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They did that because in that moment they weren't sure to be the winning side of the civil war, in fact many corps and units, both russian and foreign, on the White's side were allegedly bribed out of the fight.
We had seen something similar in Serbia, the Obrenovic dynasty would never let malevolent influences through, so (((they))) brutally couped it and replaced with the Karadjordevic pawns.
Check out Alexei's tutor story, definitely intriguing, if you can read between the lines or find decent sources (consider how the reds scrapped the most of it for obvious reasons).
Rumors imply that he was poisoned with a particularly rare blood disease, and in his early trips to Germany with his father he was perfectly healthy, until that swiss-french-jewish figure appeared at the Czar's court as the Imperial Heir's tutor.
Habsburgs Austria offered a stay for the Alexei in the Carinthian mountains (through the German Kaiser's office) but Stolypin assassination and the worsening crisis closed that window.
Russia was played like a fiddle by the very same powers that staged their two revolutions, the serb one, the Italian king's and Austrian Empress assassinations... and Nikola caused his own demise, for being a good hearted, but short sighted ruler, allowing far too many snakes into his circle.

> TL; DR: with jews everyone lose, kikes belong on the pikes.

RT: https://poa.st/objects/ccfcc305-72a4-487f-bad7-2fbc75e597c6

@InvictusManeo @Honkers "Forgive them father, they know not what they do." - Anastasia

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @Honkers Hurts.
Nikola was a good man, the "one in a billion" type of, surrounded by terrible figures that played him until the very end.

@InvictusManeo @Honkers I always thought it was funny how Stalin admired Ivan the Terrible.

@InvictusManeo @Honkers Generations of Hemophilia brought on by decades of noble inbreeding is partially what kneecapped the longevity of the Tsar's empire, unfortunately.

It's a manageable condition today, but back then something as trivial as a nosebleed could kill a person afflicted with the "royal disease."

@InvictusManeo @Honkers Blursed Russian image. ☦️

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @Honkers Young Alexei was reportedly "very healthy and full of energy" in his early trips to Germany with his father, according to the German court with whom Alexei spent his time while the Czar and the Kaiser met each other.
He was often tagging along his father in his trips, particularly in Germany, but also in Denmark and Bulgaria.
That is absolutely unlikely for a sick-from-birth kid.

Rumors suggest that he has been poisoned (injected, according to post-war German and Russian narratives) by his tutor, at around 8 years, by a french-swiss named pierre Gilliard, at a point many speculated that the swiss was in fact a francophone jew.
According to the period and the White's Guard, Gillard attempted to play both sides and ended up captured, but was later on allowed to go his way by the reds, for undisclosed motives.

@InvictusManeo @Honkers Well sure, it wasn't necessarily a death sentence. But back then incest / inbreeding was still a common, well documented practice amongst the aristocracy.

Charles II of Spain (one of the most inbred people in history) and his engorged progeria / decorative squash head is one such example. Guy was such a genetic monstrosity that he "repeatedly baffled Christendom by continuing to live."

@TheEternalAnglo @InvictusManeo @Honkers The end result of 200 years (16 generations) of inbreeding was Charles the II of Spain.

At age 4 he could barely walk and was still breastfeeding. At age 9 he couldn't read or write. He was completely bald at age 29, died at age 38 and his death led to the War of the Spanish secession, killing between 400,000 and 700,000.

I bet Charles II was an ultra based retard who would've posted bangers on Twitter all day if it existed (and he could read).

@Hoss @MelGibsonafter4Beers @Honkers @InvictusManeo He had the mind of an 8 year old up until his death. He would have absolutely been a redditor.

I feel like having the mind of a 15 year old is closer to prime reddit brain territory.

@TheEternalAnglo @Hoss @Honkers @InvictusManeo Aside from a few isolated cases (Whittaker family, Goeler Clan, Noble Families etc.) European descended peoples are actually the 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗶𝗻𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗱 racial group.

Take a wild guess at (((what group))) is actually the most incestuous.

@TheEternalAnglo @Hoss @Honkers @InvictusManeo Ashkenazi Jews are predisposed to Schizophrenia and a cavalcade of other heredity defects to boot.

It is why they keep multiple flocks of well maintained gentile elites to refresh their (very murky) gene pool. They'd be infertile, web-footed and riddled with Tay-Sachs / Down Syndrome if they exclusively bred among themselves.

Explains quite a lot of you ask me.

Don't forget Tay-Sachs, the genetic disorder that basically only afflicts jews.

Edit: I replied before reading your whole post.

@Hoss @Honkers @InvictusManeo @TheEternalAnglo Ashkenazis get Tay-Sachs while Sephardic Jews (10 percent ad-mixture of negro blood) get sickle cell, despite their claim that they are "one people."

Eustace Mullins "Biological Jew," is a very real thing, but I think that Hitler's observation about the Jewish people being a "race of the mind," is just as valid.

One of the very long term effects of the Northern European style nuclear family structure where the eldest son isn't guaranteed to get the inheritance is that people are constantly moving and so you're going to have the least amount of inbreeding possible for a population. To make it and become worthy of starting a nuclear family, men will leave their households, their neighborhoods, their cities, their provinces, even their countries, and start up new families, and so there's the highest likelihood for two people who start a nuclear family to be unrelated.

The worst family structure for inbreeding would be endogenous clan structure (multi family household and cousin marriage is allowed), since you're going to be part of a family that has been there for a long time and you'll be interacting with other families who have been there a long time. This would include orthodox Jewish civilization as well as Muslim civilization. Inbreeding starts immediately, and by design. Royalty is similar to this as well.

The next worst would be exogenous clan structure (multi family household and cousin marriage is not allowed) since you would be trying not to marry your cousins, but you'd still be tied to the local geography and so a few generations down the line you'd be mixing bloodlines whether you like it or not.

One important thing is that the world today only tends to think about one goal at a time, and the world isn't so simple. Inbreeding is one thing to be aware of, as well as levels of innovation and general economic prosperity (people point out the higher inherent wealth in sharing a household, but by staying where family is instead of going where opportunity lives, overall family wealth will improve), societal stability and others.

@InvictusManeo @Honkers There's an incredibly underrated movie where Gandalf plays Tsar Nikolas. He was a dead ringer for the role.

@sj_zero @Honkers @InvictusManeo @TheEternalAnglo @Hoss I'm of the opinion that inbreeding is bad under any circumstances, even when cousin marriages were a common thing (Charles Darwin, FDR, Thomas Jefferson, Grover Cleveland), people generally looked down on the practice.

@sj_zero @Honkers @InvictusManeo @TheEternalAnglo @Hoss The life of Charles ll of Spain was most accurately summarized by John Langdon-Davies: "We are dealing with a man who died of poisoning 200 years before he was born. If birth is a beginning, of no man was it more true to say that in the beginning was his end. 𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵, 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵."

@troubledturtle @sj_zero @Honkers @InvictusManeo @TheEternalAnglo @Hoss He looks like a white version of Squidward / Roger from American Dad, his giant progeria fivehead was 35 percent water.

>Hey Stan I ever tell you that Charles II of Spain was one of my personas? It's how I perfected acting retarded.

@Hoss @Honkers @InvictusManeo @TheEternalAnglo @sj_zero Roger would fit right in with the nobility due to being a hedonistic degenerate / sexual deviant.

@Hoss @Honkers @InvictusManeo @TheEternalAnglo @sj_zero It's a shame that American Dad is dismissed as Seth McFarlands other show, he may be a libtard but to his credit he's not afraid to "go there," with comedy.

"Oh Judeo-Christian false God," buahahaha.

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @sj_zero @Honkers @InvictusManeo @TheEternalAnglo @Hoss >need 7 funny dwarfs for my next hit indie film
>go look at map of dwarfism hotspots to go recruit
>find 7 dwarfs
>oops it was actually a map of cousin intermarriage rates

And for the remake in 30 years I'll be able to get dwarfs in Englandostan, much closer 💰 🎬

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @Hoss @Honkers @InvictusManeo @sj_zero Dangerously accurate representation of American geo-politics.

American Dad is utter garbage, but it has 2 of MacFarlane's better characters and some really funny jokes.

I guess he can get away with edgy political commentary on his "other show" where it won't hurt the ratings as much.

American Dad held up a lot longer than Family Guy did. Dunno how the latest seasons have faired though.

@TheEternalAnglo @Hoss @Honkers @InvictusManeo @sj_zero Haven't watched any of his shows in years but people who practice what they preach regarding "offensive comedy," are increasingly rare. I'll give him that.

@TheEternalAnglo @Hoss @Honkers @InvictusManeo @sj_zero > Mel Gibson hiding in the bushes.

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @Hoss @Honkers @InvictusManeo @sj_zero Haven't seen either show in over a decade, I can respect edgy comedians and writers, especially considering blue comedy is oversaturated with "soft edgy" comedians and writers doing rancid sex jokes nowadays.

@longshanks @Honkers @InvictusManeo @TheEternalAnglo @Hoss @sj_zero Imagine letting a dude who looks like an ingrown thumb convince you that you are entitled to sex.

Perhaps, Mr. Tate. But at least I ain't a nigger. Can't buy your way outta that one.

@Hoss @longshanks @Honkers @InvictusManeo @TheEternalAnglo @sj_zero As I've said before, dudes caught up in the overtly masturbatory cult of self improvement don't realize that Women are far more likely pick a balding, paunchy authoritarian like Tony Soprano over a Roided out "influencer," dork with a Twitter inflated ego.

Women pick men for stupid reasons
I give women a LOT to choose from

@s2208 @longshanks @Honkers @InvictusManeo @TheEternalAnglo @Hoss @sj_zero I'm just saying, no amount of faggoty "looksmaxxxing," will earn you respect.

@Hoss @longshanks @Honkers @InvictusManeo @TheEternalAnglo @sj_zero The Sopranos is a great series because it offers a genuine, in-depth look into the complexities of low-lives, criminals and sociopaths.

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @s2208 @longshanks @Honkers @InvictusManeo @TheEternalAnglo @Hoss @sj_zero No amount of looksmaxing can fix gollum-head or the Spanish Hapsburgs either. Tony Soprano mogs them in the looks department even as a balding, pudgy middle-aged man.

he’s not ugly. he’s not even mid. he’s a very handsome, manly man. yes he’s bald and yes he’s oval shaped, but he’s still handsomer than 70% of men. he has an excellent nose, jawline, excellent eyebrows. he’s Hollywood ugly, but that’s still handsome.

@s2208 @PoalackJokes88 @longshanks @Honkers @InvictusManeo @TheEternalAnglo @Hoss @sj_zero People say Benito Mussolini looks like a Gorilla as an insult, but I think being compared to the might / majesty of a silverback Gorilla is a compliment.

@PoalackJokes88 @s2208 @longshanks @Honkers @InvictusManeo @TheEternalAnglo @Hoss @sj_zero Again, he's an authoritarian personality that commands the respect of those around him. That goes a lot further than looks.

Tony is Mussolini pilled.

Both men and women fundamentally misunderstand both themselves and each other, I think.

There's big fat men who aren't rich who get with hot girls and even marry them (and have long happy marriages with them). There's big fat women who get with successful men and even marry them (and have long happy marriages with them).

According to the prevailing theories, these things simply shouldn't be possible, but they do happen. Because while undoubtedly there's a lot of tangible stuff in relationships such as looks and wealth, there's a lot intangible stuff as well.

As a counterpoint to the big fat men and women above, consider Hollywood movie stars and starlets, who have world class looks and overwhelming amounts of money, and even some intangibles like charisma, but often can't keep a relationship together.

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @longshanks @Honkers @InvictusManeo @TheEternalAnglo @Hoss @sj_zero I always wondered what Karl Pilkington would with his money once Gervais was done using him as a heel. Glad he's managed to find some success.

@longshanks @Honkers @InvictusManeo @TheEternalAnglo @Hoss @sj_zero

> Exterminate the homosexuals and Conservative influencers will vanish.

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @longshanks @Honkers @InvictusManeo @TheEternalAnglo @Hoss @sj_zero I'm friends with a young lad who idolises this mulatto clown

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @sj_zero @Honkers @InvictusManeo @TheEternalAnglo @Hoss I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately .jpg

Those two can star in a flick called Cum Hunters

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @longshanks @Honkers @TheEternalAnglo @Hoss @sj_zero TOTAL NIGGERS DEATH.
Including bastards halfbreed and rather useless uncle tom's, at this point, I'd rather to have robots picking cotton!