like a corrupt arrest, violent crime, medical emergency, etc.

Mexico is famous for cut-rate surgery that has patients die before they make it back across the border.

@FortyTwo @silas

I agree. Alimony and child support give mothers incentive to divorce.

Pre-nup 'em all.

@silas @FortyTwo

Diversity violence and school shooters.

@FortyTwo @silas

All of this seems sane.

@FortyTwo @silas

Feminism is just egalitarianism.

That is the brain worm that turns all human brains to mush.

@silas @FortyTwo

Casual sex was abusive. The market reacts.

@silas @FortyTwo

Child abuse is a typical human issue: you will never eliminate it, and although you can minimize it, it is one of those "tar baby" issues that ends up taking a whole lot of time, energy, and money for a few cases.

Let nature sort things about. Child abusers produce kids who do not have kids.

@silas @FortyTwo

Given the current state of the world, isolation and distrust seem like good options.

@FortyTwo @silas

Specifically middle class White women.

@silas @FortyTwo

Under the courtship system, crushes are handle with gentle but public interactions.

Avoids a lot of mistakes.

@FortyTwo @silas

To reduce divorce, stop the splitting of wealth. Effectively impose a pre-nup on every marriage where the parties get what they brought to the marriage and nothing else.

If you treat marriage like dating, you should get the results of breaking up with a boyfriend/girlfriend not spouse.

@silas @FortyTwo @magicalthinking @gentoobro

Mexico will never have a functional government and will always depend on foreign investment for industry.

@FortyTwo @gentoobro @silas

It's funny how humans are always caught between poles.

Too much complexity is bad on one hand, but the One Big Symbolic Idea is terrible on the other.

The latter is equality.

People do not need elegant, sophisticated; they need resilient and adaptable.

Tradition was that way: simple principles that applied in any context.

@amerika @FortyTwo Idunno I think it's indoctrination.

@silas @FortyTwo

I disagree, coming from a previous generation that saw the disaster hit.

@amerika @FortyTwo pretty much. Some kinds of online media I would allow. Like if they have an ipad or smartphone with the Kindle app on it. I wouldn't restrict kids from reading Personally. But definitely restrict and forbid other things.

@silas @FortyTwo

In my view, it makes sense to restrict kids' freedom to ensure that they are exposed only to healthy material.

Most of humanity consists of nutjobs who think it's funny to tell other people lies that cause them to self-destruct.

@amerika @FortyTwo yeah well what a safe and not fucked up country that is that you live in. I have never seen police or security guards at a school ever.... No.. One time where people shared nude pictures of some underage girl at the school and a police guy talked about how bad that is. Idunno. Didn't have a smartphone at that time lol

@silas @FortyTwo

Germany features in our news reports a lot:


@amerika @FortyTwo definitely pre-nup. No shot would I get married without. If I want to get married at all.... Probably yea for tax reasons lol

@silas @FortyTwo

Marriage is one of the best things ever but most people do it wrong.

Find someone of your own race, culture, ethnicity, social class, and political persuasion. If you can, from where you grew up.

Then make it clear that this is a partnership for making family not extended dating.

@amerika @gentoobro @FortyTwo Idunno. Policy should be done thoughtful and slow. Which is what a coalition leads to. You need to average out almost all viewpoints into one law that works properly and as intended.

@amerika @gentoobro @FortyTwo our system in Germany is also flawed but I think less and for different reasons.
But culturally I like being able to talk to someone about politics or whatever. And understanding their viewpoint. And then coexisting like before.
Instead of being enemies.
Like that's why politics comes up at things like work events or Christmas parties. It's interesting and pretty much always ends up fine.

@silas @gentoobro @FortyTwo

If politics is conversation, that means it has been normed into groupthink.

Politics is by nature contentious.

@silas @gentoobro @FortyTwo

The "averaging out" or "compromise" theory means never taking a direction except that of inertia.

@amerika @gentoobro @FortyTwo they did a good job then because it's very good.

@silas @gentoobro @FortyTwo

What makes Germany good is Germans.

German common law was better than Roman law or American law IMHO, and most of what you want to protect is that.

@amerika @gentoobro @FortyTwo so universal basic income and get rid of anything else?

@silas @gentoobro @FortyTwo

No, consumption tax and get rid of everything else :)

@amerika @gentoobro @FortyTwo @magicalthinking that's probably what people said about America couple hundred years ago

@silas @gentoobro @FortyTwo @magicalthinking

Did it come true?

Mexico has not had a functional government since 1810 or so...

@amerika @FortyTwo no. I'll find someone I think I can bare a partnership for essentially the rest of my life with. I don't really care about race or culture. The goal is to make and raise good humans.

@silas @FortyTwo

I wish you a happy divorce.

Again, from long observation: find someone like you. Unequal yoking ends very badly.

@amerika @gentoobro @FortyTwo it is contentious. But it doesn't influence what you think about another person. It's just opinions

@silas @gentoobro @FortyTwo

So you are OK talking about the AfD with coworkers who think it's great?

@amerika @FortyTwo Idunno. Just because someone is like.... From the Netherlands doesn't make them unequal to me... Actually nevermind it does. Only. Specifically with the Dutch vs German though.

@silas @FortyTwo

Equality is not a concept found in nature.

The Dutch seem more like Danes than Germans.

I recall some research showing that dead trees are more effective for learning from your reading. It's a bit out of date but I'd believe it still applies since it's fundamentally about having something physical in the real world you're relating your reading to.

@amerika @gentoobro @FortyTwo yes. Coworkers now. A classmate during the apprenticeship. He was aggressively anti masks and anti vax and anti medicine in general. That's fine and we got along normally. Yea we talked about it but not even loud.

@sj_zero @FortyTwo @silas

Regular books are more fun in my view. Less complicated. You just pick it up and wander off somewhere comfortable.

Plus, like with CDs/LPs, you have a visually identifiable object to remind you of the book... which helps bring up recurring analyses of the content.

@silas @gentoobro @FortyTwo

Interesting. Here many things cannot be mentioned.

Then again, even in Nietzsche's time those were controversial in Europe.

@amerika @FortyTwo maybe. But we are humans. I can determine on an individual basis is this person roughly similar to or not. And why.

@silas @FortyTwo

Big assumption. "We are all identical/equal, therefore this human is not its genetics, nor its history, nor its abilities."

Having seen a lot of these play out... too much individualism leads people to think only of what is convenient to them, but then later they get an unwelcome surprise.

@amerika @gentoobro @FortyTwo at least last Christmas with the extended family. We talked about the country and everything. And actually everyone basically came to The conclusion how you can't really vote for any of the bigger ones in fully good faith

@silas @gentoobro @FortyTwo

Normal conversation here is how no one trusts the parties, but we still have to pick the best option.

Late Stage Democracy.

@FortyTwo @silas @gentoobro

Diversity of any form is destructive and therefore unconscionable.

@amerika @FortyTwo I don't think everyone is equal. I think I can find someone compatible with me though.

But then again I'm also open to marry a guy if I think I can spend the rest of my life with him. So really I'm just dumb and should kill myself.

What do you mean unwelcome surprise? Im not gonna marry anyone without knowing them for years already.

@silas @FortyTwo

Marriage changes the interaction, and over time you will see their "true self" emerge in many different forms. You have never seen them encounter these challenges so do not yet know their responses.

@amerika @gentoobro @FortyTwo homosexual relationships are the best then. Wouldn't want to have that gender diversity

@silas @gentoobro @FortyTwo

From real life observations, there is a sort of truth to this. There is less need for discussion; there is however more competition or something like it.

@FortyTwo @silas @gentoobro @amerika is there no happy medium or eye for good design?

@FortyTwo @amerika you are the guy constantly posting women with their tits out. I guess your wife allows that though because marriage exclusively is for raising kids and nothing else.

@FortyTwo @gentoobro @amerika most roads and junctions don't have signs here

@amerika @FortyTwo I guess. What does true self mean though. That sounds made up. K. So some person from let's say Czech republic or Austria. Very close to Germany.
Or someone who just happens to. Have parents from Idunno Spain or whatever. But ia born and raised their entire life in Germany.

Is true self necesarily tied to nationality or race.
If that's true then I'm fucked because Idunno if I'm Gonna be staying in Germany forever.

@FortyTwo @amerika sure. But why is the only factor for commitment race?
That means I shouldn't get with a white person because I know how I'm not committed

@silas @FortyTwo @amerika
It doesn’t matter. A high value White man will never fuck you. So go ahead and hang out at the southern border

@FortyTwo @cbrooklyn112 @amerika so being a single guy is the same as married.

@FortyTwo @cbrooklyn112 @amerika you are the one who said a wife or marriage is nothing more than empty balls and full stomach

@silas @FortyTwo @cbrooklyn112

β€œIt is amazing to me,” said Bingley, β€œhow young ladies can have patience to be so very accomplished as they all are.”

β€œAll young ladies accomplished! My dear Charles, what do you mean?”

β€œYes, all of them, I think. They all paint tables, cover screens, and net purses. I scarcely know any one who cannot do all this; and I am sure I never heard a young lady spoken of for the first time, without being informed that she was very accomplished.”

β€œYour list of the common extent of accomplishments,” said Darcy, β€œhas too much truth. The word is applied to many a woman who deserves it no otherwise than by netting a purse or covering a screen; but I am very far{51} from agreeing with you in your estimation of ladies in general. I cannot boast of knowing more than half-a-dozen in the whole range of my acquaintance that are really accomplished.”

β€œNor I, I am sure,” said Miss Bingley.

β€œThen,” observed Elizabeth, β€œyou must comprehend a great deal in your idea of an accomplished woman.”

β€œYes; I do comprehend a great deal in it.”

β€œOh, certainly,” cried his faithful assistant, β€œno one can be really esteemed accomplished who does not greatly surpass what is usually met with. A woman must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, and the modern languages, to deserve the word; and, besides all this, she must possess a certain something in her air and manner of walking, the tone of her voice, her address and expressions, or the word will be but half deserved.”

β€œAll this she must possess,” added Darcy; β€œand to all she must yet add something more substantial in the improvement of her mind by extensive reading.”

β€œI am no longer surprised at your knowing only six accomplished women. I rather wonder now at your knowing any.”

β€œAre you so severe upon your own sex as to doubt the possibility of all this?”

β€œI never saw such a woman. I never saw such capacity, and taste, and application, and elegance, as you describe, united.”

Mrs. Hurst and Miss Bingley both cried out against the injustice of her implied doubt, and were both protesting that they knew many women who answered this description, when Mr. Hurst called them to order, with{52} bitter complaints of their inattention to what was going forward.


@FortyTwo @silas @gentoobro

When the tanks start rolling in Kaliningrad, NATO protocol says all street signs come down immediately.

@silas @FortyTwo @cbrooklyn112

No, but let's look at marriages -- both straight and gay -- in terms of rank:

A. Transcendental bond, you esteem each other, partner empties your balls or ploughs your cervix or rectum because they want to make you feel loved.

B. Mental bond, you are working together toward family, you enjoy each other as friends, and you keep each other sexually happy and fed to make that work.

C. Physical bond, you like to screw and eat a lot afterwards, but both are scheming for the tradeup.

I suppose we can add:

D. Convenience, you needed someone and they are there.

F. Codependency, you are both insane or alcoholic and need someone to be dysfunctional with.

Did I miss anything?


@FortyTwo @amerika I see. So you are just full of shit

@silas @FortyTwo

You know the secret to a really good bowel movement?

Not just enough vegetables, but make sure you get some meat fat and almonds or cashews.

Then drink the obligatory 24oz of something that is not sugar water.

!!! BLAST OFF !!!

@FortyTwo @silas @cbrooklyn112

"A nihilist refuses to accept the assertion that there are absolute, universal, and objective forms of truth, communications, and values."


Might make more sense to participants here now.

@amerika @cbrooklyn112 @FortyTwo you have a website?

@silas @cbrooklyn112 @FortyTwo

Yes, and it is universally demonized :)

@amerika @FortyTwo that doesn't explain how people's commitment levels are determined by race or other kind of ethnicity.

@silas @FortyTwo

Look at it this way: higher level of genetic similarity = higher overlap of goals, preferences, aesthetics, and instincts.

@amerika @cbrooklyn112 @FortyTwo I'm not going to it

@silas @cbrooklyn112 @FortyTwo

What do you fear there?

@amerika @cbrooklyn112 @FortyTwo of course there's more to it. Lol. Thanks for the list I guess.

@silas @cbrooklyn112 @FortyTwo

Financially speaking, casual dating or prostitution plus restaurants serves the stated needs at lower cost than family.

People choose family to invest in the future, whether children are produced or not.

@cbrooklyn112 @FortyTwo @silas

Generally speaking, market forces determine value for reasons of risk and reward, so there is a reason these prostitutes are cheap.

I've never even considered meeting up with a prostitute so I have no further data here.

@amerika @cbrooklyn112 @FortyTwo I have no intention of using any paid services.

@silas @FortyTwo I'm a confus-a. I thought all this jewish sexual degeneracy indoctrination and hatred for self was a massive psychological beating all day; every day.

@amerika @gentoobro @FortyTwo @magicalthinking @silas

Yeah. I had a buddy years ago who practised Palo. It's interesting. I spent over a decade learning Candomble Jeje from two different hereditary priests in South Brazil. There's a lot out there, mostly very much misunderstood and sensationalised by hypocrites and bigots who like to characterise everyone else's religions as ``Satanic`` without having the vaguest clue what they entail.

@silas @amerika @FortyTwo This mentality is completely lost on Americans.

Disagree on how much taxes should be raised? 5% vs 6%? Literal subhuman scum. Should get life in prison, no trial.

@amerika @FortyTwo @magicalthinking @silas It amazes me how people will hate how effective their government is at oppressing them but simultaneously criticize another country for having an ineffective government. Stockholm Syndrome.

@gentoobro @FortyTwo @magicalthinking @silas

More likely, you are going to have some leaders and need them to be competent.

@silas @FortyTwo The guy in the OP was already gay before he got beaten. That's why he got beaten in the first place. Learn to read.