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It's always projection with the Left's rhetoric:

HOW IT STARTED: (((Naomi Wolf))): Sarah ‘Evita’ Palin to Usher in Rovian Police State.

"'Please understand what you are looking at when you look at Sarah “Evita” Palin. You are looking at the designated muse of the coming American police state.

"'You have to understand how things work in a closing society in order to understand “Palin Power.” A gang or cabal seizes power, usually with an affable, weak figurehead at the fore. Then they will hold elections — but they will make sure that the election will be corrupted and that the next affable, weak figurehead is entirely in their control.

"—Wolf in the Huffington Post, as spotted by P.J. Gladnick of NewsBusters, September 22nd, 2008.

"How it’s going:

"'Dr Naomi Wolf @naomirwolf

"'As a former Democratic political consultant, it’s deeply embarrassing to me that the party’s best idea now for winning is to imprison the opposition leader.

"'12:10 PM · May 28, 2024'"

By Ed Driscoll who finishes noting the threats of civil war from the Left if Trump wins and in a "The Democrats Are a Cornered Animal" essay in _Red State by a Brandon Morse:

“Democrats are not the ‘lay down and accept their fate’ type. They don’t snap their fingers, brush themselves off, and say ‘We’ll just have to do better next year.’ They don’t lose, and if they lose there are consequences. Riots, destruction, and death have been a staple of leftists not getting their way."

AKA buy more ammo, especially with Alliant showing we're told a shortage of guncotton by causing them to cease sales of gunpowder to reloaders until further notice. It's owned by the same conglomerate that owns CCI, Federal, and Remington who make finished ammo, and who don't need well calibrated powder, they can adjust loads for each lot they make.

And this at the same time "Biden" is essentially forbidding all small arms and ammo exports to non-governmental customers.



I often wonder if Palin was as bad as people said back then. I've tried to go back and watch old interviews and campaign stuff, but it was mostly the same blank campaign rhetoric as every other candidate. She did finish both her terms in probably the most difficult to govern state in the US (due to size, geography and temperature; although the federal gov does handle a lot of it).

I think the big moments everyone piled onto with her was the Katie Couric interview where she couldn't mention any magazine she reads (people used this to say she was unread, but maybe she didn't want to admit to only reading Cosmo/Glamour and couldn't think of anything else on the spot), and also when she prayed in Wasilla Assembly God that God would help fund an oil pipeline.

I wrote this back in 2008: https://battlepenguin.com/politics/hoping-for-the-apocalypse/

Holy shit you need a life

@djsumdog @ThatWouldBeTelling John McCain did more to sabotage Sarah Palin by running such a shitty campaign, than she ever did to sabotage herself.

Also SNL with that dumb "I can see Russia from my backyard" shit or w/e, didn't help.

It's funny that a lot of people think she actually said that, when it was Tina Fey's bit.

Isn't it incredible, folks? Tina Fey and Sarah Palin – sometimes you can't tell them apart! Tina did her impression, and let me tell you, it was good, very good. But it's unbelievable how the media and the left used it to try to make Sarah look not smart. Sarah Palin, a terrific woman, a fantastic leader, was treated so unfairly. And Tina Fey? She made a career out of it! It's a classic example of how the Fake News and Hollywood elites team up to mock and belittle real talent and conservative voices. Always remember, they can imitate, but they can't duplicate! We know the truth! #FakeNews #LiberalHollywood

@BlinkRape "John McCain did more to sabotage Sarah Palin by running such a shitty campaign, than she ever did to sabotage herself."

That's the alpha and omega of Palin as a VP candidate, starting with McCain retaining Steve Schmidt who hated Palin and today Trump.

Schmidt and the people under him deliberately sabotaged her (and no one from McCain on down wanted to go down in history as defeating the first negro Presidential nominee).

That Katie Couric interview @djsumdog brought up? It was done entirely to help Couric's faltering career. You don't put what are theoretically your own people in the hands of such enemies.

See also the preceding MSM interview which went through three released versions as it was successively edited to make her look like an idiot. We're talking things like being asked a question then four paragraphs of discussion removed to have her answer something different.

(Yes, you don't hate the media enough.)

That Palin "couldn't mention any [newspaper as well as] magazine she reads" was a classic trick question she rightly refused to answer, because it would be followed by one or more "what did you think about X article" which at the time she was certainly too busy to have read as a matter of statistics.

It would be a lot better to take a step back and ponder how the US political establishment/Deep State reacts to people they haven't suborned like Palin, who at the time was fighting the entire extremely corrupt Alaskan political establishment, and for more than a decade Trump.

Before then see Gingrich, a freaking history professor who wrote his own books; for one they attacked him on, with the help of top notch right of center SF author David Drake, I read it in part because of that and it was the real thing.

Trump was viewed as enough of a threat that Obama himself "roasted" him in 2011 which many people think was the moment Trump decided to seriously run for President.


@djsumdog @BlinkRape Another hit job, although not one that could have been directly prevented by the campaign.

It was based on Palin pointing out "governor of Alaska" is inherently a foreign policy position if you're serious about the job because it's so close to Russia. To illustrate that, she noted on a good day you can literally see a Russian island from the furthest western US one in the chain that goes west of the mainland (as you might recall "Seward's Folly" was buying Alaska from Imperial Russia in 1867).

It still should have merited a reply that would attempted to put Tina Fey in her place, but as mentioned the entire campaign was conspiring against Palin, and going through the motions once Obama beat Hillary.