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@esotericdoge If I didn’t know any better, I’d be tempted to guess they’re *deliberately* ruining these venerable old IPs.

well i mean that's it isn't it. the left think they are representing and taking ground as the fight the culture war and the right see their advances as an infection and excise the infected tissue. so western culture dies and ???

well who knows how it will turn out, but a society without the distractions of culture is clearly going to be prone to disorder.

@esotericdoge @KingOfWhiteAmerica
Quit trying too be a cool guy that gets along with White niggers.

@Jonny @esotericdoge I used to watch old bootleg Doctor Who episodes on VHS with my folks; Quirky, relatively wholesome, but above all thought-provoking family entertainment.
Of course that’s why they had to go after it.

@KingOfWhiteAmerica @esotericdoge
What you just wrote, looks like half English and half troglodyte.

@KingOfWhiteAmerica @esotericdoge
I know you love jews.
I’m gonna kill you, shabos goy

@Jonny @esotericdoge Thanks for the feedback; I don’t know what you don’t know.

@KingOfWhiteAmerica @esotericdoge

You don’t know what I don’t know?

Shut up jew

@Jonny @esotericdoge I appreciate the invitation. I suppose a man hasn’t *really* arrived at fedi until Jonny has called him a jew and told him he‘d kill him.

@KingOfWhiteAmerica @Jonny @esotericdoge Has he asked you to sing yet?.

@KingOfWhiteAmerica @esotericdoge
King of White america?

You gonna move forward with that?

I dare you, jew

@Jonny @esotericdoge Thank you, Jonny, for noticing my screenname. As it’s pretty apparent you’ve not given my account much consideration, I will gladly articulate what I mean by it.
My take on things is based on Traditional Orthodox Christianity. As such, I happen to be a Traditional Monarchist. While I generally support pro-White political positions, I’m also prayerful that The Lord will raise for my People a king - the King of White America - that will serve Lord Jesus with all his might; lead us in righteousness; and forge an army of us the likes of which the world has never before seen — to drive the (((evil))) out of our lands, over the edge of the earth and into the abyss.
While I’m in all likelihood not going to become said king, myself, I happily devote myself to seeing Our Lord’s Will be done to restore the proper order of things among the Faithful Remnant of my Nation.

@KingOfWhiteAmerica @esotericdoge
Did you just use AI (asshole intelligence) too write this paragraph?

@Jonny @esotericdoge I understand it’s a lot to process. Just let it happen; no need to fight it or anything.

@KingOfWhiteAmerica @Jonny @esotericdoge At this point, I don't care what it takes to purge the Jew from this realm. That's a dangerous statement to make because it means that I am willing to accept compromises on what I would normally believe to be moral behavior which is something I don't normally do. But, now that I know their true history, their true intent and their willingness to kill every goyim in this realm to get their Moshiach hell on earth, I know what must be done (again).

In truth, there are really only two things that need be done to eliminate the Jew and they are both non-violent. The first is that the Jew, with all of their homicidal, psychopathic history, must be exposed and revealed from behind the curtain of contrived history they themselves have created to obfuscate their treachery. Once even 60% of Amalek knows the truth the Jew will be unable to hide behind their media owned web of lies that hides their true nature and intention.

The second thing that would need to happen is that Jews would need to be relegated only to jobs of physical and trade labor. They would never be allowed any positions outside of this vocation. Ever. Since Jews are largely incapable of producing (farming, construction, trade skills, etc.) they would literally starve themselves out of existence within three or four generations. Jews would literally self extinguish. That's how fucking useless they are and they know it. I truly believe that one of the biggest reasons Jews so hated Hitler is because he made them do real work in the factories and fields. They're pathetic.

The problem with this plan is that White people are fucking gullible, apathetic and have too much sympathy. Jews, of course, know this and use it to our demise. There would be a group of Whites who would take pity on the poor Jew, allowing them to infiltrate their hierarchy in positions of influence and the whole death cycle would begin all over again.

There's only 16 million of them. Maybe we put them on an island with no power or infrastructure and see what happens? I don't know. My God certainly isn't in favor of me being a mass murderer but I don't know how else to kill this evil He has left me to deal with.

@agaperealm @Jonny @esotericdoge If I had to wager a guess, it’s that the “solution” looks a great deal like a NatSoc Germany.
If I have anything to do with it, this emerging imperium shall take Traditional Orthodoxy into account, eyes wide open to our ancient and unique culture and customs - while we shall do our best to remain faithful leaders, friends, allies and/or subjects wherever applicable.
Where exactly we stand after the dust settles, is less important than *that* we stand. If history is any indicator, this *only* happens when we draw our lines in the sand, struggle to defend them, and push as hard as we’re able.

@KingOfWhiteAmerica @agaperealm @Jonny @esotericdoge My ideal scenario is a secular NS state that’s tolerant of all White religions, ultimately though victory is victory and IDC that much if it’s Christian, Pagan, atheist/agnosti, or something else wholl

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @KingOfWhiteAmerica @agaperealm @Jonny @esotericdoge The problem is Christianity has been sabotaging White people since the the beginning. Like think about when Europeans arrived in Africa for the first time. We were literally thousands of years ahead of them. We could have wiped that continent clean and have infinite resources and land for ourselves. But no "oh no we must help these poor ""people"" and bring them to Christ, surely once we bring them into our religion they'll stop being primates". And now they're raping us to death.

(Who else counted the words in the meme?)

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @KingOfWhiteAmerica @agaperealm @Jonny @esotericdoge afaik that was pretty much what the Funny Uncle did, where there was freedom of religion and the state-run Positive Christianity program didn't have denominational strings attached