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Since the sektur is cleaning it selves over the past couple days, Manuel Chavez the third aka Defango did a pretty good Video (besides shitty audio) about the disappearance of Mama JF, the GF of JF Gariepy.
The ex co host of Andy Warski.

Oh Canada 🇨🇦



I am not familiar with this story. I also don't have the patience for Defango.
Thanks for thinking of me though! F Defango! Hope he doesn't kill his dog by feeding her pork ribs...

@Wyliesau @Zennagain

is the first minute of the video a veiled pitch for totalitarianism?

@perfect_brains @Wyliesau
I don't follow Manny anymore.

@perfect_brains @Wyliesau @Zennagain

At this point, totalitarianism is the future. You just have to decide which variety:

* Communist
* Fascist
* Mongol

Arguably totalitarianism is the present.

In spite of a veneer of liberalism, the government has more control over our lives and the world at Large than ever before. In many western liberal democratic countries the percent of GDP that represents government overwhelms the entire private economy. Much of that remaining so-called private economy is just crony capitalism -- the richest people on the planet all have strong ties to the government. People are pissed off at Elon Musk for buying twitter, but no one seems to remember that he's entire Fortune is based on government Payola -- his cars for years were built in a factory he was given for free and every one highly subsided both directly and indirectly, and the other part of his fortune is SpaceX which is almost exclusively government.

In 1900, the government made up 5 to 10% of GDP in most of these countries and most of them didn't even have an income tax. Today, blue collar workers can hit a 50% marginal tax rate, and in some countries over 60% of GDP is the government.

With examples such as the credit card companies silencing viewpoints the government doesn't like, or up in Canada the federal government directly ordering Banks to remove people's ability to use money, that's a level of authoritarianism that most authoritarian regimes throughout history didn't reach.

Part of the way that the veneer of liberalism can be maintained is because in the past authoritarian governments tended to be somewhat masculine and used direct coercive Force, whereas today authoritarianism tends to make more use of indirect methods and GSR, such as during the pandemic when the federal governments other than Trudeau's, didn't directly silence anyone from saying things that they didn't like, but they did end up exercising direct control over academia to end up making it appear that there was a consensus that didn't necessarily exist, and ended up using messaging campaigns to paint anyone who wasn't doing what they wanted as in opposition to civilized society which turned neighbors into the agents of the state, through active rallying which led to acts of shaming.

While it may appear that feminine authoritarianism is not authoritarianism, anyone who has lived under the iron fist wrapped in a velvet glove knows full well it is just as bad.

@sj_zero @amerika @Wyliesau @perfect_brains
Since Elon is not the only one using the system to his advantage, I'm still rooting for him. X has become much more useful now. It is still s huge advertising platform for political ideas. Now the silenced can fight back at least.

@Zennagain @sj_zero @amerika @Wyliesau @perfect_brains yeah right?

you know if you walk into a town hall you don't have to pay to enter it?

@Zennagain @sj_zero @Wyliesau @perfect_brains

Dunno. The recent round of bans/censorship at X suggests that it is not the solution at all.

@sj_zero @Wyliesau @Zennagain @perfect_brains

Plato notes that democracy always collapses into totalitarianism.

The Californians/Americans simply made it comfy totalitarianism.

@sj_zero @Wyliesau @Zennagain @perfect_brains

In democracy, appearances matter more than reality.

@amerika @Wyliesau @sj_zero @perfect_brains
Have fun by yourself on Gab. I'm talking about obviously positive changes. It is no where near like pre Elon days. I never had an account by I can recognize the platforms reach and usefulness.

@Zennagain @Wyliesau @sj_zero @perfect_brains

I agree network effects make big social more effective.

However, we also have to face reality... they are still banning people for not toeing the line.

One of the reasons that I pick on Elon is that many on the left want to use him as an example of private wealth being abused, while they ignore the fact that it was policies that they enacted that made him immensely wealthy. An overwhelming amount of his money came from selling crappy electric cars and government spacecraft paired with Federal reserve policy which cranked up the stock market to fund the massive government they wanted.

If I was a rich like him I can't say I'd do much different than he has.

@sj_zero @Wyliesau @Zennagain @perfect_brains

In the current economic environment, making money off government rules is the American Dream.

I think Elon does OK, but recent censorship on X shows me that we should not portray him as something he is not.

@sj_zero @Wyliesau @Zennagain @perfect_brains

We are seeing the same pattern we saw on old Twitter: outrage articles come out, then there is a wave of bans and censorship.

It's going to go the same way it did before.