FBXL Social

if ups starts having delivery problems, this country is going to fall apart very fast.

@sickburnbro don't shoot the mailman, yeah

They're looting trains when they stop to be changed over, and they're ramming trucks or making africa-tier roadblocks to slow them enough to hop on and throw shit off.

@doktor the difference between deliver drivers being worried about being killed and a few train cars being robbed is a heavy rain versus a hurricane.

@sickburnbro UPS shotgun riders will be kino

@Vril_Oreilly amazon delivery will no longer be free

@Vril_Oreilly not only do you need to pay for 2x labor, but the entire framework of "you must deliver as many packages per day as possible" that the delivery companies run on is shattered.

True true, but what if I told you they've been killing both for a while now?

@doktor well, I wouldn't be surprised, but if they have, do you have any data on the frequency and distribution of it?

AI/Terminator shotgun security for Prime delivery is how the Great Robot Wars will start

>this nigga wants a graph
Nah bro just look on local news sites in areas where trainyards are, every so often you'll see "this train nigga found dead, traincars forced open, etc" and "postalniggers got gone postal on, mail stolen."
Not super common, but not anywhere near unheard of. One of the many issues with bringing "people" from places where social order hasn't existed in decades- everything is a piñata.


@Cleisthenes @sickburnbro @Vril_Oreilly >GuardBot 9000 when his assigned truck delivers a 2L bottle of lube to the same house near a school every week

@sickburnbro Irvine is a very upscale area too. Just goes to show that the rich areas are not exempt from nigger violence.

@internetfreak yeah it made me wonder "was this a targeted beef with that driver"

@internetfreak which is why I went with the reasoning I did - it doesn't ultimately matter WHY

Hoo boy

@sickburnbro UPS drivers, Amazon delivery drivers, freight truck drivers. All you have to do is convince them it's not safe for them to go to a certain city.

@sickburnbro Well, when the UPS website says they will deliver between 11am and 2pm, and they don't show up until 7pm, then their lives are in danger.

@Professor_Groyper @sickburnbro They dont know i have global 24 hour access to their real time location accurate to 50 meter via a DOD funded program(gps)

The moment overpaid wfh desk jockies need to walk to the
The store the crackdowns begin.

@sickburnbro You can't do shit anymore without being shot by a nigger gotdang

@KK954 @Vril_Oreilly you aren't looking at the bigger picture.

@sj_zero yes, because the store has already become a hellhole, and hiding behind delivery services is the final redoubt