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It seems there is a constant desire to separate our souls from our bodies... this report put together by The Why Files is well done and explains why we need to be dogged in making the correct choices for humanity when using A.I. and science...

Leave it in God's hands. That's where it is supposed to be...


AI is the future and those who reject it are doomed

We really don't have a choice, do we? I have to laugh about the race war since all of us are at a disadvantage with AI in control.

Those of us embracing AI will outcompete those who reject it

well considering AI is controlled by the military industrial complex and is far advanced than anything you or I could create , the only thing people who embrace it will be , will be easier controlled and programmable slaves.

it is kind of like the transhumanist who think they are going to be like Adam Jensen or iron man with augments . they are going to be really disappointed , there is no way the powers that be will allow civilian to have any tech that could threaten thier rule.

the prison is just getting more advanced and people are so blind they will willingly embrace it .

Wrong on all counts, AI is free and open source, and those who reject it will be outcompeted much like homo erectus was outcompeted.

@warsuron how little you know little luddite, a jewtube luddite video is nothing but bunk.

@warsuron luddite you know jack shit about AI!

@warsuron ignorance, machine learning is how you train AI! Learn the difference between concepts.

@warsuron you're just posting luddite propaganda cause unlike me you've never worked on AI

@warsuron it's not science, it propagada to make luddites like you feel better. Next time try citing Ilya Sutskever instead of pop culture writers.

Most dangerous thing we keep doing is drawing straight lines every time we see two points.

Won't be as good as evangelists say, won't be as bad as apocalyptic prophets say.we just gotta wait and see.

@warsuron cite someone working on contempory AI luddite

@sj_zero@social.fbxl.net he just fears the future cause he's a luddite. The future belongs to those who embrace AI and biomodification.

@warsuron okay woke tranny luddite

@warsuron luddite your kind are doomed to extinction, the to us. Like the trannies, dykes and woke you luddites will not survive the fourth industrial revolution.

@warsuron we won't miss you luddite

A.I. doesn't exist not really. They are trying to disguise what they truly are.

You sound like a lunatic, not only does AI exist but it's getting better and better. Soon it will replace all you luddites.

AI is still just the 'man behind the curtain'. Unfortunately the danger is giving the man behind the curtain too much power.

AI is the solution to the man behind the curtain

I had to laugh when I saw, LEAVE IT IN "GODS" HANDS. Look how well that has worked out. YOU'RE A FUCKING TOY, deal with it.🤣🤣😁💨💨💨

Whatever...to each his own. Do you enjoy mocking people and their beliefs? Sad...

Insane beliefs deserve to be mocked

@ladymae says the one who opposes the future in favor of extinction

@ladymae insanity is easily spotted

They wanna turn us into robots, who can and will, only work.
No names, no genders, no personalities, no eating, no drinking, no sleeping, no breathing, only working 24-7.
You really believe in that eating bugs shit ?

They want to kill you not turn you into a superior lifeform

@nikolai_the_tsar those who evolve will not spend their time working

@nikolai_the_tsar the dumb think there will be such a future

@nikolai_the_tsar no, they will kill you but leave me alone, I don't believe in your jewish false god.