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Ron Paul:

Killing human beings is not a human right. 💚

tell it to the niggers!

Seeing my son on the ultrasound changed everything. It was still really early on but that was a human being with arms and legs and a beating heart, moving around (actually jumping around in a way he still does today on occasion) made me realize what this "clump of cells" they were talking about was.

It's just science, it's right there. Can't deny reality if you're honest.

@Ryius Maybe I have been too harsh on Ron Paul.

@Ryius Very true. Abortions are literally the work of Satan and his (((followers))).

He's the only one I legitimately considered voting for at the time.

@Ryius "But how are you gonna get laid if you dont let women sacrifice their unborn to satan man?"

Abortion is a satanic sacrificial act. There is no other way to rationalize it other then satan denying life to the most innocent of the species that God looks on most favorably. The murder of babies must end!