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We don't live objectively, we live subjectively.

Objectively, eventually the planet Earth will be swallowed by atomic fire as the yellow dwarf sun transitions into the red giant part of its lifecycle. Great. Does that fact change the feeling of falling in love, or the awe of seeing something amazing, or the pride of accomplishing your own personal goals? When you witness a great work of art or literature, objectively speaking that act is meaningless in the universal scheme, but does that mean it doesn't move you?

We are not objective creatures, we are extremely subjective, and moreover we are not universal creatures, we are very specifically humans.

Humans will be long gone by the time Sol swells into a red giant and devours whatever inner planets remain.

I was looking at the next time they think there'll be a supercontinent. The average surface temperature of most of the earth most of the time will be over 40C, so even just that far in the future things will be pretty rough. All of civilization has existed in a relatively short period of world history, it has been really cold or really hot.