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Damn, i was watching a bunch of crap.
It really doesn’t look good for Rakets.
And as it seems his marriage isn’t doing good either.
Who is looking after the 5 kids would be my Q?
Drugs, Alcohol, Sex parties, ozempic(?), AIDS ? And taking care of 5 kids?

Who knows, but what i know is, it doesn’t look good ffs

@Wyliesau I’ve seen this guy pop up here or there but I don’t know who he is or what he does.


It’s the falling apart of Mr. and Mrs. Rekieta.
If you don’t know about Nick then don’t bother.


Nick was the biggest YT Law streamer and superchat world record holder in 2021/22

It's too bad. He seemed like a good dude.


itsagundam and quartering praising nick's lifestyle.

when you decide to have FIVE CHILDREN, then your life isn't about you and your personal happiness anymore.
it's about duty and doing what's best for your children.

does he still go to church? why isn't his community doing something about him?

@mk @adam

Saw itsagunfam was live when i went to bed.
Going to watch it now .

@Wyliesau Ah, thanks - got it. Sucks about his marriage - I hate divorce.

@mk @adam

I already hate it, TheQartering is such a dishonest, grifting faggot, always jumping on the latest bandwagon to sell you some coffee or whatever.
He‘s just a fat POS

@mk @adam

Yeah but he is and always was true to himself and he is funny.
The Quartering on the other hand is like a flame in the wind.
He’s changing his stances on a daily. If greed had a face it would be Jeremy

I've been a rackets fan since the Maddox v. Dick Masterson lolsuit, and it's been sad seeing a decline. Every stream used to be a must-watch, and lately I haven't gotten around to seeing a lot of them.

It's easy to just say he's just a degenerate, but I can honestly empathize with him. As one stares long into the abyss, the abyss stares back.

Everyone has tough times, and tough times don't always look the way you'd expect. Sometimes they look fun in the moment. It isn't until later that you realize you're in a bed of snakes.

Back when he'd say wise things on his show, he said that there are seasons of life, and things sometimes aren't good and sometimes things aren't good for a long time. I hope he can eventually find his way out of the bed of snakes, because under it all he's a good guy.


I think it’s the scum he has befriended like Dick, Vito, Piggertits,STMS Aaron, Camelot etc…
the only thing they do and love is bringing people down and try to make a shekel or two on the way out.
Nick should cut ties with all of them or they will kill him.

@mk @adam

I used to like him, but i‘m sick of him, his a dishonest asshole.

@Wyliesau @Sophistifunk he moved in the soon to be ex-wife of another podcaster this week.

@Wyliesau @adam

00:34:06 "i don't think that telling dudes bone as many women as possible and than call women whores. i don't think that logically holds up."

objection compound: two arguments and not one.

1. "bone as many women as possible"
is a strawman-argument. that's not myrons position (have sex with at least 50 women)

2. "dudes[..]call women whores."
men and women aren't the same. males need to ensure paternity, females don't.

@mk @adam

Yeah …..
i don’t get why men fucking around with as many women as possible is any better than when women have a huge body count.
I never understood that logic.
Fresh&Fit are grifting of stupid girls exposing their stupidity.

I hate all of them.

@Truthy @Sophistifunk

You talking of Aaron‘s ex?
Yeah she was supposedly in the room with Nick on his last stream, or at least that’s what Aaron and KinoCasino are claiming.

I don’t know man, it’s all very degenerate

@Wyliesau @Sophistifunk I’m here for it😂

@Wyliesau @mk @adam


Nothing is equal.

But: IMHO male fucking around leads to alienation too.

@mk @adam

Whatever my dude, i‘m not obsessed with fucking around.
If you find the right woman you don’t have to anyway.
My great grandparents didn’t, my grandparents didn’t and my parents didn’t.

@Wyliesau @mk @adam Man-whoring is indeed bad form; but for different reasons than for women. A man’s responsibility is spiritual leadership; male promiscuity undermines their moral authority by making them hypocrites. If men don’t do it, women won’t either.
That being said, women are far more damaged from it, emotionally and psychologically.

@mk @adam

Yes i have, and ?
Is this an excuse for a disgusting body count?

Feel free, fuck around til your dick falls off, i give zero fuck about it.
Whatever makes you and your balls happy, i guess.

@mk @adam

As i said i have zero fucks to give about that, I DON‘T CARE.
Got it?

@mk @adam

If my opinion is irrelevant, then i would recommend you educate someone else since i don’t care.
Maybe talk to ZeeAssBee, i heard he’s a good listener.

@mk @Wyliesau @adam I’ve described the objectively real problem with man-sluts.
Every woman Genghis Khan deflowers is damaged goods - she’ll never cleave to her next man the same as she would had her virginity been spared.
It’s a spiritual problem that debases society as a whole.

@mk @adam

Done, thanks

@walkman @Wyliesau @adam

"He was not wealthy enough at any point to “keep” a mistress had he wanted one. And no one has found any evidence of any romantic entanglements, trysts, or love letters of any sexual nature."


@walkman @Wyliesau @adam

I'm talking about high-value-men... the top 20% of men women actually want.

the ability to accumulate excess resources is very important to become a high value man.

here're more requirements:

@mk @Wyliesau @adam

I do not believe in objective/subjective.

@mk @Wyliesau @adam

Mistresses are useless, it's only valuable if they reproduce widely with appropriate women (i.e. the harem approach fails).

@Wyliesau @mk @adam

All sheep are consenting.

@mk @Wyliesau @adam

Are those symbols objectively defined?

@mk @Wyliesau @adam

Carrot + petting = getting lucky in the far barn tonight.

@amerika @Wyliesau @adam


apple + apple == appleapple?

@mk @Wyliesau @adam

Same question in response.

@amerika @mk @adam

German Mario thinks he’s the cleverest.

@amerika @Wyliesau @adam

you're obviously too retarded to talk to.

yes. 2+2=4 and yes it's objective

it feels cold.

@mk @Wyliesau @adam

Subjective = understood within human minds, objective = existing outside of them.

Where do we find "2" in nature?

@mk @Wyliesau @adam

Hardly helpful to go down that path.

I think this discussion can lead to productive places...

...then again I'm a hardline nihilist and biological determinist, sooo...

@amerika @Wyliesau @adam

"I do not believe in objective/subjective."

"Subjective = understood within human minds, objective = existing outside of them."

good. you're believing now. i did my job.

no fuck off and play on the freeway.

@mk @Wyliesau @adam

No, you are the one who is believing; I am declining to share your beliefs.

I'm still wondering what happened back in May, 2022.....he's mentioned that "the worst day of his life" happened then. And it was only a couple months later that his degeneracy arc and deliberate mid-life crisis began.

@mk @Wyliesau @adam do you think having multiple women made them powerful or that they abused their power to satiety base desires?

@thatguyoverthere @Wyliesau @mk @adam

Probably biological: if you have the money/power, you will use it to reproduce more.

However most of them choose women unwisely.


@amerika @Wyliesau @mk @adam my point was more that its not a source of power on it's own.


@Humpleupagus @mk @Wyliesau @adam >he hasn't seen the DaVinci Code

Tom Hanks has been to Epstein Island. 😒

@Wyliesau Is this guy only (a Thing) because of the Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard Trial and Kyle Rittenhouse. Maybe he is just AI program and was never real🤔

@amerika @Wyliesau @mk @adam If mistresses were useless powerful men would not have one or several. Power is stressing and powerful men need recreation. If there was no women for powerful men they would break down.

@andreas @Wyliesau @mk @adam

Are they useful, or just being used to fill the void?

Many wives + many kids = one big happy family in my view, but that's different from having people for sex.

@Wyliesau who are these faggots?