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Oh look a new Home Schooling ad just dropped

I‘m sure those kids know exactly how to rawdog their friends in the bathroom.

God damn people, do you know what they do to your kids in public schools …… at a very young age?

There will be a fallout, no worries.


Oh i worry,
but what i hear from neighbor kids (between 8 - 14) is,
they are getting sick of it too. And „normal“ is the new „cool“

The pendulum is swinging back hard and the wokies will not know what hit them very soon

@Wyliesau @FourOh-LLC I do hope you’re right.

@Flick @FourOh-LLC

I don’t know for sure but when you talk with kids (not living in a big socialist hellhole town) they will tell you it’s bullshit.
Kids want to talk about games, friendships, sport and they give a damn about sexuality.
That’s just what the teachers want to talk about.

I just keep remembering that DARE created more drug users than it stopped.

Precisely, and this is because the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Every single time, it never fails: the first adopters of good-doer efforts are the opportunists and the criminals. Every.single.time.

Opportunists and criminals have no inhibitions, have no sense of responsibility, they have no ethical standards. We have become a pussy-society too weak to separate them and punish them.

Political parties, civic grassroots, churches and charities are filled to the brim with opportunists, sociopaths and with gangster-criminals. None is exempt including healthcare, education, law, industry. Every institution is filled with human refuse.


However, trans shit has no good intentions.

@Wyliesau @sj_zero @Flick

Gotta pay for those cia coups somehow!

@Wyliesau @Flick @FourOh-LLC
The teachers talk about sex because they ain't gettin' any.😎
"those who can do...those who are unable to...talk of nothing else."


Lady at work left to go to a school pl,ay for her child's class. Her child is a Princess
The play is about your Pronouns