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remember what the WSJ is, and let this sink in.

@sickburnbro now let's see it for nigger households...

@sickburnbro Couldn't be clearer how the finance jews want to play it.

@TrevorGoodchild the part that seems dumb is that we're obviously going to get a hard landing if not a full depression, the capital misallocation is just too extreme for anything different.

It's just mindblowing that NOW, NOW they are deciding to find those statistics that could happen to match with all those poll results where people say the economy sucks.

I guess they figure they can install Trump and <step 2> , then they get to keep their masses of money

@sickburnbro Wait a minute, how can the average net worth (adjusted for inflation) go down while the GDP (adjusted for inflation) goes up? Some Shylock is cooking the books!

jewish math is a pathway to many abilities some consider...unnatural.

@sickburnbro Will Stancil told me this wasn't happening, are you calling him a liar?

@caekislove @sickburnbro stock vs flow...gdp is a flow variable indicating things like income and new savings...while net worth is a stock variable including the value of your assets, old savings, debt, etc...

@ChadleyDudebro @caekislove everyone can lie, it's just when you are utterly shameless you're going to score some hits.

@PraxisOfEvil worse, I'm calling him a communist.

It's really easy. Just have everyone sell everything and go into debt. Net worth drops, GDP goes to the moon.

GDP is the movement of money, not the wealth of anyone so you can have greater wealth with lower GDP if people end up accumulating weather and not spending it, or a higher GDP and lower wealth if people spend all their wealth (particularly on consumable garbage from china)

@sj_zero @sickburnbro It's a Christmas miracle!! 😍

@sj_zero @caekislove what's interesting to note here is that we are used to several metrics for economic health which are good when doing apples to apples comparisons, but when the economy deteriorates, they are no longer a useful comparison.

Only one of them is actively trying to be wrong or deceptive, the other just does it from sheer passive reflex

If you think about it, you feel richer while you rack up debt because you can get whatever you want, but when you pay back debt and rack up savings you feel poor because you can't get the things you want, but the one activity makes you poorer and the other makes you richer. A surprising number of millionaires drive 10 year old Toyotas.

@caekislove @sickburnbro makes sense, people spend more and are taking on more credit, so institutions have more money, but the people don't

@Twoinchdestroya @caekislove well, not even the companies have more money - they had to spend more on their materials.

Remember the hyperinflation party gets started when people start pricing in future inflation in their costs. We are at minimum to the point where people aren't seeing inflation as a one time aberration.

@caekislove @sickburnbro gdp is how much money is spent in the system (including by the government), net worth is how much money people have

the two numbers measure very different things, so the lines do not correlate

when gdp goes up or down, that doesn't correspond to anything people oriented so it doesn't mean people are worse or better off - it is a crude measure

jew Team B(ankster) carrying out their hits on Biden's puppet handlers.

@brigrammer @sickburnbro I wonder if any economist is out there calculating national net worth. πŸ€”

@caekislove @sickburnbro yes, but those national numbers also aren't very useful - it is like when scientists look at global temperature and freak out as though such a crude macro measure means anything

good news for person A is bad news for person B, there is no good news for everyone statistic - even disasters have winners and losers

the question should always be "What does this mean - for me" which will vary based upon your situation

@brigrammer @caekislove well, national numbers are often useful because it can be a flashing red alarm: "THIS ISNT WORKING"

@sickburnbro weekly shounen jump?

@caekislove @brigrammer @sickburnbro frbsf.org/research-and-insights/publications/doctor-econ/2000/10/national-wealth/

household net worth is usually what they look at...we are pretty bad at measuring the wealth of the wealthiest though...like how much would buckingham palace go for sale for???

Niggers got a huge bump in fraudulent PPP loans then sent all that money back to jews buying fancy shit.

@sickburnbro i actually have to remember it means wallstreet journal, weekly shounen jump is the first thing that comes to mind

@sickburnbro @caekislove > "THIS ISNT WORKING"

for who? the people in charge seem pretty happy, even if nobody else is

Keep in mind the adjusted numbers are bullshit since gov manipulates the data to make things look better.

@DrBtc @caekislove that's why the important thing here isn't that they are showing an accurate number but are simply showing one which isn't entirely delusional.

oled tv in every room