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@sun breastfed?

@jeffcliff @sun
Do it!

Studies have found that raw milk contains the enzymes that prevent lactose intolerance; in other words, just not pasteurizing milk allows lactose intolerant “people” to drink it without issue.


I also want to point out how hard the propaganda is going against raw milk, it's almost obvious that it's beneficial based on how flimsy the logic behind the attacks on raw milk are.


Description of media attachment: a screenshot of a duckduckgo search—duckduckgo being no safer than google, generally—for “lactase in raw milk” with the first result being the link provided in the post and the second result being a propaganda smear piece attempting to claim that raw milk is dangerous with a blurb which is meant to inspire fear to thise unwilling to consider multiple sources of data and scrutinize the methodology of research.

@jeffcliff @fluffy @sun

Face it Jeff. You're a chicken, Chicken Little. 🐔💩🧬💉🧫🩼

@jeffcliff @sun
I appreciate your concern, it's very nice to see someone genuinely care so much about everyone and their health.

Some of us can be responsible, it's no different than gun safety and general mindfulness.

In terms of composite risk management we're assessing chance and severity then implementing mitigating measures.

The health benefits are worth discussing as are the over emphasized possible complications you estow.

Also, we knew bird flu thing a while ago, there's a schedule.

@jeffcliff @fluffy @sun bird flu is still not a big deal until it jumps outside of rare one-offs Not going to be.

@jeffcliff @fluffy @sun I wouldn't touch raw milk rn unless you want to drink vax juice.

NHS diagnosed me with bird flu at one point, no clue if the retards got it right for a change lol

@jeffcliff @BowsacNoodle @fluffy @sun Raw milk is delicious, we go to get it at a local market.


@jeffcliff @fluffy @BowsacNoodle @sun I have the least concern of viruses and bacterial infections.

I have a body and an immune system that has taken care of that for me for 2-ish decades now.

@jeffcliff @fluffy @BowsacNoodle @sun Tell me about it, every time I fall off a later it hurts like the Dickens! As far as sicknesses go, I'll be fine, short of ebola or something serious.

@jeffcliff @fluffy @BowsacNoodle @sun If it is as serious as COVID was then I'll take my chances 🤭

Raw milk is to good to give up

Why are you arguing with a woman?

@jeffcliff @fluffy @BowsacNoodle @sun I've had more (and I mean in orders of magnitude) people who came out completely fine than someone with any last negative consequences.

Unlike the vaccine. May be just coincidence, but still. I'll take them chances.

He's retarded, don't mind him

@jeffcliff @fluffy @BowsacNoodle @sun Hmm, if you say so Mr.Cliff. still aint giving up my lifestyle.

@jeffcliff @fluffy @BowsacNoodle @sun Daily, practically. Even ignored the lockdowns.

@jeffcliff @sun
Let's not conflate the governments with the private entities which decide these things; let's also distinguish between a psy-op and the real intentional inoculation of people with these influenza strains as part of some ill understood clandestine plan.

The best information I have is that the very serious H5N1 influenza strain—all influenza infections being potentially lethal—isn't being transmitted by raw milk.

I welcome more information on this matter, if you would share it.


@jeffcliff @sun

Let's take a look at this very early research.

Well, as I see it these methods are very flawed.

Allow me to explain my concerns.


The measurement of 7.33 log10 TCID50/ml is incredibly odd, it's basically at the limits of detection, I have no idea why they'd use the log10 range unless it was to skew results.

It's clear that they isolated the virus from the samples before the mice experiment.

Also, it proves intentional spread.

How to read this: the cows have all been inoculated with the same exact virus. This is explicitly described as being a single origin. All the cows throughout the infected areas across America were given the same virus inoculation within a very small window of time; this is an obvious intentional release. Here we see the cherry-picked NM#93 sample used to inoculate the mice. 7.13~7.33 log10 TCID50/ml may not mean anything to most people, but these numbers are very low in all reality. It's present but it should be made clear that the infection in the host cows is not severe. For comparison, antibody levels in milk from cows that have survived the infection (they all survive influenza, effectively) are typically in the range of five to ten times the detected levels we see here, and sometimes as high as fifty times especially immediately after infection. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2018.00052/full The amount of the sample orally administered to the mice is incredibly small. If the 7.13~7.33 log10 TCID50/ml influenza presence is accurate then the sample would have to have been an isolate. 3,000,000 plaque forming units would be just about the total 0.05 milliliters compared to the unaltered sample. This indicates that the mice were not given milk but instead given the isolated virus as a massive concentrated dose into their mouths.

@jeffcliff @sun
If you have a different interpretation of the data I would love to discuss that with you.

I'll have time to go over these things in more detail Wednesday afternoon, as today I'm rather busy enjoying my day off.

I hope you also have a nice day, and I look forward to your correspondence.

@jeffcliff @fluffy did they get it from a vaccine

@sun @jeffcliff
That's a possibility, now that you mention it.

I hadn't considered ineffective vaccines as a vector of transmission, I would have hoped dairy farmers would be careful of what they're giving their cattle.

Come to think of it, raw milk in my state is illegal except under very specific circumstances so I'm confident that the few instances where raw milk is accessible would have better cared for cattle.

I'll have to dig into their dataset when I have time.

@jeffcliff @fluffy this is again a situation where the FDA made all their interactions hostile up to this point

Just remember to cook your bear meat to temperature.


@thendrix @fluffy @jeffcliff @sun Worms no good no good

@jeffcliff @sun
Given situation wherein: the farmers' independence and self-determination in so much as they are exercising discretion with outside interference to their operations, it seems we reach different conclusions.

I understand the farmers' concerns after the massive mishandling of recent virological issues by the government; in contrast, you appear to trust the “government” (I'm guessing USDA?) to make correct decisions that will affect the totality of cattle if left unchecked.

@jeffcliff @sun
I'm sorry, I must be misunderstanding you.

I read your statement as to mean that not less than 63 herds of cattle in nine states to include the largest cattle (beef and milk) producing states in America need to be slaughtered.

At a more extensive interpretation you might mean all potentially connected cattle in these nine states, or even further.

Clearly I'm mistaken about your meaning and ask you to more clearly define what you mean by “mass culling.”

@jeffcliff @sun
I assert that your estimation of the virulence and mortality rate of H5N1 is inaccurate tantamount to negligent.

I simply cite every influenza outbreak in history, even the most deadly.

I acknowledge openly that the influenza virus has the croen in terms of human deaths by count for all factors on earth, but no event has halved human population.

@jeffcliff @sun
I'm unable to find data substantiating your claims.


Virulence is how communicable and how severe the virus is.

The influenza virus is indeed moderately virulent, “flu seasons” past saw massive 596.7 deaths per 100,000 population—but that's half a percent… not half of everyone.


There's a factor of one-hundred to the mortality rates you're trying to assert.

@jeffcliff @sun
I thought you new what the “H” and “N” stood for, that was an assumption on my part, I apologize for that.

Here's an informative video about why what you just said is patently incorrect.


@jeffcliff @sun
This paper is from 2008 and is an opinion piece.

Is there an updated or non-opinion paper that you'd like to source, instead?

Don't listen to RFK's true running mate telling you to eat bear steaks "blue to rare".

It took me a while to realize what you meant and when it hit I laughed out loud and confused everyone.

@jeffcliff @sun
Looks like it'll be an interesting read when it comes out.

Odd that they pandered so openly to the scientific cancer culture—I'm sorry, ‘cancel’ culture with the first sentence.

I'm sure the blurb of conclusion will align with your point of view even though analysis of the methodologies and results will not stand up to scrutiny which will come much too late.