FBXL Social

actual question my friend (also looking for work) is getting when they apply to work at a local cofe shop

the question "what do you want to have written on your gravestone one day and how is this position going to help you achieve that?"

this one defies explanation but it's from a job app for a hotel front desk position

the question "arranging from best to worst", ominously marked "part 1", followed by an unhinged list of items including "a token of love", "prostitution", "a wreck", and "torturing a person"

"He worked a shitty job serving bean juice to people who weren't as cool as they thought they were so he could have food and shelter"

Man, so true. Timeless words.

"Poisoning the water supply" is going right to the top of the list.

You shall rrrrrrrue the day you rrrrrrrefused to rrrrrretain my serrrrrrvices!